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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. That guy was nuts. I remember when he got into a car chase with the cops; pulled over and jumped out and started shooting at them. Later on, he claimed that the police were shooting at him first and he had no idea who was doing it so he had to fire back. I think he even threatened to sue the police over it. I'm amazed he made it to 35.

  2. This was just sent out to Don Ross' email listserv. If I were in Montreal, I'd be there:

    Hello fellow travelers,

    I'm in Montreal tonight as special guest of the fabulous PEI singer/songwriter Brooke Miller:


    You can listen to some complete mp3's of Brooke's work at her site, including some new recordings that we've demo'd at my own studio.

    I'll be doing some solo stuff and playing some tunes along with Brooke.

    Come down and bring your friends. Show starts at 8 pm.

    The Yellow Door

    3625 Aylmer

    Montreal, QC, Canada


    (514) 398-6243


    See you there!


    Don Ross




    Gobyfishworld mailing list



  3. Update:

    I went all yesterday without antihistamines, as a result of comments by some of you including RayRay. I was in pretty good shape until around midnight when I broke down and took one. I plan not to take anything for as long as I can go, again.

    I'm determined to keep this puppy!

  4. The fact is that Noam Chomsky has been trying to get a similar message out for 4 or 5 decades. He's written an untold number of books, recorded tapes/CDs and produced films.

    The average Americans that he needs to reach are simply not intelligent enough to read/listen to/watch Chomsky; or at least that is my presumption. Otherwise, if I am wrong in that presumption, it must be that they are simply disinclined.

    Without someone like Michael Moore to "dumb down" the message, it will never get out. Of course I would prefer that everyone read Chomsky, however, I am willing to take Michael Moore as the most viable option in light of the prevailing sub-standard intelligence that seems to predominate.

  5. Awesome news Dave-O! Based on your recommendation, I plan to speak to the friendly people at Gaia Gardens in Vancouver about Adrisin. (Those people know everything about homeopathic meds.)

    You guys are all making me really optimistic!

    J-Roc: I already know what to do if my dog eats weed. I just throw on some Bob Marley, turn on my lava lamp, and the dog and I bake out.

  6. I have never gotten over the fact that an old roommate of mine once saw Peter Tosh open for the Police in Toronto at the "Police Picnic". I think it was like 1984. (When did Tosh die?)

    I know I was living in Toronto at the time. I'm sure I was old enough to get on a subway; with or without parental permission. Where the hell was I when that show was going on?!?

  7. I honestly had no idea that most people couldn't name Jewish holidays other than Chanuka. (Relatively speaking, compared to many others Chanuka's not even a really important holiday in the Jewish calendar, but I guess it's sort of "high profile".)

    Sorry about that. No offense intended. ;)

  8. That was unbelievable!

    It missed my first word after one try, but got it on the second. It guessed both of the next two words I thought of on the first try, and I honestly did not see how it possibly had enough information to do that based on the questions and answers.

    I am truly amazed. ::

  9. I'm "fostering" a puppy and am pleased.

    But each day she has been here I've sneezed!

    To adopt her I hope

    But must take allergy-dope

    And even so periodically I've wheezed. :(

    I'm optimistic my allergies will go 'way.

    Or calm down allowing me a normal day.

    I will persevere.

    Trying to keep her here.

    So that permanently with me she'll stay. :)

  10. When I was young I was given allergy shots, but they don't seem to have really worked. I am currently taking antihistamines every day, but my girlfriend has made it clear that I am not going to be allowed to do that every day for the life of this dog. (Or my life, whichever ends first.) I will definitely talk to an allergist about that, but I suspect they will say, "What are you stupid? Get rid of the puppy and get a hypo-allergenic dog."

  11. My girlfriend and I have been fostering a 7-month-old puppy from our local animal shelter.

    We have her because she was found in Mt. Currie, BC with a broken leg from being hit by a car and was brought in to Whistler's animal shelter. My girlfriend is a physiotherapist, so we have her to do some rehab work on her leg. She has never lived in a home before, having been born "in the wild", but is adjusting well to being a pet. She had an eye-infection when she was found, mange, and was nearly starved. Now she looks great.

    I have grown pretty attached to her, and want to adopt her, but, I have a problem. It took me most of a week to admit it, but I'm allergic to this puppy. I can't get a good night's sleep with her here, and my eyes periodically puff up and I get other flu-like symptoms.

    I used to also be allergic to cats, but after living with a number of cats (one of whom inspired a smash-hit-song by The Tummies) my allergies went away. I am hoping this might also happen with this puppy.

    Has anyone else ever had allergies to dogs that went away after living with a dog for some time? If anyone has tried this without success, I would appreciate hearing from them as well.

    I really want to keep this dog, but the current situation is really unbearable, and I might have to return her to the animal shelter when her leg is back in shape. :(

  12. Some take the bible

    For what it's worth

    When it says that the meek

    Shall inherit the Earth

    Well, I heard that some sheik

    Has bought New Jersey last week

    'N you suckers ain't gettin' nothin'

    Is Hare Rama really wrong

    If you wander around

    With a napkin on

    With a bell on a stick

    An' your hair is all gone . . .

    (The geek shall inherit nothin')

    You say yer life's a bum deal

    'N yer up against the wall . . .

    Well, people, you ain't even got no kinda

    Deal at all

    'Cause what they do

    In Washington

    They just takes care of NUMBER ONE

    An' NUMBER ONE ain't YOU

    You ain't even NUMBER TWO

    Those Jesus Freaks

    Well, they're friendly but

    The sh!t they believe

    Has got their minds all shut

    An' they don't even care

    When the church takes a cut

    Ain't it bleak when you got so much nothin'

    (So whaddya do? Hey!)

    Eat that pork

    Eat that ham

    Laugh till ya choke

    On Billy Graham

    Moses, Aaron 'n Abraham . . .

    They're all a waste of time

    'N it's your ass that's on the line


    Do what you wanna

    Do what you will

    Just don't mess up

    Your neighbour's thrill

    'N when you pay the bill

    Kindly leave a little tip

    And help the next poor sucker

    On his one way trip . . .


    (Aw gimme a half a dozen for the hotel room!)

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