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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. The Dr. once did me a kind favour, and came all the way to Toronto to play an impromptu show for a public running race my wife was organizing. (Apparently she was supposed "hire a band" - with no budget for musicians or a soundsystem, no input from anyone involved, and plenty of people willing to complain.)

    He did it when asked at the last minute, for free, and rawked High Park hard.

    Go see him, for sure.

  2. Yep.

    DoY did the odd cover, too, including Them's "Gloria" almost every time they hit Ottawa.

    They had four CDs of original songs (sometimes the same song appeared on more than one disc, and one CD came out years after they broke up with only a few promo songs) and they also had an old cassette. (There was also at least one live cassette, too, called "Liv" - with a horizontal line over the "i", which I believe was also recorded in Ottawa, but I am literally remembering back decades, so it's a bit foggy.)

  3. It's next Friday at 9:30 pm. The details are here:


    I understand people can go to the show in the studio. (Maybe you need to know people to be asked, but I was offered the chance, and just can't go.)

    Now .... Longbottom! Interesting turn-of-topic here ... I'd love to see you guys play again. At the very least, would it be possible to hear an old recording? As I recall, you guys never had even had a cassette for sale at your shows, let alone a disc, and I'd love to hear those tunes again.

  4. The large judgments you've heard of (which are very rarely in the millions in this country) are never for material damage to a vehicle. General damages for "pain and suffering", etc, is based on caselaw, and the Supreme Court of Canada put a cap on these at around 300 grand years ago in a "trilogy" of cases.

    The rest of damages are usually for income loss (past, present, future), special damages (out of pocket), medical/care costs incurred, and future care costs.

    YATS, you make a good observation, though. Many judgments in such cases include the phrase, "In any such case, we are essentially forced to look into a crystal ball to assess future losses, which is inherently speculative, but in any event that is what we must do...."

  5. There are so many misconceptions in this thread, it's hard to know where to begin, but I'll clarify two things:

    1. There is a big difference between being "convicted" of a crime (as seems to be mentioned here) and being found liable civilly.

    2. There are very good reasons for vicarious liability in a commercial host situation. It is worth noting that similar liability has been found not to attach in a social host situation. Read the caselaw on this. It's all available online. You may change your mind, when you consider it from the perspective of an innocent person hit by a drunk driver who was plied with drinks in a bar long after he was clearly intoxicated, and whose judgment was thereby definitively suspect. If the only person who could be liable is the driver, and they had no insurance, and this was an injured party you knew - I suspect many people here would feel differently.

    I could go on forever on the law surrounding this, as it is judge-made law that developed incrementally over the past decade or so, but I think it suffices to say there are many misconceptions here. Things are rarely black and white.

  6. Police in Barrie, Ontario recently arrested a 41-year old man after he began pushing a snow-blower in the middle of a highway while intoxicated.

    The man wandered into a major intersection in Barrie at rush hour. As cars whizzed by him, he pushed a snow blower in front of him, creating piles of snow. After nearly getting hit by passing cars several times, a police officer spotted him, pulled over and arrested him, according to the Toronto Star. He has been charged with public intoxication.

    Lucky for him the snow blower was a push model: a ride-on would have landed him a drunk driving charge.

    -Natalie Fraser

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