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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. Isn't there a chance that all the spending in Vancouver kept a lot of people working? A glance at the Cultural Olympiad makes it look like a lot of artists are making a few bucks off this too.

    The Olympics are an investment in sports and health promotion, culture, and international relations.

    Of course if the Olympics weren't happening in Vancouver the Harper Gov't would be going on a social service spending spree, right? Yeah, right!

    It looks like the Olympics are proof that people love to complain.

    Also, I urge you to be on a lookout for corporate advertisements at the games. I think you'll notice the boards surprisingly barren.

    All this is obvious. People are just jealous.

    I'd be there if it was feasible.

  2. What makes you post that little-animation-thing regarding Toyota?

    Other than a Smart Car, I've only driven Toyotas (3 different ones) for the last 12 years, and I've loved them all.

    Did you post that because of the recalls? It seems they're treating their customers quite well with that, as they're replacing parts for free.

    Is there something about Toyota's customer service record I don't know?

  3. There were some years of the F250 with serious recalls. If you're thinking a Ford F250, you have to be careful which year you buy. Google some info on the recalled years, or ideally get the new one that is about to come out.

  4. I have a client that needs a task done in Kitchener. They are a non-profit organization and they have very little in the way of resources so they need to keep costs down.

    The task they need done would normally be performed by a trained person who does this for a living, but in this case the client would really like to save money and hire any person in Kitchener to do this. (It is actually a series of tasks over time, with pay each time, and doesn't really require much specialized skill, and I could explain what to do.)

    The client is also an extremely worthy cause. (I guess I am sort of a "volunteer" for it, myself, in that I do work for them pro bono.)

    If anyone is interested please PT me.


  5. You know, I am thinking this is real, and I could possibly hire Dean Ween/Mickey Moist to take me fishing in Pennsylvania for 300 bucks.

    Do you think that a fishing-rod, strung properly, could also double as an erhu? I imagine I could subtly sneak an instrument on board that way, and casually suggest Dean play me a solo on it.

    (Yes. I am operating on the presumption he could figure out how to play an erhu. How hard can one string be?)

  6. This is what I don't get. You go to a show at a bar and it starts at around 11:00 and no one complains. You get your drink on and then rock out until 2:00am. Everyone is happy.

    GNR starts at 11:00 and everyone complains' date=' why? Its not like it should be a surprise to anyone. No offense Ollie, but if you went to the show for 8 and stood there for 3 hours complaining, I'd have to say you kind of asked for it. If anyone read the news or followed it even slightly they'd know not to bother showing up until 10:00. It's not rocket appliances people!!![/quote']

    I believe there's a drink curfew at the ACC, plus, if the ticket tells you when the show starts, normally you plan your evening around this. Also, this concert was on a "school night", so rolling home after 2am kinda sucks. Then again, Axl has a history of being erratic, so folks at the concert shouldn't be too shocked by the delayed start time.

    How do you know everyone is happy to watch a band until 2am on a weeknight? I am not, and I skip those shows, as I have done for most of my adult-life. There are bigger priorities than seeing live music.

    On the other hand, I know that if a show is at a huge venue it starts and ends earlier. Given that knowledge, I may choose to go out on a weeknight. If that deal is broken by the artist or venue, I have a right to be annoyed.

    While I applaud your willingness to skip school, some of us have careers and clients. Our lives do not lend themselves to flagrant irresponsibility, for the sake of seeing some people play music.

    I really didn't think this was that complex of an idea, but apparently it is. (Jaimoe seems to get it.)

  7. My room mate went to the London show on Monday. They didn`t start til after 11. He didn`t like it at all. Bunch of shit guitar with Axl screaming all night. He wasn`t aware he wasn`t getting a free ticket when he agreed to go so he was extra disappointed in the show, having paid $90.

    Thanks backbacon. Your comments are duly noted.

    Patchoulia and I? GnR? Out!

    To Axl: You just aren't that important. Remember that.

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