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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Oh, and they will be doing a lot more in the near future; which I expect will involve a tour.
  2. Yep, that's a crazy story. Do you know about how he and Crosby were reunited after their whole lives apart, and how his son had no idea that his Dad was a musician, but was also a professional musician anyway, and the story gets cooler and cooler...
  3. This is a guy that more people need to know about. I saw him play on the island of Bonaire recently, and he is incredible live. He was playing with a band called Sugaro (a world-class band which hasn't really existed since 1998, but will probably play gigs twice a year on Bonaire) and I also saw him do a lounge-type act with a local Bonairean (former member of Sugaro) named "Moogie". It turns out he's played with Phil and Friends, and Crosby Stills and Nash, and Ray Charles (among many other gigs). Check out his website at http://www.pevar.com Also, does anyone have access to the Phil and Friends run from NYC at the Beacon Theatre in 2000? Those are the shows where he played, and I'd love to hear those. (BTW, he's also a beautiful human being to meet in person.)
  4. So, does anyone know who showed up as part of the "wide repertoir (sic.) of music"?
  5. What's the Thornhill Festival?
  6. I had exactly that situation when the CRA called me to talk about my taxes. They wanted to ask all kinds of questions to confirm my identity. I said, "But you phoned me." Eventually, we agreed to disagree, and since I wouldn't answer their questions, they wouldn't discuss my taxes with me. I then phoned them back on my schedule to find out what the problem was (which, luckily, turned out to be nothing). I wouldn't "confirm" my identity by giving out personal information to someone who phones me; never.
  7. Well, it turns out it was too early for me. I would have had to rush to make it, and didn't want to bother. Very lame of The Phoenix, in my opinion.
  8. Okay, then; what time should this actually start? I could still be there; easily.
  9. I hate that. Between that policy, and the 22.50 (plus, plus, plus) ticket cost, I may just skip this. 50 bucks for me and Lassie to get shuffled in and out of a bar as fast as possible, is just rude.
  10. Actually, I just looked at The Phoenix website, and it says that doors open tonight at 6 pm! Is that for real, or are they just trying to entice people into the bar 5 hours early to buy drinks? (As a non-drinker that is so annoying to me.) Does anyone know the real deal with The Phoenix? Is this one of those lame situations where they try to get a good band in and out as soon as possible, in order to put on horrible music for a completely "different" crowd starting at a normal time? Anyone?
  11. I like their sound, myself. They're here all the way from Down Under, and I've already missed their shows in the past. I'll probably swing by.
  12. There is really no way to completely protect yourself, actually. There are actual machines, IN STORES that can record your number and the PIN you entered (although I would doubt you'd find them at a large chain, but you never know who owns the specific franchise). From those data, it is simple enough to produce a new card and use it.
  13. So, who else saw the movie on opening night, last night? Lassie and I went, and it was HILARIOUS!
  14. Garaj is playing Vancouver on New Years, c-towns.
  15. How much were they? I expct I'll see ya there!
  16. I just read this, after replying to your PT. Now I see what's going on. Too bad, really. Certainly no hard feelings. I'm friends with both of BC's jammy promoters, and the independent guy who sponsored Bonfire Fest is an old friend. I'm not choosing sides. On the upside, weirdness on the Upstream board might just cause this little board to gain more popularity...
  17. Maybe because it's no one's business, if Jimmy has a medical condition, and maybe a $380.00 fine, paid and dealt with, was a reasonable inconvenience for someone with multiple millions, such that he'd rather pay it and just get on with his life? Morons.
  18. ... and what if Pork Tornado made a surprise appearance? Oy Gavolt!
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