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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Now ya tell me! I plan to be back for Bonfire next year, anyway, so if you don't happen to make it east before then, we will meet next August. Do you work for CHLY? Coolest station I've come across in a long time, and given that I normally listen to it while visiting my wife's parents in the ultra-boring berg of Qualicum Beach, it seems extra strikingly cool.
  2. Garaj Mahal at the Hume Hotel - Nelson, B.C. January 3, 2007
  3. ...only if it took 3 years and one month to do so.
  4. You were at Bonfire? Why didn't I meet you? Now I'm offended.
  5. Is there a single political system, universally regarded as "democracy"?
  6. I have many friends who have lived there for years at a time, and know the odd person who currently lives there. I also knew some guys born and raised in the Slocan Valley. Beautiful place, and some cool people. Howler from this board lived there for a while. I'm also aware that Ty West, a great musician, lives there at the moment and you may just want to email him www.tywest.ca . He's a very friendly guy, and a great musician. (If I were going to Nelson, I'd call him for sure. You're certainly welcome to tell him that I suggested you email.)
  7. Yes! I've wanted to see the D for years.
  8. Thanks for the invitation rodent. I will keep my eye on BNB posts over the next month, for sure...
  9. hahahaha I doubt it. I didn't even put it on my calendar when I figured out where Collingwood really was. When is it, though? I do love jackfruit.
  10. It was specifically that line about the world in 20 years that I thought was from the early-80s. (That being said, I can't really remember what I ate for breakfast today, so don't go by me...)
  11. Hey, wait a minute. I think I was there. Was that with Sting opening?
  12. Really? '92? If it's guaranteed, I guess it's guaranteed. I swear I thought that line was from the early '80s.
  13. That quote is definitely from a much earlier show than that. I can't recall exactly, but it was pre-1990 for sure (unless it happened again in Buffalo that year). I almost made it to Buffalo, BTW, which was the show right after Foxborough. Let's just say that things went somewhat awry between Massachusetts and New York, and I was not exactly "at liberty" to get to Buffalo the next day. 'Nuff said.
  14. I was once at a Dead show (Foxborough 1990) when the stands completely emptied onto the floor, crushing all of us who actually had floor tickets. My (then) girlfriend and I adopted the practice of closing our eyes while we danced, pretending we were really "out of it", and danced using a lot of kicking and elbowing. We managed to get a pretty good radius around us with no people there at all. lol
  15. That's right, the Aussie boys are returning. Thursday, October 26, 2006 - Commodore Ballroom Be there.
  16. Afro, you were there? I'm guessing that I know exactly who you are, then, obviously being the good looking tall gentleman with the fabulous hair, who I saw boogying at the back and later on the dance-floor. I was aware that it could be you, but I felt silly walking up to a random person to say, "Afro Poppa?" Next time, though, now that I know it was you.
  17. ss, I must admit that I probably wouldn't recognize you, either. Soon, though, I will know all the "local skanks". I'll be around from now on.
  18. Well, well, well... I may finally see this band. What's Skratch Bastid like?
  19. There are privately booked gigs going on, still. It's not really a club anymore, as I understand it, but I believe that anyone can rent the room, and put on an event. The condos are coming though. It was sold to a developer. Done deal.
  20. Just wanted to bump this post, and seriously encourage you all to check out www.pevar.com . Email him, too. He's the friendliest guy you'll ever meet, and he'd love to hear you're interested (especially if you've ever seen him live, with Phil and Friends or otherwise).
  21. That was some fun stuff. I hadn't seen that band play in at least a decade. Still got it; for sure!
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