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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Hey, thanks for this reminder and bringing back this thread, Ollie. Get clicking people.
  2. This is not rocket-science... The closer the music is to the above ... the gayer. The further away it is ... the less-gay.
  3. I highly recommend making a CD of one of your shows, and handing it out at gigs (yours or other bands'). Print on the CD the name of the show, but also "Please burn copies of this disc for your friends." You may be surprised how quickly those discs proliferate (if the toonz are good).
  4. Memory? What are you talking about? I haven't posted anything on this board all day. Or ... wait ... did I?
  5. I remember a little anecdote. A few years ago on Halloween, nero. played Vancouver, and Lassie dressed all the members up like animals (a la Spinal Tap). Hey, I sure hope the article included a little section devoted to Jay's obscure dwarf fetish.
  6. That is some help, actually. It sounds like a show that'll end by midnight. Something to consider...
  7. Okay, well maybe this is one of those times that I'll be glad about the Phoenix's policies. Will this be an early show, starting and ending early? (On weekends I don't dig that too much, but if that's what the Phoenix show will be like tomorrow, I might go. If it's a late show though, I'd have to skip it, being a weekday.) Anyone know?
  8. Sounds like time to purchase a couple dozen black light-bulbs BB.
  9. Oh, I think you misunderstood. I meant you and I should "do" BNB (only with their consent of course; 'cause "no" means no).
  10. Well, then. That is a simpler solution, isn't it? I think I may just DL some DBT to my new work computer, right now... Hey Brad, any plans to get to Toronto ever?
  11. Okay, you don't have to twist my arm; guys. I'll save your band and be your new lead singer. Just call me.
  12. I could go for hearing some DBT, seeing how I've never heard them before.
  13. I knew that would be the next question, actually ... aka The Poorperson's Copyright. If you do that, what you've done is created really good evidence that you held the earliest copy of a work. That would be a great piece of evidence to bring to a hearing if someone else claimed copyright over your work. And, re the intrajurisdictional thing ... I am actually practicing here, now, but I can't give legal advice on a general set of comments. I need very specific facts, and I would never do anything like that here. Instead, however, I am willing to convey trite legal principles, but with the understanding that if a person has an actual legal problem, they cannot rely on a quick online public post as advice on their very specific problem. (Dumbass.)
  14. That, of course, is the practical problem to policing your copyright. If you have no resources and someone infringes your copyright, it's hard to take them to court. If you actually register your copyright with the Copyright Office, though, then there is a presumption that you hold the copyright, unless someone proves otherwise. Now, again, the corollary to that (and this would be a real nightmare for Doug Feaver) is that someone else could actually register copyright in your (copyrighted) work. At that point, there would be a legal presumption that they held copyright in the work, unless you can show that you created the work and didn't transfer ownership of the copyright to them. So, the point is that Doug Feaver has practically as much concern over his work being stolen, despite the fact that he holds copyright, as he would if he did not; if he does not register his copyright with CIPO. Oh, and my disclaimer that amuses many of you so much... The above is not legal advice. If you need legal advice, contact a duly qualified lawyer in your jurisdiction.
  15. My favourite nero. thing has to be the stickers, such as the one that the band stuck on my CD cabinet which remains there to this day, that read: NE OR Brilliant.
  16. I bought a house. (I guess that was yesterday, or at least that's when our offer was accepted, so maybe we haven't technically bought it yet.)
  17. I must admit I haven't committed to buying a ticket yet, mainly because of the 70 bucks per pair (likely plus service charges, etc.) especially because it's on a weeknight. I'm going to see how I feel about going that day, and then buy tickets if I want to go. (15 bucks less per ticket, I would have just bought them right away; so I agree with you for sure.)
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