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Posts posted by livingstoned

  1. MARACATU NUNCA ANTES are amazing!! I need to find 10 bucks to go. Somehow I'll make it :D

    Hope To see U there Carrie!! (sp??)

    Definitely heard good things about Maracatu Nunca Antes - will try to make it out!!! (and you got the spelling right ;) )

    oh and thanks for all the info people!!

  2. haha - hijack - but speaking of Talking Heads if anyone caught Weeds last night I giggled - anyone else catch it when Celia was walking away and said "this is not my life" and her husbands yells.... "same as it ever was"

    ah well if I'm gonna miss most of Lost due to my night class at least I still have Weeds! Also digging the show right after Weeds "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

    anyway back to Lost - carry on!

  3. I wish I could make this party! Booo....MamaPink looks like you guys had a hand in organization - if so perhaps next time you could try to book "My Arms Are Lasers" I'd drop everything and head out for that! :P

    afterall aren't we back up vocals or are we still just laser groupies???

  4. so I missed the first 20 minutes and perhaps I missed the last bit last season becasue I have NO IDEA WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON. And to top if off I forgot about my Wednesday addiction and registered for a part time class on Wednesday's 7pm until 10pm. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  5. I am worried about theft as well and wondering how to prevent it. While most of Toronto is succeptible to bike theft, The Annex, where I live, is notorious for bikes dissapearing.

    I've been told to "uglify" my bike in order to make it less desirable, however I've had some other friends that told me it doesn't make a difference. Any thoughts on how to "uglify"? Is it even worth it?

    my bike was just stolen and it was pretty unattractive from what I understand - to me it was a bike - it was bright yellow and heavy as f*ck BUT it was my bike. Apparently it wasn't locked properly which I wasn't aware of but in any case it's gone and eventhough I haven't been on it in ages and I unfortunatly commute to Markham to work so I didn't rely on it as a means of transportation it still sucks because since its been gone (only one week) 6 things have come up where I think hmm I'll bike...that thought hasn't crossed my mind in ages but of course now that it's not there I miss it :(

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