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Posts posted by livingstoned

  1. This day is surely going a little slow but what makes it all better is that today is my Friday. My office is sending me to a spa for the day tomorrow! Sweet way to kick off the weekend.


    My day is going rather slow although there was a point when it was looking up as we had a staff bbq lunch. However the spread of food and the glutton in me made for an afternoon of complete misery - I feel as though I am about to blow up - I have this problem where when food is free or buffet style I tend to gorge myself.

    For instance I don't have a sweet tooth at all don't crave sweets can easily pass them up when offered except at work when its free - so first I started with a burger AND dog, potato salad, pasta salad - full plate then once plate was clean I proceeded to go back for seconds of the pasta salad and added ceasar salad and potato chips that I missed because my plate was full the first time. Lunch was over and all the left overs were in the kitchen so I took a bowl and grabbed more chips for my desk. Then not to pass up the opportunity to miss out on free food I get a piece of strawberry short cake to have at my desk for 'later' BUT I DON'T EVEN LIKE SWEETS - now sweets are good but I don't crave them or ever feel the need to eat them so WHY did I NEED that piece and worse why did I EAT it when I was already about to explode.

    Point being my afternoon has been a long uncomforable self inflicted miserable one.

    I do 100% feel as though I am about to explode!

    Hope I can keep together here so I can do it all again next time :P

  2. its also Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market this sunday - not sure if that's been posted already but always a good time, music in the streets and whatnot - unfortunately I couldn't find any particular details pertaining to events/music/activities for this week (it says info coming soon)nevertheless its always good time.


    Pedestrian Sundays in Kensington Market

    Community - Culture - Ecology

    May 28th, June 25th, July 30th, August 13th, August 27th, September 24th & October 29th, 2006

    1 - 7 pm (10pm on North Augusta)

    *-* See you in the streets!! *-*

  3. so where's everyone going after harbourfront?

    Beaches Jazz Festival is on this weekend all free and usually much less packed than Saturday that's a definite good time also:

    Muzo is playing a free show at Clinton's - know nothing about Muzo myself but heard rumblings of people heading there after and that I would not be disappointed - good times - someone else can chime in here and give the low down.


    ps. c-towns - I didnt' see your glasses as of yet but I will keep my eye opened perhaps Large Marge or Cully can be on the look out as well for the missing pair of black light sunglasses...

  4. What time is early Carrie? I'm hoping Curly Kayte will be coming but she's also moving the next day so she might be concentrating on the packing. I'll see if I can talk her into it though!

    festivities start whenever you arrive - whatever works for you - you can come at 10am if you like :)

    well I did get a 'definite' from Kayte to which I will hold her to.

    woohoo this night has all the ingredients to be one helluva good night friends/music/fun/b-days

  5. Unfortunately my band is no more :(


    I drank Wisers a couple of weeks ago camping - in your honour!!!

    among some caesars and corona and wine and whatnot but still purchased Wisers - chosen in memory of.

    can't wait to see you EARLY on Saturday maybe I'll drink some whiskey hmmm...Wisers with Fireball chasers - you and curly Kayte up for that?

  6. We're going up there camping a few days early

    If I'm still on my self imposed unemployment run' date=' that actually may be a good plan, hmmm

    My tent has not been set up since CTMF, it's starting to get angry at me.

    ... not to steal sites though. Feel free to boot my ass out if you arrive and I've swooped your spot... or better yet just join me. I guarantee a blazing fire.[/quote']

    just so you know - i'm combining us with them anyway they may not be aware either but that's just the way its gonna be!

  7. I'm not sure about the scuba diving enduced issue but regarding ears being plugged up in general due to wax build up - something else to consider and I'm no doctor but I had alot of trouble with my ears as a child, various operations, tubes, ridiculous earaches and wax issues. Anyway from what I understand the heat from the candle forces all the gunk out but wax is a protective thing (build up is one thing but the regular amount is there for a reason) So I'm not sure if all that stuff coming out of your ear that you are all talking about is a good thing.

    I realize that too much wax is an issue which needs attention and build up & congestion needs clearing but some is good just as any other mucus or whatever no?

    Like I said I don't know but I'm curious about that aspect of candling.

    As for Q-tips, with all my ear trouble as a child I was told by doctors not to use Q-tips not because of the cotton but because by sticking them in your ear to clean what you are actually doing is pushing and packing the wax down into your ear causing become packed tight, harden and plug up your ear.

    and I will have you know one ear feels plugged up now with all this talk and becasue I am so sensitive about ear issues

    ("sensitive" - read:hypochondriac) my ear was not plugged up earlier today.


  8. I did at one time early wednesday have a pair of glasses on and none of us owned them as far as I know - I will check for them tonight...

    I didn't think that was you as I seem to recall hearing you introduce yourself at one point and the face I remember is not Butter's - but of course things are still a bit blurry

    Anyway a group of us met Butter at a ctmf and he was just ranting and raving about lobster and butter when he heard we were from the east coast. Never did catch his real name - doesn't matter as mentioned he'll forever be Butter to us ;)

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