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Posts posted by livingstoned

  1. I have found all this in one can:

    Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper

    wow that's a bunch of flavour - not a really a pop person although I've been dabbling with Sprite at work if I crave chips lately

    anyway I'm intrigued by this Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr.Pepper because there seems to be an increase of rum drinkers in my life as of late and I can't do coke or any dark pop and I've always disliked rum BUT a friend mixed me a drink one night when my beer wasn't going down too great - while it was a hazy night I'm sure the cocktail was rum, vanilla coke and dr. pepper - to my surprise it was delicious - must try this new cherry/vanilla dr pepper you speak of next time I'm surrounded by those rum drinking friends.

  2. OMG I can't believe it's here!! I can't wait to see you two tomorrow - oh so happy for you!!


    tomorrow is going to be such a special day - #1 because I love you both so much + am so glad to have you as friends #2 I'm able to share your day with you along side so many wonderful people we know and love! #3 - the list goes on and on...

    happy day before your wedding - see you tomorrow!

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