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Posts posted by livingstoned

  1. What a bunch of high-rollers we all are!!

    Hmm yes, indeed. And I just got word that our tix were the cheapies of the lot and pretty far back so as to not go any less than 'all out' it means I'll just have to go for the extra expensive wine and fancy entrée at dinner - to make up for what I saved on tix :P

  2. Leanne finishes early that day and if I'm real sweet to my boss I might be able to do the same thing. Anyone interested in some fine dining in Toronto before the show? Superior restaurant maybe? I'm game for any kind of pre-game.

    isn't your boss a jerk?

    Anyway if you can catch that boss on a 'good day' I think pre-dinner and/or drinks should be in order...who'm I kidding pre-dinner and drinks!

  3. hey carrie.......did you ever find that dress in the stuff i gave you?

    to tell you the truth we looked through it that night but it was a foggy night - I'm 99.99999% sure there was no dress like you described - but I still have the whole bag at my place - what did it look like again as I think I may rummage through that bag again before the weekend see if I shouldn't pack a few key items for the weekend :)

  4. well if we are all going to combine our efforts I think we should pick a time for the dress up. I know there are a few other groups of people who like to throw a few outrageous items on over the course of a CTMF - so let's collaborate!!!

  5. i think i have a tiwster board. I'll bring it if i can find it!

    YAY!! I don't think I'll have time to find one - but if there are more than one there we can make one gigantic game!

    k - I'll be on the lookout for those high kicks :P

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