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Posts posted by livingstoned

  1. haha! i think i need to borrow my bros bebe gun.

    we have a/c but dont put it on if we dont have too.. i think weve only had it on for like a four hour time span so far this summer... were all about the industrial strength fans that sound like small jet engines.

    i wish there was some kind of squirrel spray that they dont like the smell of.. you know that stuff that they used to sell for people who bite their nails.. tastes like shit? thats what i need... the squirrel edition of that.

    you can buy "critter ridder" its at home depot or probalby canadian tire and the like. Its non toxic - I'm pretty sure. You could sprinkle on the window ledge outside and inside - wherever they are getting in - that's your best bet aside from calling a rodent professional or the shot gun.

  2. Rev, check out


    It's free.



    This kid is unbelievalble - caught him the past two years - he was 14 I guess the first time I saw him anyway he busted out some bela fleck on his flute it was awesome.....

    if anyone makes it check him out - he's at the second Starbucks along Queen at Hammersmith Avenue. (there's a starbucks just east of woodbine but he's at the next one)

    Rob Christian (Jazz, Swing, Latin, Funk)

    2006 StreetFest @ Starbucks Coffee, 2253 Queen St. E.


  3. food-safe....hahahaha! I like the ring to that.

    we just took our girls to the Hersey's plant in Smiths Falls yesterday...are you also subject to the drooley stares of visitors as they wander through the plant (separated by plate-glass)?

    we bought waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy too much chocolate taboot. But I bet the yummy-chocolately-smell wears off quick, eh?

    Carrie....what a hilarious story...will have me smirking all day. But couldda been worse...the undone pants-zipper is what I live in fear of. Why is it that we ALL stare (surreptitiously) but can't bring ourselves to tell someone....?

    what lines can you use to politely draw attention to the fact that someone has

    ~~ an undone zipper?

    ~~ a big booger hanging out their nose?

    ~~ inside-out clothes?

    ~~ food in the teeth?

    ~~ lipstick all over the teeth (yuck! *shudder*)


    zipper down yes ok embarrasing at the least - how about a couple of months ago - I'm at a co-workers desk and I am leaning down to look at the report on-screen at his desk so elbows on desk - ass in the air. Another co-worker comes flying over "Carrie stand up" - "wha" I say - you've got a huge hole in the ass of your pants...that's right folks - all class here!!!!

    huge hole in the seam of the arse of my pants - not enough that its there - its the day I pick to do the ass in the air lean over someones desk displaying my hot pink undies for everyone to see - coulda been worse I suppose I coulda had thongs on! HAHA!

    yep I'm the talk of this place for SURE!

  4. you need to put [them] in microwave for 7 seconds (not 6 not 8 but 7 seconds)

    At what power setting?

    Aloha' date='


    not sure but it has these exact instructions on the box I believe perhaps it will tell you what power setting.....I'd say medium!

  5. yes - another funny story about my "I don't like sweets" claim. Well I definitely don't like donuts - they are probalby the only thing I will decline even at work when they are free....(unless they are krispy kreme as the story explains)

    Now a while back I lived with this friend of mine when Krispy Kreme came to Ontario - she was pregnant and ordered on bed rest. She was a huge chocoholic - sweets addict etc,etc. So I tell her I'll take her to Krispy Kreme as soon as she is mobile again. The day came when she said hey you promised lets go....now this was still at the time when line ups were happening. We get there in the door just in time. Seconds after us a line up out the door appeared we were only about 10 people in line inside. So I'm not getting anything because I don't like donuts but the employee comes around with hot off the line samples so I take one (thinking get this over with what the heck is the fuss about a freaking donut) so I've got my back turned from my friend as I put the thing in my mouth - instant melt in my mouth...I believe drool even seeped down my chin at the taste I do a 360 spin at mach speed turning my friend and we both burst into laughter at the look on each of our faces - so I expected her to like them but me I was floored at the melt in mouth drool factor. Walked out with 2 dozen glazed Krispy Kreme donuts FOR MYSELF!!!

    The extreme love affair wore off quite a bit after those 2 dozen mind you - but I still will grab one here and there if offered....7 second in the micro folks almost - not quite but almost compares to hot off the line in-store.

  6. Been here an hour and a half now and decided to go to the kitchen for a drink...get up look down and discover I have my shirt on inside out! That's right folks - in addition my hair is up exposing the tag - no one seemed to notice or at least no one told me....

    Quick trip to the washroom and I'm good as new but I realize now it's most likely going to be 'one of those days'

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