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Posts posted by Ms.Huxtable

  1. Yup! I got me a purdy new bicycle. 3 speeds of pure speed! Double B came by to check out my new wheels and said "Hey my mom had that same bike when I was a little boy". That's right pholks - a Woman's 1979, Canadian Tire special in metalic blue! I'm gonna cover the rust with phish stickers and get a couple pom poms for the handle bars. No one's gonna steal this bad boy. Yee Haw!!!

  2. Hey GM. The cafe was void of all Skanctuarians. Just the B man and I showed up from our crowd. I would estimate another 20 people were there, if that.

    I really wish I had stayed at the Bayou for the show. I saw the stage set up and it looked like it was going to be a great show.

    Quivertwist plays great in that intimate setting. I last saw them at Zaphods and I didn't get much out of that show. Much better last night. That sax player sure has a funky soul in her!

  3. Wow! I totally loved reading Scene and Heard. It had me learning, laughing and, I admit at times, crying like a diaper-rashed baby. One word for you heads...COMPELLING! Great work Tonin man. I want you to autograph my copy when you're in town next week. It's certainly a collector's item. I see glossy pages in your future!

  4. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can pick up a used bicycle. I just want a beater to get back and forth with and not care if it's stolen. I would prefer it to have a basket or rack so that I can carry stuff on it. I don't have mucho deniro so bargains are most welcome. Ideas?



    (For those of you who feel I have wasted your time with such a question, I offer you entertainment in the form of a magic, spinning ball... enjoy!)

  5. I want one of those jobs too. I am seriously looking for someone to pay me to attend shows and go to band practice..... Any ideas??? Aren't there enough of us to start some kind of revenue generating business? I dunno. Maybe we should all buy weekly lotto tickets or something.

    I WILL be fired by autum 2002.

  6. Damn, that's a great bus! 4 tv's on one bus?? I didn't see anywhere that you can't smoke dope on it either.

    I think bus trips from Ottawa have been attempted before, to no avail (Out East and New Orleans, if I remember correctly). Are we ever going to get our acts together and travel in style??? I love the idea.

  7. Well, it's been a rough week. I've had the nastiest illness ever, resulting in three days off work, and the very real fear that I may not be able to stand up during our show tonight, let alone sing like a banshee. Our new bass player is on the same death-bed (we wish you well Scottie P.) and won't be joining us tonight. So tonight's show will be a real treat. It turns out that Mr. Huxtable is a wizard on the bass, so come to check it out because it may be the only time we see this.

    The first 100 through the door get a free compilation CD from Dr. Huxtable's last five shows. So come early.

    Looking forward to grooving out with Caution Jam afterwards. I had been so excited for this week of shows, I took this week off work, but was too sick to go to any. Ain't that the way? frown.gif" border="0

    See you tonight!!!

    (Bouche, please come early for that cheesecake I owe you.)

  8. It was good to meet you! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of that show, because no matter what it may have looked like, I wasn't really there last night.... still hurting...so bad....

    Have a great trip.

  9. Ottawa has been smoke-free since August 1st, 2001. I quit smoking a month before in anticipation of the misery and haven't looked back! I know so many people who have quit smoking and rather enjoy that the bars are smoke-free so they can continue going out and not be tempted to fall off the wagon, or be irritated by the smoke. It takes some getting used to, but now I wouldn't have it any other way!

    Two more positives:

    1. More people pile into the streets for cigerettes, making it easier to smoke a joint without ducking into ally ways. Cops don't even look twice as they drive by. You're smoking where you're supposed to be afterall!

    2. It's easier to sing in a bar that not all smokey! wink.gif" border="0

    Live long brothers and sisters, quit smoking today!

  10. Personally, I went dance with a bunch of heads, singing along to Dead tunes. Um, what else should I have expected exactly? Were we there to witness "performance art"? Does Bobby usually read poetry or do pliates? Am I missing something?

    confused.gif" border="0confused.gif" border="0confused.gif" border="0

  11. I've been sitting back and watching the entries pour in and I have to agree with H. CableIT is good. I like the double play on words and there's no mistaking what you do.

    Close second? MEAT!

    Best of luck to you. smile.gif" border="0

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