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Posts posted by timouse

  1. it blows my mind there are folk out there who insist "Global Warming" is a hoax and nothing but a left wing conspiracy.

    the phrase "global warming" is the problem. quite often the debate is reduced immediately to " well you know, many places are experiencing colder than normal average temperatures, and really, it's only warmed a degree or two in hundreds of years, which has happenned many times in history..." and so forth. by instantly placing that kind of boundary on things, they divert attention away from the real issue, that being climate change.

    arctic and antarctic ice is disappearing rapidly, and the resulting increase in "fresh" water reaching the ocean is wreaking havoc on ocean current. the level of salinity in the ocean affects the way that oceans currents work in the arctic...they refer to it as thermohaline circulation (THC). (heeheehee)

    as arctic ice melts, cooling gulf stream water would normally descend and recirculate toward the equator, creating a thermohaline "conveyor." as fresh water enters arctic oceans, the overall salinity of arctic water decreases. fresh water is less dense than salt water, and as a result, melting ice is slowing down the thermohaline conveyor.

    a few degree sustained rise in temperature will not only screw with the underlying mechanisms for global weather, but increase sea levels by 5-10 metres.

    me, i want to move to the mountains.

    if the above didn't depress you enough, check out thermohaline research at the hadley centre in england, or check out the climate change radio series at TUC radio.

  2. If I'm in the lead, then I'm with Thorgnor to de-differentiate this forum back to the Cavern!

    seconded. i keep forgetting that this is here :P

    i kind of like the idea of a politics forum that's self-governed...


    Ooooh! I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were

    an autonomous collective ...


    You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship,

    A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes ...


    There you are, bringing class into it again ...


  3. Tim Horton's sucks.

    :) Tim's is a fetish commodity for the delivery of simple caffeine.

    [barney]Just hook it in my veins![/barney]

    My nephew was going on last weekend about an urban myth that Tim's lines the rims of their cups with msg or some other pseudo-addictive taste enhancer. Anybody else hear this one?

    never heard the bit about the pseudo-addictive taste enhancer' date=' but i bet it also contains some sort of mild neurotoxin that impairs judgement to the point that plastering [b']every fucking intersection in southern ontario with branded litter seems acceptable.

    sorry, :P

  4. so on the Complicit News Network tonight, they devoted an entire hour to this story. They had a reporter in the "preserve" (?) where the accident happenned. he went out with a crew of hunters and a guide and talked endlessly about how hard it is to see quail when they fly in to the sun...the next strory was about how the White House hasn't put any spin on this story so far. next up, spotlight on kids and hunting, featuring a rural midwestern family with two tween daughters who hunt with their dad (and bag a deer on TV!!)


  5. got to add my two cents here... ladies and gentlemen, there is a reason why ecstacy is illegal, its fucking dangerous! 13 year old children do not understand the concept of responsibility--grade 8 we are talking here--- they are still playing at recess...

    how can you blame society and teaching "children" that drugs are bad-- come on, a thirteen year old just died, that in my estimation is a fucking tragedy.

    There is a reason for educating children to stay away from "hard" drugs.

    e is dangerous, and kills people. that's never good. i want kids to be taught that drugs are bad, and what it is that they in fact do, so that when the 13 year old starts to sketch out, she knows well enough to not take another pill and maybe even to get help if it's getting bad enough.u nderneath the legal wrangling, drugs are a public health issue...they are out there, kids will end up trying them...

    i totally appreciate what you're saying, numerodos, what i said was not at all meant to ruffle feathers. it's ultimately a very touchy issue, and a kid brough down at thirteen is indeed a total tragedy.

  6. The something your talking about is one of two chemicals.

    The first is called DXM. DXM is an active ingredient in cough syrup like Nyquil. When extracted and put in a pill, it makes you feel relaxed, slow and dreamy. You feel very lethargic. DXM on it's own is not really a problem in moderate doses, except that it's not the high you paid for.

    The secord (to which you were reffering to) is called PMA (not sure what the abbreviation means), anyways this chemical in small doeses, can produce feeling of energy and euphoria, whoever in larger doses, can raise the interal body temperature. If one is not savy and keep dancing and drinking water this can be a problem. Especially if your body weight is low.

    If you recognize this (and you should by the fact that you'll feel a little warm to the touch and may be sweatting more than usual), the idea is to not eat another pill and go bananas on the dancefloor and pound water by the jug to cool down. If you do this you'll be drowning yourself and affecting your brain function while at the same time heating up your body even more by dancing. The strategy is to drink water moderatly and slow your activity until, you process the PMA.

    Now if you're agirl of thirteen and have no clue and take another pill and another, you could be fucked!

    (P.S. When testing ectasy with the Marquis Regent test, if the pill sample begins to smoke at all, it contains PMA.)

    That is my experiecne.

    and thank you for it. i had to read the sentence about testing ecstasy twice, i instantly had a vision of you in a lab somewhere downing a pill.

    i have a huge beef with the idea of "drug education." it basically amounts to the mr mackie approach..."don't do drugs, children. drugs are baaad." if everyone learned about drugs, particularly the bunk ones and just how bad they can be for you and exactly what they do to you rather than just saying that thy're bad, things like this might be prevented.

    but that raises a whole new batch of problems. if someone had truly told me about drugs earlier, i'd have missed way more classes :) the fix for this is way to big of a cultural shift to happen all at once...but imagine just for a moment a safe place for people who want to try a drug, with real information about the harm it might do...sort of a "safe ingestion club...."


  7. He is one of my favourite musicians. I love seeing him live.

    That's great that you enjoyed yourself, and good for Velvet to bring you to that show as a "Newbie".

    what he said :)

    if you get a chance to see him with his "large band," go. for that matter, see him any time you can. i couldn't go to see this tour :( glad to hear you enjoyed yourself!

  8. Last week George Bush surprised analysts by saying that the US was addicted to oil and should greatly reduce imports from the Middle East. The US now plans a large increase in nuclear power.

    that is amazing news (other than the US building nuclear plants). someone mentioned Iceland as being in the same position...they are working on poowering everything by geothermal energy...steam turbines creating electricilty splitting water to gain hydrogen.

    it'll be interesting to see where this goes...

  9. i was given a copy of bob's book, "Is That It?" and thoroughly enjoyed it. i'm not a big fan of his music, but as a politically astute person, he rocks. i thought he was very classy about paul weller, and i hope that he and the dreaded bono continue to publicly agitate for developing world debt relief.

    btw, jaimoe, love your signature. the avatar is a bit creepy though. looks like the Governator on acid :)

  10. I think it might be possible that they were trying to push some sort of ironic point, in the same way, say, you could draw a picture of Jesus in a KKK outfit brandishing a Glock in one hand and a can of Pringles in the other to make a certain point.

    only if he's behind the wheel of a humvee...or leaping through the air showing off his combat boots.

    reminds me of naomi klein's story about paul bremmer. when he was installed in iraq (as a civilian interim leader) he kept appearing in public in army dress. his handlers thought that it sent the wrong message, so they changed his outfit to a Brooks Brothers navy suit and full on army boots...business dress for the new milennium :)

  11. I keep thinking that for the next election I want to show up at rallies for all the parties with a great big placard that will point out in a few words that there is nothing whatsoever that binds a candidate to any promise he or she might issue during a campaign.

    you need to postition youself so that you will be i the TV shot with a big sign simply stating

    *not a guarantee. this information presented for entertainment purposes only."


    This is a great idea' date=' one that should grow to become a nationwide movement. Consider me the first member of the east coast branch -- you'll just have to remind me next election time. :P [/quote']

    you will recieve your official magic marker in the mail shortly :)

  12. I keep thinking that for the next election I want to show up at rallies for all the parties with a great big placard that will point out in a few words that there is nothing whatsoever that binds a candidate to any promise he or she might issue during a campaign.

    you need to postition youself so that you will be i the TV shot with a big sign simply stating

    *not a guarantee. this information presented for entertainment purposes only."


  13. Odd Coincidence?

    There are exactly 911 days between the New York attacks on September 11, 2001 and the Madrid bombings on March 11, 2004, precisely 2.5 years later.

    If you count 9/11/2001 as "Day 0" and begin counting days after that date, the Madrid bombings occurred 911 days after the 9/11 attacks.

    Days after 9/11/2001


    9/11/2001 = Day 0

    9/11/2002 = 364 Days

    9/11/2003 = 729 Days

    September 30th = 748 Days

    October 31st = 779 Days

    November 30th = 809 Days

    December 31st = 840 Days

    January 31st, 2004 = 871 Days

    February 29th, 2004 = 900 Days

    March 11th, 2004 = 911 Days

    Madrid Bombings = 3/11/2004 = 911 Days after 9/11

    More symbolism which clearly shows the Madrid bombings were staged by the New World Order.

    the koran verse is a hoax though.


    chapter and verse citation reproduced in the example block above isn't a legitimate quotation from the Quran (or Koran), the sacred text of Islam — no such passage appears in that book, at Chapter 9, Verse 11 or anywhere else.

    This item a hoax, a leg-pull, that plays on the USA's (i.e., the Eagle's) launching of military action against Afghanistan and Iraq (the "lands of Allah") in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks on America organized by Osama bin Laden (the "son of Arabia"). That the chapter and verse selection match the date of the terrorist attacks (9:11) is another giveaway to the joke.

    Depending upon which translation of the Quran one uses, the section corresponding to chapter 9, verse 11 actually reads something like this:

    But if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, they are your brethren in faith; and We make the communications clear for a people who know.

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