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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Trenchcoats, public libraries, and internet access just seem to go hand in hand, so don't be a stranger ;).

    On a serious note, if you'll permit, I hope everything's ok, and that you're back up to speed soon.

    what he said :)

  2. I don't know about linking earthquakes to human activity (unless the US is now setting off underground nukes to get bin Laden out of his cave), just as you couldn't say Krakatoa erupting in 1883 had anything to do with, say, the industrial revolution. I think the idea of a vengeful nature is appealing, but that might be because we come from a culture that has always presupposed a vengeful God. It's just substituting one abstraction for another. You'd be butting heads with those people saying the "immorality" in New Orleans was responsible for what they've just gone through, or 9/11 being God's response to America tolerating gays and lesbians, using radical Muslims like Cyrus was used to end the Exile.

    Now, that doesn't mean that we can't wipe ourselves and everything else away through our own stupidity - like, say, through feeding ruminants to themselves, gassing up the air when we know better, etc.

    i agree that it's a bit of a stretch to link earthquakes with human activity, but you have to enjoy the irony of human activity in the oil age changing the basic makeup of the atmosphere and triggering more and stronger hurricanes that in turn wail on the part of the continent where most of the oil is drilled for and refined...

  3. I try to use the same approach when somebody makes strong comments about any group of people' date=' including the following:

    - hippies

    - feminists

    - conservatives/republicans


    Good angle, Mark; I think it's the only one that really works, since everyone comes with a bundle of presuppositions around any of these that depend on their own background, associations, etc. When all our trappings are stripped away from us, what are we, anyway?

    indeed. people would regard me as a hippy because i have long hair, a social conscience, and love the music of the grateful dead.

    but i also have a white collar job, a house, life insurance and investments, a well-developed sense of hygiene, and essentially live a mainstream life (with burts of "hippy" craziness thrown in to keep me sane).

    i think that hippy is a generic term invented by people who are absolutely not hippies that can be used as a tool to pigeonhole and marginalize a particular viewpoint. in the same way, those of us who appear to the other team to be hippies use terms like right-winger/conservative/fascist to describe people who are opposed to what they think the term hippy stands for. there are conservatives who love their kids, have a well developed sense of social conscience, and are fundamentally decent folks.

    going back to the original question posed in this thread, people tend to hate what they fear or don't understand. when normals go to a concert and see a band of wookies freak dancing down front, it makes them mad...maybe it's just their sight lines to the stage being obscured :)

    i keep thinking about the end of "easy rider..." two guys who live a life outside of the mainstream get whacked becuase they have the nerve to live outside of the dominant culture, and are eventuallt broght down by fear and anger on the part of the rednecks with the rifle.

    or perhaps i'm talking out of my ass :)

  4. I am thankful to be alive, healthy, and surrounded by a wonderful family and fantastic friends.

    I am thankful that I am able to enjoy music in so many ways and on so many levels.

    Wishing everybody a great Thanksgiving weekend!

    Peace, Mark

    couldn't have said it better myself, although i'm thankful for niffermouse at the top of my list :)

    happy thanksgiving everyone!!!

  5. i just about shat when i saw the fidelity investmenst commercial. i thought "ok, he's hyyping a new tour ar album or there's a documentary been made about him..." and then wham! the fidelity logo...you would think that he wouldn't have to shill for a corporation, at $130 a seat his tour will net him a comfortable bit of money...

    ah well. as the bank of montreal says, the times they are a changin' :)

  6. Awesome band == can really jam, too, as a workshop at Hillside a few years back proved when they were thrown together with a straight-ahead bluegrassy/county group.

    the resulting band jokingly named themselves:

    1) Cowboys & Indians; and/or

    2) Country & Eastern


    that afternoon at hillside was my first exposure to them...what a groove, and the singer knocked my socks off! if you can get there, go. they are awesome.

  7. to each their own is right.. they might bitch violently about Phish, but damn it, i'll bitch violently about Nickelback right back at 'em.

    right on!

    particularly the bit about nickelback :)

    A buddy of mine in San Fran just posted this entry to her journal:

    It made me sad :(

    re-reading this quote it made me think that your friend was freaked/pissed by the way the "hippies" reacted to mike.

    you have to admit that jambands crowd reaction can be a bit baffling to non-jambands folk...cheering for no apparent reason in the middle of a song, dancing with total abandon, generally being wookish...

    jerry said something about his music being like black licorice. people either love ar hate black licorice...maybe hippies are black licorice people, you either love 'em or you don't. not that that's a tad simplistic (~);)

  8. Green River may never have looked like CCR' date=' but they sure had their sound down.


    Is that the Green River with Ken Moores in it? My brother used to work with him in Japan, and I even have a CD ("Random Acts Of Memory") by his Japanese group, "Sugarsnake".



    that's just too funny!

    you do indeed have the right green river, and they are a startlyingly good ccr cover band. addressing the original ponderance at the start of this thread, ken was originally motivated by love of the music, and chose to start green river just as mr fogerty released centerfield. suddenly they were booked every weekend and commanding 3 to 4 grand a gig...so the band went with it, and had a very lucrative and mostly enjoyable run, though near the end you could walk in on one of their shows and if you had seen them before, know precisely where in the set they were, and the musicians admitted to basically being bored silly and began to put their money up their noses :)

    ken came back from japan and workied with me for a couple of years while he was getting a music career going here. he has since moved to florida with his wife (she's from there) and as i understand is a songwriter and a kept man...

    small world...what's your brother's name, brad? i'll mention it to him next time we talk...

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