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Posts posted by timouse

  1. after watching this doc last night, i've been turning it over in my head all day. the truly odd thing is that no matter how high-tech things have gotten, we're really no further ahead than all the people who pored endlessly over the jfk film footage trying to work out what really happenned to him. here we are 42 years later, and we still don't know who killed kennedy.

    lots of conspiracy theorists point to the kennedy as assassination as the beginning of the end, that the texans took over the white house the next day and have been pretty much in charge of things ever since...

    personally, if you look at the various US government agencies, their mandates, and how they apply them, it seems to get easier and easier to see myself in a tinfoil hat screaming about the end of days on a streetcorner somewhere. chomsky talks about "institutional analysis" as the key to understanding why things happpen the way they do. in simple terms, "follow the money." follow the connections between people and events, like the artist who did a huge canvas illustrating the links between various government and corporate pictures...it turned out like a great big fractal spiderweb with the bush family at the nexus of it. (the artist "committed suicide" not long after his picture was exhibited, and as far as i know no prints exist. there....another 911 myth??)

    nobody has any idea what really happenned on 911, and thew more information that enters the debate, the more muddied the view gets. there's a book by norman mailer called "harlot's ghost" about a fictitious CIA agent who rises to the top (george hw bush anyone??) and near the end of the book, characters are having a metaphysical discussion, and the CIA guy says that he figures that creation is true, and god planted the bones and such to throw humans off his trail and introduce an element of doubt into their collective psyche...

  2. Life is a highway (Tom Cochrane) and that one song Alanis Morrisette recycles over & over again into different works of annoyance.

    they play her new album, which seems to be a reworking of her old tunes, endlessly on the New CBC. jagged little pill was engaging because it was, well, sort of honest anger, or at least innocent anger. now she's a 30something being bitter like an 18 year old.

    no thanks...

  3. For Hurricane relief. It's a BBQ and it's happening now.

    Forgive me, but I think everyone would be a lot better off if the US government paid for hurricane relief itself and had fundraisers to pay for the wars.

    there was a bumper sticker sold in the lot that had that same sentiment...something to the effect of "wouldn't it be nice if education got 6 trillion dollars a year and the military had to have bake sales to buy bombers?"

  4. ...just starting part 2, and so far i'm finding it very interesting. the bit about the pentagon made me wonder a lot...there was a spoof site about the "pentalawn" a couple of years ago that made a big deal about the lawn being resistant to a 767 skidding across it & leaving no marks. the doc talked about hani hanjour, the pilot who flew into the pentagon, and how bad of a pilot he was. this same guy is alleged to have made a 330 degree turn at 550mph before nailing the ground floor of the pentagon.

    sounds a bit fishy when you think about it...

    edit to add...they talked about "secondary explosions" before the towers collapsed, possibly caused by bombs planted inside the building. the documentary claims that in the month before 911, power was cut for a day above the 48th floor to upgrade computer cabling. a power cut had never happenned in the history of the wtc, and this meant no security systems or video and lots of engineers going in & out. not to mention unnanounced "security drills & evacuations" in the weeks before 911.

    security for the wtc was provided by a company called securecom run by marvin bush (george's brother). this gets better & better...

  5. radio playlists are determined by...you guessed it, marketing people. ask dark_starr about this some time, it frustrates him to no end.

    listeners in the radio station's key demographic (young males 18-49 i imagine) are polled about what songs they wouuld like to hear at different times of day. (given the similarity of "classic rock" picks coast to coast, i would guess that they choose from a list). the program director then works from this list to build shows, and playlists are pretty much decided days in advance.

    For the record,I don't disagree that radio plays the same old sh!t all time,because they do.Hence why I really don't listen to the radio (except for some college radio & CBC)

    what he said :)

  6. and another vote for gilmour and howe...

    clapton just makes me mad. i'll never forget walking in to a bar in a little tiny town in northern thailand in time to hear the duo on stage introduce their next number (speaking in thai of course) and then break in to a perfect rendition of "tears in heaven." i realized then that clapton has been assimmilated, resistance is futile.

  7. I believe that, technically, yes. But it would be a shit storm.

    has this ever happenned? i know that the gg is the ceremonial last step in making law, but i've never seen a gg stand up and start the predicted shitstorm by refusing to grant ascent to a bill.

    The GG can be crucial when it comes down to what to do if a government is defeated in the house. Which is a very real possibility under the present circumstances. IE. Mackenzie King and Governor General Byng (that's for you meggo ...)

    so what could she actually do? could she nullify a non-confidence vote?

  8. thanks for posting this, d rawk...i quite like roy macgregor, for a columnist in canada's paper of record he's pretty commonsensical. and despite all the hooplah i like Michaëlle Jean. her work on vision tv always impressed me, she seems pretty socially minded.

    not that the gg actually wields any real clout...can a gg deny ascent of legislation and halt the process??

  9. from the above mentioned link...

    Karl Rove (besides just being a very creepy man) outed a

    CIA agent and was responsible for endangering many of our covert agents worldwide.

    Dick Cheney's old company is reaping profits beyond anyone's wildest imaginations in their no-bid contracts in Iraq,

    Afghanistan, and New Orleans. John Negroponte's activities in South America are very shady and murderous. Rumsfeld and Gonzales are responsible for illegal and immoral authorization, encouragement and approval of torture. Not to mention, violating Geneva Conventions, torture endangers the lives of our service men and women in Iraq. Along with the above mentioned traitors, Condi lied through her teeth in the insane run-up to the invasion. The list of crimes this administration has commited is extensive, abhorrent, and unbelievable. What is so unbelievable is that WE were arrested for exercising our first amendment rights and these people are running free to enjoy their lives of crime and to wreak havoc on the world.

  10. the universe is yet again demonstrating a sublime sense of irony...

    Sgt. Scott Fear, spokesman for the U.S. Park Police, said they would be charged with demonstrating without a permit, which is a misdemeanor.

    you would think that the US would not like the optics of a spokesman named Fear...or maybe that's just me :)

  11. hey deeps!

    niffermouse and i got married may 2004 for way less than $25 000...we had it in the barn at the agricultural museum in milton. barbecue catering, harvard mouse as the band, open bar (beer & wine), very good time and extremely reasonably priced.

    why people spend that money they do on weddings is beyond me. in contrast, my sister got married at the McMichael Gallery and spent way over $25K on her wedding...

    to each their own, i guess.

    PM me if you would like more info about the park or the caterer....

    congratulations on getting hitched btw!!

  12. I thought I'd found some freeware to convert .asx files, but it didn't work.....

    niffer has software on her mac that lets her capture any audio playing on the computer as a wave file, but i've never seen the same thing for a PC.

    i thought that .asx was micro$oft's attempt at "digital rights management," allowing streaming only...

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