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Posts posted by timouse

  1. I just saw this exhibit at the Great Lakes Science Center, here in Cleveland. Honestly, the BEST museum exhibit I think I've ever seen (Well, maybe science-related anyhow). Anyhow, I saw that it is going to Toronto next, and I HIGHLY recommend that as many of you go see it as possible.

    It is a FASCINATING look into the human body. Strangely intriguing, if not a bit morbid and disturbing. Honestly. I can't say enough great things about it.

    Again, I strongly encourage you guys to check it out...!

    The Body Worlds Website


    woo hoo! niffermouse and i will be there to see it for sure...she's been talking about this for ages.

    it's been quite contoversial in europe, lots of folks are morally opposed to displaying dead people in public...but as it's done it's an incredible teaching tool, and well, a way to see people like you've never seen them before. if you've ever wondered what your insides look like, go see this exhibit.

  2. Go drunk. Very drunk. Trust me.

    oh if i had only had this advice at the time.

    we got the 1st call asking us to take a survey about our travel habits...the surveyor was obviously having trouble reading from the script, and once she told me that she wasn't paid unless the survey was completed, i went along.

    the next call came 2 weeks later telling us we had won one of several trips or a big screen tv, would we come for dinner and an information seminar to claim our prize?

    the suckers we are, we went.

    total timeshare. in fact, worse...their schtick was that you could buy "points" (a $15 000 membership) and travel at five star resorts for the price of the holiday inn. they gave us to a guy after dinner who tried to sell us on this thing. we refused. another greezier guy came over and tried a smaller package slightly cheaper. still we refused. meantime salespeople were running to the front of the room ringing the big bell and announcing that mr and mrs x just signed up and will be going to (insert fabulous destination here). when they finally ran out of greezy sales guys to sic on us, we were led into an anteroom and told to choose a prize from the bin...4 nights in orlando florida (accommodation only) which we never claimed as once we worked out all the blackout peroids there were 10 days in august when it was actually valid.


    it was good for a laugh, and a valuable lesson about telemarketers :)

  3. Looking forward to this one,sweet.
    excellent. we have tickets to see him at a small soft seater theatre in brampton in november, no doubt as part of the "speechless" tour.

    Why did I not hear about this? I assume its sold out now. The rock I appear to be living under must be larger then I originally thought... :/

    hey greg, there might still be tickets left.

    venue contact:

    Brampton Heritage Theatre


    86 Main Street North,

    Brampton, ON L6V 1N7

    give them a call...and again, so you don't feel bad about living under a rock, we found out about it from our pokey little local paper. i haven't seen it advertised anywhere else...

    hope you can get tickets!!

  4. this whole episode is very telling about the BushCo attitude toward the rights of others. the idea that people can be arrested without charge and given an indefinitely long "cuban vacation" goes against the whole premise of "innocent until proven guilty."

    "You can't just say we have a right to arrest and detain people as enemy combatants because they look like al Qaeda."
  5. basically spot on.

    mayor nagin, interviewed on the radio last week, talked a lot about the underlying social crisis that was already raging when the storm hit. the gulf coast is a major ingress point for drugs, and the mayor fully acknowledges the ongoing drug problem in new orleans...not to mention inadequate social services for the poor, or the evacuation plan that basically ignored the poorest crescent city residents.

    the mayor has been harping at the federal government to get a handle on the endless tide of cocaine flowing in to his city, and when asked why things went as badly as they did, basically said that the folks left behind were either bitter because they knew that they had been marginalized already or they were jonesing. in either case you have a lot of very angry armed people in beyond 3rd world conditions.

    wouldn't you be mad?

    the bigger unreported story is the winnowing away of the mechanisms that are there to help people after this sort of thing...decaying levees, army corps of engineers flood control budgets cut...the fact that FEMA was rooled into the Department of Homeland Security encapsulates the siuation.

    as Esau said in another thread,


  6. Excellent! A Dead 40th Anniversary tour without Phil Lesh! Makes sense to me!
    [color:purple]Excellent! A Dead 40th Anniversary tour without Phil Lesh! Makes sense to me!

    does this mean that marco is hux's sarcastic twin?

  7. yessss! fantastic weekend!

    sorry we didnt get to chill more timouse, As i recal you caught me just as I woke up and soon after I was on my way into town.

    Could not have asked for a better weekend.

    indeed, adam, nice to meet if onlt briefly...and thank you, my battered synapses are re-creating the faces of more fine folks that i crossed paths with...many snuffelupagus moments with marcO (he was just here! did you see him??) seven seas jim & willy at one point, saw backbackon from afar several times but never made it to conversational orbit :) and mr slippery, always good to cross paths if only briefly...and ricky, bokonon, and many many others.

    what a weekend indeed! can't wait 'till next may :)

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