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Posts posted by timouse

  1. I'm a firm believer in that they give Neilson boxes to the wrong people.

    how many people here would actually let someone come in & hook up a monitor to see what you're watching in the name of establishing ratings so that they can more effectively separate advertisers from their money?


    who is it that is actually volunteering information about their viewing habits? the only way to account for the...ahem...quality of network programming is to assume the worst about the Neilson families....

  2. I love listening to Alan Cross' "History of New Music" on CFNY... he's written a few books that I've really enjoyed, mostly on Alternative music.

    I was looking for an Almanac he wrote a long time ago but had no luck finding it. So I wrote him an email, asking where I could find a copy. He wrote me back and told me they were no longer being sold on the shelves BUT he would send me a copy he had lying around in his basement. It arrived 2 days later with a nice little message autographed inside. Pretty cool dude, if you ask me.

    chuck from rose garland aka dark_starr worked for him in hammertown for a while, seemd to have good things to say about him. the guy knows his music.

  3. ...and if the Band is your thing, "this wheel's on fire" by levon helm.

    the dennis mcnally book on the dead was good too, but it seemed to have this sort of "press release official history" sort of feel to it.

    to badly paraphrase zappa : writing about music is like dancing about architecture....

  4. Timouse or Snail might help me dredge forward the doozies that I'm sure I've repressed, though I do remember the fallout of a party in late high school I threw at our place that got considerably larger than anyone might have anticipated. Cops were called, neighbours outraged, etc. etc. It was very much a total loss-of-trust sort of moment, which is a lot harder to deal with than a straightforward punishment. Helluva party, though; no regrets on that score :P.

    i remember that party, and it was a very well attended doozy. circa the same period, i had a similar party while my folks were gone that would have gone off without a hitch other than the ruined screen door. seems a bunch of us were out on the patio when dr evil decided to leap heroically out through what appeared to be an open door, but was in fact a closed screen door. his knee went though, and then he hung there cartoon-like before the overstretched screen threw him backwards in to the kitchen.

    needless to say, when the folks came home the next day, they looked at the near perfect relief of a face in the screen and said "Hey! That's your friend David!"

    i did a lot of chores that summer to work that one off, and just as i was getting back in their good books i managed to run the station wagon sideways across a post and put a fairly substantial dent in it. of course cars being what they were in the 70's i popped the dent out with a plunger and used some rub-on wood stain to repair the scrapes in the fake-wood paneling.

    it's times like these that i remember what my father used to tell me. he said "son, you're a big disappointment." and god love him, he was right.

  5. two pairs of pants.

    I swear the guy is too busy to focus sometimes.

    heheheheeee...now my coworkers are looking at me funny because i'm sitting in front of my computer giggling to myself :) course it could be worse, i could be walking around wearing 2 pairs of pants.

  6. no, I think he is a fine player. He's just not for me, and it can be frustrating because he seems to pop up everywheren.

    Just this morning I opened my closet and he said "hey man, wear this" and then took a solo. It gets tiresome.

    so what clothes did he pick out for you?

  7. Oh that would have been a wonderful experience! They have so much feeling in their music - I wish I could have seen them live. I bet it sounded amazing on the loud system!

    it was great. the soundman had really good ears, everything was crystal clear. massey hall sounds great for that sort of thing. hopefully they liked it & will ocme back :)

  8. 'Don't Do It' covered by the Band.

    Written by Eddie Holland & originally recorded by Marvin Gaye.

    'Blind Willie McTell' covered by the Band

    Written by Bob Dylan

    'Wanted Man' covered by George Thorogood & also Johnny Cash.

    Written by Bob Dylan

    And songs by The Band people usually don't realize were co-written:

    'Tears of Rage'

    Written by:Bob Dylan and Richard Manuel

    'The Wheels On Fire'

    Written by: by Bob Dylan and Rick Danko

    what he said.

    i would add "guilty" by randy newman.

    covered by the blues brothers, bonnie raitt, and many others.

  9. clean your brushes with soap and water and hang them to dry, you can also use varsol, but it stinks and not very good for you.

    about the cat, give it a bath and hope for the best!

    there is a brush cleaner that you can get at art stores that is a citrus oil solvent. it kicks ass and won't give you tumours :)

    niffermouse gave up oil painting years ago on account of the solvent fumes...it's made by a company called eco-house, but i'm sure there are others.


  10. as it's sunday, it seems appropriate to post this :) from the home office in shelbyville, the top 15 religious quotes on the simpsons:

    15. Don't worry, Homer. Nine out of ten religions fail in their first year. -God

    14. Oh, everything's too damned expensive these days. This bible cost 15 bucks! And talk about a preachy book! Everybody's a sinner! Except this guy. - Homer

    13. Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder. - Homer

    12. I was at Bible camp, learning how to be more judgemental. - Maude

    11. Don't worry, son. I'm sure he's up in heaven right now laughing it up with all the other celebrities: John Dilinger, Ty Cobb, Joseph Stalin. - Homer

    10. Todd: Daddy, the heathen's getting away! -Ned: I see him, son. I see him...

    9. If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girls' sports, such as hot oil wrestling, foxy boxing, and such and such. - Homer

    8. Seen on Christian school sign: We put the Fun back in Fundementalist Dogma!

    7. Bart: Wow! God is so in your face. Homer: Yea, he's my favorite fictional character.

    6. Hey, since when is Christmas just about the presents? Aren't we forgetting the true meaning of this day? The birth of Santa? - Bart

    5. Save me, Jeebus! - Homer

    4. Dear God. We paid for all this stuff ourselves, so thanks for nothing. - Bart

    3. Prayer has no place in the public schools, just like facts have no place in organized religion. - Superintendent Chalmers

    2. Stealing! How could you? Haven't you learned anything from that guy who gives those sermons at church? Captain what's-his-name? - Homer

    1. Homer: Oh, Lord! Why do You mock me? (looking up at ceiling). Marge: Homer, that's not God. That's a waffle Bart stuck to the ceiling. (Marge pries the waffle off the ceiling). Homer: Lord, I know I shouldn't eat Thee, but... (munch munch munch) mmmm...sacrelicious.

  11. ...and was totally blown away!

    niffermouse has been a dcd fan for ever, and when they played toronto 10 years ago she passed on it thinking that they would likely be around next year...


    so when they announced that they were coming, there was really no decision to make. i had heard a lot of their recordings and am pretty taken with them. they make extremely "thick" music...lots of layered percussion, and planty of odd instruments (hurdy-gurdy, dulcimer). they have done several movie soundtracks, and their strong rhythm base lends a very middle eastern feel to a lot of their grooves. so despite the universe deciding to close the gardiner this weekend and not really tell anyone until we were fully in the thick of chaos traffic, we made it in to massey hall halfway through their ist number, which iirc was a spacey vocal thing by lisa gerrard. i can't say enough about her voice, and she and brendan perry, the other front person, can sing like the dickens.

    lisa gerrard has a more-octave-than-i-can-comfortably -comprehend vocal range, and sounds as though she's a trained opera singer. brendan, the guitar/voice/hurdy-gurdy guy, has an incredible baritone crooner voice, and at points sounded like sinatra without the attitude :)

    they are a very democratic band, which impressed me endlessly...they seemed to all switch up instruments every couple of songs.the guy who started off as the bass player rotated out after a couple of tunes and became the guitar tech, only to appear later on keys at the other side of the stage. and the percussion! a kit drummer (who rotated through hand drums, guitar, bass, and other percussion), an orchestral percussionst (tenor drums, cymbals, gong), congas and other hand drums. at any one time there were at least three people playing percussion, plus incidental small hand rhythms elsewhere on the stage.

    i'm at at total loss to reproduce a set list, but have to say that if they ever come round again i'm in. the only complaint that i had was that just as they would get an impossibly complex 4 person polyrhythm knock your socks off sort of groove really cooking, the song would end! :) i think that the grateful dead have spoiled me for live music...

    as we were leaving, i do think that i saw a couple of familiar faces stading out front, but couldn't for the life of me put names to the faces.

    so if any of you skancs were there, what did you think?

  12. we have cable pumped in to our place and as a result watch more tv than we oughta.

    for entertainment:

    coronation street



    family guy

    to angry up the blood:



    most entartainment news

    i find a bit of channel surfing to be a fascinating window into what is being passed off as pop culture. most of it seems a bit distressing, but it helps to know what the normals are absorbing :)

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