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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Well I fly out on Saturday to Bahrain, and then into Saudi Arabia from there. I am extremely excited by thid once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

    I checked the weather, and it is just a balmy 44 degrees there. Lucky me. At night it may drop down to 33 if I'm lucky. Did you know it's badly seen if a man wears shorts in Saudi Arabia. That's right, I'll be wearing full on pants in that weather. This place better have AC or I'm a dead man.

    have a safe trip, low roller, and don't worry about air conditioning. Everything is air conditioned. seriously. i spent about a week and a half on a giant farm complex near Hofuf. they had shaded areas for the cows, basically long buildings with no sides so the cows could walk in and out. these buildings had air conditioned air blowing down on ot the cows all day.

    when you're sitting on the largest gas & oil reserves on the planet, a few more megawatts of power is nothing ...

  2. I am a pure lover of the post-Mickey Mouse era........Jer and Phil really were enabled to show their love of jazz during the improv/jam sections, but NOTHING and I mean NOTHING touches those two gents when they went on their Drumz excursions.

    Heck, the saving grace for the post 2000 shows I saw was the Drumz segment.

    I facking LOVE the Beam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Speaking of which, 03-24-95, as they are departing the stage while Vince and Bob start up, Mickey Mouse gave the Beam a big kick for good measure, which reverberated enough to almost knock me down.

    For that alone, Mickey Mouse and Kreutzman blow away Butch and Jaimoe............

    what he said.

    mickey and bill are the reasons why i play drums :)

  3. we missed them exactly. i'm very sad to admit this...the outside patio area is totally cut off from the band inside...we stepped out for a moment, moments later vanderpark took the stage, and played until just before we came back inside.

    people seemed to like them, no idea what size of crowd they played to, i know it was at least 6 fewer people than little feat :)

    it was an anzing time. kenny is such a monster bass player, and he's totally got the barrel chested rick danko bass stage presence...and i don't think ritchie harward stopped drumming all night!

  4. guigsy, do you have insurance on your place? if so, they will send a clean up crew in with dehumidifiers that will dry up & (hopefully) get rid of the smell in no time. one of my co-workers went through the same movie with a leaking water softener, one phone call to the insurance guys and a pair of coverall-covered guys showed up & started making the leak and the reek go away...

  5. Anyone who's ever met me will confirm that I am in fact a small rodent, roughly six inches from nose to tail, with a professional mastery of Really Bad Things.

    The more gullible will believe that I was monikered by my bandmates, after they found out that the first course I was given to teach after getting my doctorate was on the symbology of evil.

    The truth may, or may not, lie somewhere in between.

    apathy and a band/rodent themed set of names for everyone got me my name...all of the guys in Harvard Mouse wound up with mousy monikers, it all seemed to make some sort of sense at the time.

    i too am a small rodent with a propensity for erratic drumming. like dr evil, i have learned to appear to be a tall human in order to not have everyone in the place standing on chairs screaming when i show up somewhere :)

  6. way to go megs!!!!!! (on whatever the job may be) is it top secret? cuz if it is thats even cooler.

    (side note, lex, love the play on name action)

    yay sugarmegs! ottawa gains another cool soul.

    and indeed bokonon, sorry, yokonon, way to make lemonade out of lemons! great moniker!

  7. What is her stance on biotech?

    She's a bitch.

    agreed...but a well-informed bitch. she's very up on the dark side of biotech and fully advocates organic farm practice.

    on the flip side, she does seem to be quite the soul-less capatalist. all of her raving about "protecting the interests of the estate" and ensuring the survival of the estate (read - her) are very off-putting. back to the original point of this thread, good on folks for going around "the estate" and getting the music out there!

  8. Wow.

    For once, Deborah Koons isnt mentioned.

    indeed. i saw a bbc documentary on jerry called "you can't take it with you." she came of like such a black hearted bitch in it, always talking about "protecting the interests of the estate," and showing off all the stuff they're selling while railing on about million dollar annual sales.

    then someone told me about her documentary called "the future of food" where dk does apparently a bang-up job of presenting information on biotech and the food system, so i'm very torn.

  9. I remember that Adam Katz business at the Meadowlands - we were there that night, and can still call to mind that cattle chute they ran us through on the way into and out of the venue (and people, to make the point clearer, going "moooooooo" all the way across).

    Looking forward to this flick - Jaimoe, should we do a back-to-back with the Trucking up to Buffalo?

    ooh, you got that, dr evil? bring it out this way some time....


  10. You're all about birthdays and anniversaries eh Timmy?

    Fleetwood Mac does rule.

    Yes' date=' yes I am. I haven't counted how many CD's I have in three years, but at the time I had over 2,300. Checking up on birthday's and anniversaries of artists or shows I attended helps me decide which one of those CD/albums/tapes I'm going to listen to that day.[/quote']

    very cool approach, what a way to randomize yet chronologize your musical intake...and cheers to mick fleetword, one of the most under-rated and astonishingly tall drummers around!

  11. You are given 24 hours to produce proper I.D.

    Got to the cop shop and get them to let that part off at least.

    This is urban legend' date=' my buddy tried that and the cop laughed at him, same with insurance, both must be on you when operating a motor vehicle...[/quote']

    worked for me to. it used to be 48 hours, but fully worked. the cop even let me tear the ticket up myself :)

    sucks that you got a ticket though...i got popped going doing a rolling stop at a t intersection to a road under construction. the cop was hiding behind a parked bulldozer. (bastard!)

    i tried to go see the justice of the peace and try to plead my case, but was informed that the JP's no longer have that authority. something about one of the harris government omnibus bills that took this authority away from the jp...so i had to go to court.

    they gave me a date that was 9 months later and never sent the followup letter with the details (where, when). i was told the trial would be in early january. i called on the 4th and was informed it had been held on the 3rd...and they had convicted me in my absence. so i had to pony up, lost points, and got to pay the court costs.

    mean cops suck.

  12. there was a gas station just outside of acton that set up their security camera in such a way to capture PIN numbers from the debit machine...they double swiped every single customer for a month and then fucked off just before the bills hit. story goes that they got away with over $100 000.

    hide your number indeed. i always look for security cameras when i do the debit thing.

  13. it leans so much towards Ottawa, infact, that the Dr & I are tumbling towards the city.

    we plan to finally move outta TO and are looking to call Ottawa/Hull home by late August!!!

    so it's official then?!? okay, deb, if you can get niffermouse a job at the natural history museum we'll come too...there's a guy in town with a restored beverly hillbillies car. you still have your rocking chair? road trip to ottawa :)

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