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Posts posted by timouse

  1. watching the "downhill from here" video from alpine valley, i was struck by the interplay between jer and brent. they really were a good team.

    thank you brent for a real good time...those hamilton shows were the highlight of my dead show attending career, and well put paisley, things weren't the same again.

    fare thee well, mr mydland. i hope you wound up somewhere good...maybe brent and jer are jamming now :)

  2. Interesting.....just like any festival....you get some who loved it, some who didn't and all points in between.

    Was just reading the local paper here in St John's today and there was an article on Hillside...praising it, the acts, how it's home grown with no corporate sponsors etc. The only negative it had were that people who loved the small intimate festival it has been in years past don't necessarily like how it's growing.

    there was a survey in the guide book that asked a lot of leading questions on exactly those sort of issues...is it important to have veggie/vegan food, is it important to not have big corporate sponsorship, that sort of thing.

    for all the folks that went, if you missed the survey, drop them a line at hillside@hillside.on.ca and let them know what you liked and disliked. no guarantee that it will be read or acted on, but at least you've said your piece.

    all in all a totally cool weekend, that kevin breit is a class act, and hillside rocks :)

  3. Cassia's been making a killing since we put this in place. And yes, Breit did cough it up (his kids being there too I'm sure didn't hurt ;) ).

    And Booche - we have also looked into a debit system. Who knows, it might turn her into the next Sheila Frazer.

    i'm currently running a tab with Cassia, and i expect that it's grown to the size of a third world economy :)

    and that's what i was racking my brain for...thank you flymykitehigh for being part of a great weekend! and very nice to cross paths with tribalstar and maxwebster at the very end...

  4. 1. What, if any organized religion were you raised with? I went to Methodist church growing up.

    raised by lapsed catholics who went out of their way not to beat us over the head with dogma.

    2. Do the instructions you received from your spiritual upbringing guide you today? As for me, I think it did.

    if "quit hitting your brother" counts as spiritual instruction, then no.

    3. Do you believe in the literal word of the new/old Testament? Me neither.


    everything i know about inperpersonal relations i learned from the counterculture...the world of the grateful dead had a profound impact on me.

    have fun, but not at the expense of someone else's fun.

    be kind.

    pick up after yourself.

    oragnized religion is a crutch for people that can't handle drugs :)

  5. so we got in last night from a weekend at the hillside festival, and i'm still not entirely sure what i thought of the whole thing. There were some stellar moments, just like in past years, but they seemed fewer & further between and all seemed to revolve around Kevin Breit...anyone who plays circus music on stage is ok in my books :) and as usual, the people were awesome. it was very nice to share our space in "mellowvale" with mr slippery, large marge, and sorry beth i forgot your cyberspace name :)

    The main stage big acts seemed to be a little incongruous with past hillside lineups...and the crowd was huuuuge! We found a lot of the main stage headliner bands to be less than the sum of their collective hype...

    in the words of grandpa simpson, "I used to be with it. now what i'm with isn't it, and what's it is weird and scary. it'll happen to you too..."

    having said that, calamity jane and i stood in line for 2 hours sunday morning to score a campsite for next year, so we obviously liked it well enough...

    how about the rest of you folks?

  6. Whoa this thread I hate to say it made me glad to see that at least a few other people are miserable doing what they're doing. I feel like I am really far behind the curve of where I should be at career wise whatever that means. Dropped out of university, got into all sorts of different things including trouble, made a go at being a legit events planner (not promoter) and now I'm just spinning my wheels. Unfortunately I've had to go back to cooking in a restaurant to pay the bills which is just killing me. Right now I think I'm going to kill myself working two jobs and save up some money to go back to school, finish my degree, do teachers college and follow what was always my dream. Still I feel like I'm approaching thirty and I'm starting from ground zero.

    i was almost thirty when i went back to school...do it. i worked like a crazy bastard for a year to save enough to get started, but it was totally worth it. never looked back...

  7. I'd rather be a beduin. :D They have thick soles on their feet.

    you have the thickest soles of anyone i know. you're like a hobbit. a very tall hobbit :) way to make it to a thousand posts! and if you're in to prime numbers, 1013 is coming soon...

  8. i'm a provisional white collar worker in a blue collar industry...i work in metal fabrication, i do the engineering and program the laser cutters & punch presses. this whole industry is full of people 40+ years old, but very few young folks....if you're considering a career change and aren't adverse to a bit more school, take up a trade. there's already a need, as more & more folks retire we'll be screaming for people...

  9. that Styx pic's makin me wanna take a shower

    i just ran out to the shop to use the emergency eye was station after seeing that pic...my eyeballs still feel soiled :)

  10. the 80's are back!

    Somebody kill me now.

    hang on, me first :)

    although i will admit that huey lewis is sort of a guilty pleasure...he plays a pretty mean harp too, and has some connection to jerry through being in sf at the same time in the same scene. or perhaps that's an overextended rationalization...

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