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Posts posted by timouse

  1. hey jaimoe' date=' what have you got against mickey hart? [/quote']

    He snubbed Bouche and his deplorable jokes about Phil Lesh's liver.

    hmmm...i didn't know about him snubbing bouche, i'm sure there's a longer story there. as far as the "liver of a jerk" comment is concerned, things seem to have gotten ugly in the GDP boardroom for a time after jerry died. he & phil seemed to have settled their differences, and on balance 30+ years of high quality weirdness cancels out a couple stupid comments. your mileage may vary :)

    and brad, from what i've heard hickey mart is a very progressive employer :)

  2. Dunnit depend on the dog, and what you fed him that day?

    I mean, some people would pay top dollar for dog sh!t derived from, say, Kobe beef.

    ok dr evil, , you spent too much time listening to dave wadell's japan stories :)

    i've found the only thing that cures smelly birks is nothing. i've washed scrubbed bleached, nothing works.

    "If you're hardcore throw your shoes in the fire!"

  3. wow

    what he said.

    Tom is an amazing writer, this piece sure seeems like his style. can you imagine the reaction of straight parents hearing this at a commencement?

    They don't mention if he was taken away by security afterwards, do they? Utah Phillips talked about doing a commencement speech that ended badly...he started off by telling them that "...you will hear over and over again today that you are this nation's most valuable natural resource. have you seen what this nation does to its' valuable natural resources? they'll strip mine your soul, clearcut your best ideas for the sake of a greasy buck..."

    apparently this cayused some commotion, and he was basically escorted out. i would have loved to be a spectator at either of these events :)

  4. sharon, that sucks. it's the worst feeling in the world to be in that sort of situation and be totally at odds with it.

    when i was in college i worked as a pizza delivery guy in a really sketchy part of scarborough. one night while making a delivery to a particularly sketchy apartment complex (metro housing, urine-scented elevators...) i got on an elevator with 8 or 9 kids in the same age bkt as the ones you describe. they all started in on me...

    (kids)"hey pizza man give us your pizza!"

    (me)"ummm...no, it's for someone else."

    (kids) "then give us your money"

    *aggressive jostling by said kids*

    (me) "NO. It's not my money.."

    (kids) "we can TAKE your money, mister."

    *elevator door thankfully opens*

    i was at a loss as to what to say to cap off this excahnge, walked away (quickly) all the while ruminating on how things were going to hell, that I never would have behaved like that at 10 years old...the sad thing was they probably could have got my money, and had i been going to the 20th floor rhather than the 4th this might have ended very differently.

    it was at that moment that i realized that (a) i'm on my way to being a geeky old fogey and (B) gangs of kids are more than a little bit unnerving.

    having found myself in similar albeit less weird and threatebning situations since, i have found that rational non profane highly sarcasm-laced calming speech (would you talk to your mother like this????) coupled with a subtle retreat is the best way to deal with such things.

    the sad fact of the matter is that the jerk to decent citizen ratio is changing in a bad way...sorry, that's not very encouraging...but it sounds like you handled it the best way possible.

    "cut it out you little fuckers, would you treat your mother like this" is also an acceptable response, so is "listen asshat, this dog bites" is also good...

  5. gtta give depp credit for making this happen, although i understand that hst's widow was pretty supportive of the idea.

    i wonder if they'll film it and do a tribute DVD? there's gotta be footage of hst around from lecture tours. i have heard a few lectures that he gave at journalism schools in the late 70's, pretty hilarious.

    go to http://www.radio4all.net and search for hunter s thompson if you've not heard it.

    hst continues to be as weird in death as he was in life!!

  6. Happy Birthday Bruce,

    May you have many more in health and happiness.

    BTW I can't believe that Bruce Cockburn is sixty years old! He looks great for his age, it must be all that bike riding.

    he claimed in an interview that his secret to stayin young was to continually turn band members over and keep bringing young guys in to back him up...seems to have worked!

  7. wow! sarah harmer is playing a show in georgetown at my local library theatre! this is good news indeed...i saw her on our local cable access channel earlier this week lobbying to have the quarries on the escarpment pay a higher premium for the aggregate they haul out. right now dufferin and the others pay $0.04 per tonne to the municipalities in order to blow up bits of the escarpment, truck it away and make roads out of it. apparently this is one of the lowest extraction fees on the planet, and to be chipping up something that the UN calls a "world biosphere reserve" just floors me.

    i think it's amazing that she's using her celebrity for good, i'm going to get on the phone this morning & get me tickets....

    thanks for posting this, KevO!!

  8. the Indonesians are unfortunately really hardcore against drugs. same with malaysia. the first thing on the entry card they give you before you go to Customs is "Welcome to Malaysia - Death Penalty for Drug Traffickers." so their natural tendency is to lock people up first and not ask questions later. good for the australians for standing up for her. it is a little nuts to get that excited over a plant that ironically probably grows better in Bali than in Australia :)

  9. after reading more of this thread, i'd like to retract the negotiation portion of my advice. i will henceforth stop complaining about neighbours i have had...i've been lucky enough to resolve disputes using cold beers and humility :)

    in light of new evidence, learn your rights. i had always assumed 11pm to be the cutoff, i had no idea that there were bylaws letiing the cops shut you down any time. sheesh...people sure like their sleep :)

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