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Posts posted by timouse

  1. i think brad's on to the best solution. negotiation. if that doesn't work, tell her that the music keeps the voices in your head at bay, and who really wants to hear "kill kill kill maim destroy all neighbours" anyway? if you still are having problems, murder or a moving van in that order.

    just my $0.02 :)

  2. sissies.


    just kidding.

    too bad you guys can't make it, it's gonna be fuuuunnnnn!

    COME ON NOW, PEOPLE, we're talking diesel dog's last show!

    heheheee...we're not sissies at all. in fact, mark and i are very macho. we were having this exact conversation last week when we were picking outfits for ctmf...oh. perhaps i've said too much :)

    diesel dog will be back, from what i understand theere's a lineup change in the making, but that won't stop 'em :)

    have a blast everyone!

  3. There will always be something new up. The people who coded the Bit Torrent protocol are now coming out with a "Bit Torrent search engine". Instead of having web sites that post torrent links, this search engine will allow people to search the web for active torrents. No web sites hosting links, just data that's floating around in cyberspace. I don't think that even the FBI can shut down cyberspace.

    that's very encouraging news...unfortunately nw that bittorrent is on their radar, its' days are numbered (imo). i read something on BT in an IT trade rag a couple months ago, one of the big research firms claimed that 30% off all internet traffic was bittorrent swarming.

    that's a hell of a lot of data...i agree with Booche. get what you can while you can :)

  4. As much as I'd love to, I can't make it to this party. I'll be there in spirit though. Thanks to Ryan and Diesel Dog for making this happen. It's great when the community responds in such a positive way, and hopefully Keri will end up with some funds in his pocket and lots of warmth in his heart.

    Peace, Mark

    what he said.

    ryan, you're very cool to put this on...i'm sure it'll be an amazing party!

  5. I have a cabin a little NE of Parry Sound. We had the pleasure of taking a trip to the local dump last time I was there.

    That wouldn't happen to be the Dunchurch mall would it? (hehehe)

    Last summer I had a black bear run out about 20 feet in front of my bike on the Seguin trail. Thankfully it kept going.

    In the same neck of the woods. We turn off Hwy 124 just before Waubamik (15Km W of Dunchurch) and head down the "Bunny Trail" for a 1/2 hour.

    Near Ardbeg then. The "Bunny Trail" is a beautiful drive in the fall.

    as opposed to the winter when driving the bunny trail will cure constipation :)

  6. I have a cabin a little NE of Parry Sound. We had the pleasure of taking a trip to the local dump last time I was there.

    That wouldn't happen to be the Dunchurch mall would it? (hehehe)

    Last summer I had a black bear run out about 20 feet in front of my bike on the Seguin trail. Thankfully it kept going.

    In the same neck of the woods. We turn off Hwy 124 just before Waubamik (15Km W of Dunchurch) and head down the "Bunny Trail" for a 1/2 hour.

    Near Ardbeg then. The "Bunny Trail" is a beautiful drive in the fall.

    as opposed to the winter when driuving the bunny trail will cure constipation :)

  7. holey!

    stone mtn, where in whistler do you live relative to the "main street?" we walked around whistler when we were there and it seemed pretty, well, urban. i guess that once you're outside of town, you're in the mountains and in bear territory...that's gotta be somewhat unnerving....

  8. a further update...niffermouse and i got only a short burst of CTMF...we got there at noon saturday right behind snail & amanda in line and and caught up with the rest of the mice who were over at willy and leanne's campsite. bouche, mrs hux, dr evil, mr tonin and many others were already a party and jam in progress :)

    caught the last bit of Lazlo Hollyfield's set, they were very tasty jazz fusion jammy and sounded great! harvard mouse got set up with assistance from the nicest stage technicians you'd ever want to meet (thank you mark wilson!) and played what seemed to us one of the best sets of music we've ever done thanks to the happy dancing crowd...and thanks to ricky and ryan from diesel dog who sat in and took it to another level :)

    then diesel dog took the stage and rocked! looking around at the assembled scene during circles was the highlight of their set for me...

    sadly we had to take off shortly after dd's set, it was turning in to the best party in southen ontario as we were leaving...if you are reading this and it's not monday yet, turn off your computer and get in your car & go!

  9. I can't wait to see you this weekend' date=' strip you down to your knickers, pull out my pizza paddle and give you 31 of the best spankings you've ever had in your life. ;)[/quote']

    Wow! Paddywhacks from Ms. Hux...now that's a present. ;)

    i can't possibly top that. :)

    happy birthday!

  10. ribs are among the worst things you could break. i did mine in almost 5 years ago and it still haunts me. re-cracked them last year at hillside climbing a tree to hang a tarp...sadly too they can't really tape you up (unless you can hold your breath for a few weeks...)

    Do go to the doctor if you haven't been alredy, and take it easy...

  11. It's about time we as a country joined the "heart attack meal" craze...

    speaking of that - when i was in newark airport this past march' date=' i noticed that there were defibrillators (sp?) all over the place, mounted on the wall.


    they are slowly making their way up here too, there's one in our local arena (right across the road from the mcdonalds naturally) so that must mean exhibits a through c are on their way here!

    soon we will be as fat and slothful as the lucky people down south :)

  12. i watched this once on my own and once again with niffermouse, and it is one of the most hopeful movies i've seen. from what i coiuld gather, the co-op that the film follows was granted court authority to claim the factory in lieu of unpaid wages. the ones that were seized & handed back over may not have been fully legitimate in the eyes of the government...

    i think it's a totally fair thing. if the workers are owed money equivalent to the value of the factory, and want to take a crack at it, then why the hell not? it can only benefit the government to have more vital businesses paying business taxes.

    Watch this movie!

    what he said :)

  13. so in one fell swoop, the budget will pass, and harper's attempts to knock the legs out from beneath the liberals will not succeed.

    works for me.

    on the other hand, another rich kid on the liberal team makes me a tad nervous. belinda always seemed like daddy's sock puppet. the sock is on the other foot now. just knowing that harper got crossed is enough for now, that and no imminent election....i look forward to meeting hux this weekend!

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