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Posts posted by timouse

  1. I for one am not skeptical of climate change and our contribution to it. The past seventy years have been like a train gathering speed when it comes to pollution and cause always comes before effect, remember.

    I'm not going to let flawed policies and the political cult of personality get in the way of believing we need to change our ways. What's the matter with a little "human bashing"? We're greedy, inconsiderate, callous, indifferent and self-rigtheous and this plays out in the natural world we co-exist with. Shame on us.

    Your ideas intrigue me. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  2. i lived with a woman who had 2 danes. be prepared to lose your spot on the couch...in fact, get the dog it's own couch or big bed. be prepared for slobber.

    danes are lovely friendly dogs, congratulations!

  3. 2ndtube, i'm so sad to hear about your dog. when we had to have my mother in law's dog euthanized, we had a vet who did home visits. we spent the afternoon hanging with fenrys...he was lying on niffer's lap when he got the shot, and went out totally peacefully at home. check in your area and see if you can find a vet that will do home visits. it's more, but woirth it.

  4. ((((((deb))))))))

    welcome to your sports injury years :)

    fack! THIS is what really hurts! I guess next step is look forward to bits of me being replaced. Does OHIP cover bionic knees?

    thanks for all the well-wishes guys. The meds are kicking in and I've already had one physio treatment' date=' so on the mend indeed I am![/quote']


  5. The only thing you alone can really control are your actions' date=' and would it be sweet if everyone took personal responsibility.




    i hear what NW is saying, and i see the same thing in our shipping department with stretch wrap on skids of parts.

    it's bad, but things will change. wait for the increased price of oil to trickle through to the stretch wrap world. you will see lots of businesses paying attention when their packaging costs triple.

  6. Word ... it's a great program ...

    Alexis ... Do not panic. RUN' date=' dont walk! to the nearest source of water. Flush your face thoroughly with fresh, cold water. Sit down and take several deep breaths. What you are experiencing is called “MS-itisâ€. It is an insidious form of mind manipulation that occurs when one is forced to use bad, user-unfriendly, monopolistic software.

    In time, you will learn that life doesn’t have to be this way. You will gain confidence and eventually be able to stand up and say “I am an MS-holic and I Hate Wordâ€. But, baby steps and care are required at this stage. You will come to recognize that you do have major and frequent problems with MS products. Don’t sugar coat it. We are all friends here and all of us were also in a state of denial at one point. We are here to help you get through this difficult time. But ultimately, the quest is yours. You must break free of the brainwashing that Word is good.



    it's a textbook case of Stockholm-Redmond Syndrome.

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