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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Little Golden Books That Never Made It"

    1. You Are Different and That's Bad

    2. The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables

    3. Dad's New Wife Robert

    4. Fun four-letter Words to Know and Share

    5. Hammers, Screwdrivers and Scissors: An I-Can-Do-It Book

    6. The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking

    7. Kathy Was So Bad Her Mom Stopped Loving Her

    8. Curious George and the High-Voltage Fence

    9. All Cats Go to Hell

    10. The Little Sissy Who Snitched

    11. Some Kittens Can Fly

    12. That's it, I'm Putting You Up for Adoption

    13. Grandpa Gets a Casket

    14. The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator

    15. Garfield Gets Feline Leukemia

    16. The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy

    17. Strangers Have the Best Candy

    18. Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way

    19. You Were an Accident

    20. Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will

    21. Pop! Goes The Hamster...And Other Great Microwave Games

    22. The Man in the Moon Is Actually Satan

    23. Your Nightmares Are Real

    24. Where Would You Like to Be Buried?

    25. Eggs, Toilet Paper, and Your School

    26. Why Can't Mr. Fork and Ms. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?

    27. Places Where Mommy and Daddy Hide Neat Things

    28. Daddy Drinks Because You Cry"

  2. I saw a comic on TV once who said that his background was Irish, and that the Irish don't fight. "No, really, we don't. We take all the anger and cram it deep, deep down inside, and then we pour alcohol on top of it to make the hurting go away."

    That's what I do.



    "take all your anger, and push it down...way down, until you're almost standing on it. them release it at an appropriate time...like when daddy hit the referee with the whiskey bottle?"


  3. My question is- how should they test their products then?

    I'd be willing to bet that most human foodstuffs are tested on (gasp) humans before they're made available to the general public. And I would further bet that this doesn't entail putting these test humans in cages and cramming food in their eyes while some sort of vice-like mechanism keeps their head in place



  4. Feeps like this make me wish I had a clue-by-four handy for some upside-the-head edumacation.




    i love it.

    i would echo the sentiments of the on-ramp discussion earlier, and add to that the asshat who decides to speed all the way to the end of the merge lane before blindly diving in and zipping across three lanes of traffic.

    these guys should be sentenced to drive in england for a month and learn how merging works.

  5. New Yorker story from last spring.

    Posted 2006-04-08

    The Bush Administration, while publicly advocating diplomacy in order to stop Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon, has increased clandestine activities inside Iran and intensified planning for a possible major air attack. Current and former American military and intelligence officials said that Air Force planning groups are drawing up lists of targets, and teams of American combat troops have been ordered into Iran, under cover, to collect targeting data and to establish contact with anti-government ethnic-minority groups. The officials say that President Bush is determined to deny the Iranian regime the opportunity to begin a pilot program, planned for this spring, to enrich uranium.

  6. In his novel Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace depicts a future North American society governed by the Organization of North American Nations, abbreviated O.N.A.N. Those opposed to the foreign policy of said government are known as anti-O.N.A.N.ists.
  7. in the spirit of religious/political cross pollination, i wuould like to ask you poli-skanks if you know anything about rudolf steiner.

    i was introduced to him through the biodynamic farming movement, which begun in the 1920's in germany and has spread around the world.

    he also developed theories on education and went on to be the driving force behind the waldorf school movement.

    i was at the guelph organic conference this past weekend, and spent sunday in workshops given by biodynamic farmers...most notably michael schmidt, the raw milk guy.

    i'm wondering whether any of you folks know much about steiner...what i have found so far seems pretty positive, and this is a good place for lively debate and infomation.



  8. it's a mineral that is the main source of tantalum, a metal that is an ingredient in capacitors.

    turns out that most of the coltan is controlled by the democratic republic of congo. Link

    In 2002, the UN reported most of DRC coltan was mined illegally and exported across the eastern borders into Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi along with other resources like gold, diamonds, cassiterite, cobalt and timber. Other routes saw DRC resources exported through Zimbabwe.

    Some 85 Western companies, 18 of which were UK-registered, were accused of "directly or indirectly, deliberately or through negligence" prolonging the 1998 war to enrich individuals and fund warring factions.

    Five billion dollars of assets were transferred from the DRC state mining sector to Western business networks linked to political figures and the military.

    At the request of countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) the UN panel instigated discussions with the listed companies, declaring in October the cases against them were "resolved" without providing reasons why.

    In August 2003, journalist and novelist Alex Shoumatoff gave a speech in New York on the ecological destruction of DRC and its indigenous gorilla population due to illegal logging and mining.

    He stated most coltan resources ended up in America, through Pennsylvanian-based Cabot High Performance Materials, who made $100 million a year from grinding coltan into powder for capacitors.

    Shoumatoff also implicated the Carlisle Group, the US-based global private equity investment firm fronted by George Bush senior. The board of directors lists among others ex-US Secretary of State James Baker III, ex-US Defence Secretary Frank C. Carlucci, ex-UK Prime Minister John Major and until October 2001 was the home to a $2.02 million investment from the Bin Laden family.

    "Carlisle's biggest customer is the American military," Shoumatoff said. "A whole lot of coltan was just used in the attack on Iraq."

    capacitors are in everything. and we are screwing over people (and gorillas) to get the tantalum to run our electronics.

  9. here is a link to the audio: Audio link

    Also 2003. Nice

    d'oh! moment aside, i would submit that there's probably very little difference between the 2003 speech and the 2007 model. adding troops to iraq, war on terror that will not end in our lifetimes, blah blah blah (applause).

  10. from willie's web site: :

    Saturday Feb. 17 '07 - Ottawa

    Presenter:The Ottawa Folk Festival

    Venue:. Library & Archives Canada Auditorium Ottawa ON

    Ticket price: $20 advance $23 at door

    Performance Time: 8:00

    Opening act: James Hill

    Address: 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, ON

    website: http://www.ottawafolk.org

    Friday February 23 '07 - Toronto

    Presenter: Hugh's Room

    Venue:.Hugh's Room, Toronto ON

    Performance Time: 8:30

    Opening Act : none indicated

    Address: 2261 Dundas St. W. Toronto ON M5M 3W8

    Ticket price: $20 advance $22 at door

    Daytime number:416 201- 9048

    website: http://www.hughsroom.com

  11. after a bath, leave the water in the tub overnight

    we also use this as a free heating technique for the bathroom. we have a very old house with a clawfoot tub which makes a very nice radiant heater when full of hot water.

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