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Posts posted by timouse

  1. indeed. what a terrible way to have to feel at work...

    [color:purple]i'm sure that violent video games and movies and war on the tv all the time have nothing to do with a general increase in voilent behaviour throughout society.

  2. Songs that you listen to while sitting in the back seat of a car, staring longingly out the window, tuning out everything else:

    1. Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up

    2. Kenny Rogers - The Gambler

    3. Bob Seger - Night Moves

    4. Frank Zappa - Watermelon in Easter Hay

    5. Bright Eyes - We Are Nowhere

    6. Neil Young - Dreamin' Man

    7. Stephen Fearing - The Longest Road






  3. Theme: songs about masturbating

    1. The Beach Boys - In My Room

    2. The Vapors - Turning Japanese

    3. Green Day - Longview

    4. Richard Thompson - Painted Ladies

    5. The Who - Pictures Of Lily

    6. Cyndi Lauper - She-Bop

    7. Violent Femmes - Blister In The Sun

    8. Nirvana - Spank Thru

    9. J-Roc - It Could Happen to You, Cuz It Happened to Me

    10. Chuck Berry - My Ding-A-Ling



  4. Fair enough. I'd like to hope is that people do treat this gnome stuff with as much metaphoric intent as you see in him.

    Yeah, that Aryan stuff - it'd been in the air for decades; Max Muller was the original big proponent in the mid-19th c., but then, that was where the Nazi apologists referred. Some of it just gets silly, like what you see with the Theosophists.

    What's his angle on agriculture, though?

    he's all about the farm as a solar powered organism...the sun feeds the plants that feed the people and the animals, the people compost the manure which feeds the soil which support and feed the plants that...well you get the picture.

    his approach to composting and to nutrient field spraying is really buddhist...it's all about intention and mindfulness. he referred to this practice as "biodynamic farming."

    he was a theosophist until annie besant brought krishnamurti forward as the reincarnation of christ. shortly after that, he split off and formed the "anthroposophical society."

    tyhe farm down the road from us is biodynamic, and as a farm philosophy it makes incredible sense.

  5. Ya know, its good, but not as good as Jack and Dianne's version.

    TIM!!! We have rules here!!!!

    okay, this is the second one i've gotten backwards.

    i'm in such an all fired hurry to get an answer in before i have to go back and edit that i screw up.

    ::::: trudges over to the penalty box ::::

  6. Any philosophy, though, that starts talking about Aryans usually has the immediate effect of making me go, "uhhhhhhhh...."

    fwiw, Steiner died in 1925. i'd like to think that he wasn't using aryan in quite the same way as it would be viewed in a post wwII world...but having said that, there's definitely a cringe reflex associated with that word.

    I am fascinated by Steiner - mostly his thoughts on child development and education.

    We have two waldorf schools in Ottawa, one had a biodynamic farm as well. We're hoping to send Aslan there if he's interested. But its bloody expensive. Just under 10 grand a year.

    Wonderful wonderful programs with a focus on a connection to the earth and seasons, strong music and art focus, but very inclusive, non-compartmentalized programs.

    they are expensive, but the schools seem quite cool, and definitely focus more on art and movement.

    jennifer and i are taking the biodynamic gardening and farming workshop series through the Toronto Steiner Centre, and so far we are really digging it. i'm about a third of the way through a translation of steiner's lectures on agriculture, given the year before he died. the guy may have been a bit out there, but lots of what he has to say makes a lot of sense.

    much of what he was on about (gnomes etc) is meant to be metaphor. steiner wrote a book on "nature beings" that was his attempt to provide a way of looking at ecosystem function from a spiritual perspective, and at the same time include a lot of mythology from different cultures.

  7. Theme: S and M

    1. Frank Zappa - The Torture Never Stops

    2. Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar

    3. Frank Zappa - Bobby Brown Goes Down

    4. Devo - Whip It

    5. The Genitorturers - Pleasure in Restraint

    6. Green Day - Dominated Love Slave

    7. Depeche Mode - Master & Servent

    8. Hurt So Good - John Cougar Melonhead





  8. i was prompted by several people to get this and check it out...tied in to the "what the #$@%& do we know" idea that at the level of the very very very exceedingly small, you have an influence on the events surrounding you. the secret seems to take this one step further...whatever you think about, you get. if you think abundance, you get abundance. if you fixate on negative, you get negative.

    it's something that i have incorporated in to my life, and in to my thought patterns...having an awareness of when i'm psyching myself out or setting myself up for a bad outcome allows me to change the way i think about these things, which seems to result in better things happenning.

    sorry, that's a bit confusing.

    short version - think good, good happens. think bad, bad happens.

    therefore, think good.

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