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Posts posted by timouse

  1. get a humidifier and run it all the time.

    leave a large pot of water simmering on the stove.

    humidity is the enemy of static. i worked in electronics manufacturing for several years, and the air in the plant was always kept very humid specifically to keep static down.

    that static spray works, but it's not something you would want to be breathing in all the time.

  2. While I mourn the death of Brave New Waves, I gotta say, the old guy almost never got a chance to listen to it anymore.

    That being said, it was always my late night companion on some late nights on the road and she'll be missed.


    for a long stretch in the 80's and 90's i worked afternoons, and brent bambury through the week, david wisdom on the weekends were a large part of the soundtrack on my life.

    bnw will be missed.

  3. Woman Died Despite Listener Warning On Danger Of Chugging Too Much Water - CBS News

    CBS News station KOVR-TV reports that during the contest, a listener - self-identified as a nurse - called the live radio broadcast and warned that the game was dangerous.

    "I want to say that those people drinking all that water can get sick and die from water intoxication," said the caller.

    "Yeah, we're aware of that," replied a DJ, according to the broadcast news report. "They signed releases so we're not responsible, okay?"

  4. Oh, never mind, here it is (and what the hell ever happened to DutchTreat??)

    oh yeah, here's a few things you might find useful

    -don't argue with StoneMtn, he's a professional.

    -i will point out your spelling mistakes

    -you might get offered to become a heady wife, no one's exactly sure what that entails.

    -learn to laugh at or ignore lazlo

    -being called a band whore is not an insult

    -yes, george w. bush and dick cheney are members here

    -if you need to know something, ask bradm

    -we've recently had an infestation of mice, and we're very happy about this

    -booche, bouche and bouchawan are three very different people

    -esau bites, don't feed the animals

    This should be expanded on and made a FAQ or something. To bring it up to date, George W. and Cheney haven't posted here in awhile, esau=Alabama Man, but the bradm and mice stuff is still accurate. Also, the Lazlo rule applies equally to dimafleck.


    welcome aboard Genevieve!

  5. here.

    4. What factors were relevant in your decision to acquire a God? Please check all that apply.

    ___ Indoctrinated by parents

    ___ Needed a reason to live

    ___ Indoctrinated by society

    ___ Needed target for rage

    ___ Imaginary friend grew up

    ___ Hate to think for self

    ___ Wanted to meet girls/boys

    ___ Fear of death

    ___ To piss off parents

    ___ Needed a day away from work

    ___ Enjoy organ music

    ___ Needed focus on whom to despise

    ___ Needed to feel morally superior

    ___ Graduated from the tooth fairy

    ___ My shrubbery caught fire and told me to do it

  6. and will mr mountain be changing his name to mr burb?

    I think you are making a presumption that my online-name has something to do with where I live. In actual fact' date=' I've had that online-name since living in Kingston, and it is purely a translation of my last name into English.

    So, to answer your question ... "Nope."[/quote']


  7. andy barrie interviewed a "guest worker" from barbados this morning who has opted to stick it out in collingwood & wait for snow. they did indeed lay off a bunch of people, all of the "guest workers" were offered flights home, those who opted to stay are not being paid but are getting room & board.

    pretty sad situation nonetheless.

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