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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Tim, I absolutely need this for my new classroom.....crazy teenage boys and their hormones ya know. can you give me more contact info as to where ya found this? I'm hoping there's a poster I can order!!!!

    deb, no luck. best i can suggest is to click the link & save the image. it prints out not to badly at 8.5 x 11...


  2. Oh my.

    FDA OKs bacteria-eating virus to treat meat

    Preparation targets microbes that kill hundreds of people a year

    WASHINGTON - A mixture of six bacteria-killing viruses can be safely sprayed on meat and poultry to combat common microbes that kill hundreds of people a year, federal health officials said Friday.

    The mixture of special viruses, called bacteriophages, would target strains of Listeria monocytogenes, the Food and Drug Administration said in declaring it is safe to use. The viruses are designed to be sprayed on ready-to-eat meat and poultry products just before they are packaged.

    The bacterium they target can cause a serious infection called listeriosis, primarily in pregnant women, newborns and adults with weakened immune systems. In the United States, an estimated 2,500 persons become seriously ill with listeriosis each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those, 500 die.

    The preparation of bacteriophages — the name is Greek for “bacteria-eater†— infects only various strains of the Listeria bacterium and not human or plant cells, the FDA said.

    People normally come into contact with phages through food, water and the environment, and they are found in our digestive tracts, the FDA said.

    The viral preparation is made by Intralytix Inc. The Baltimore company first petitioned the FDA in 2002 to allow the viruses to be used as a food additive.

    Messages left with the company and the FDA were not immediately returned Friday.

    The viruses are grown in a preparation of the very bacteria they kill, and then purified. The FDA had concerns that the virus preparation potentially could contain toxic residues associated with the bacteria. However, testing did not reveal the presence of such residues, which likely wouldn’t cause health problems anyway, the FDA said.

    Scientists have long studied bacteriophages as a bacteria-fighting alternative to antibiotics.

    © 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material should be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. No consent from major league baseball required.

  3. I saw this one yesterday, but figured it was too depressing even for me to post. Nice one, Willy! ;)

    But that said, doesn't "Yedoma" make a good band name?

    climate scientists have been worrying about this for a while now. as areas that were formerly frozen begin to melt, they become darker in colour. darker colours heat in sunlight, accellerating the process.

    I think our one hope is for the oil to run out sooner rather than later. this old world is going to have a whole new structure/look in 100-150 years


  4. Having about an hour and a half of driving every day, the car's definitely the place (best place in the world to sing, too, imo) - uninterrupted, and the best bulwark against road rage you can have.


    the steering wheel is a great place to work out rhythms when stuck in traffic, although it seems to upset people in other cars to see soemone *gasp* enjoying themselves in traffic :P

  5. Missed this one! I was on the road that day.

    Happy birthday, Tim.

    and to you! hope that you're settling in okay after your big trip...

    Shit! Sorry I missed it dude! Happy belated b-day man!

    cheers, and sorry i missed you cats last thursday. hopefully this week will work.

    thanks everyone for all your good wishes.

  6. {{{{{{{{{{fiona & rob}}}}}}}}}}}

    holy crap! I'm sooooo glad that Fiona's alright.

    I just read this and my heart sunk. I hate how our bodies are such a mystery and how quickly something new can come on.

    Pamper her with all your might.

    what he said.

  7. maaann...

    tm has only orchestra tickets ($127 +12 service charge each) !!!

    that's like 14 fat cats shows :P

    i think i'm oot, but have fun those of you that are going. i would endorse C'est What as a nice place for a pre-show dinner/drink.

    i did however get inspired to lay down muoney for bruce cockburn in guelph on october 19.

    maybe see some of you there?

  8. water issues have become one of the reasons why i grind my teeth :P

    the libyan effort to pipe groundwater 100's of kms is one of many hare-brained schemes currently happenning, with the expected short-term gain/long-term disastrous effects.

    saudi arabia has been farming for years in the desert using mile deep wells and (dead cheap locally produced) nitrogen fertilizer. this has lead to nitrite contamination of their groundwater, rendering it unpotable.

    tankers and million litre "water bags" are being used to transport glacial fresh water from the north to the south.

    A 7-minute shower uses more clean water (35 gallons) than 1.1 billion of the world’s people have access to in a week.

    ok, i need to breathe now.

    get a copy of "water Wars" by Vandana Shiva.


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