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Posts posted by timouse

  1. so my wife jennifer, who has had back trouble since she was young, had her back go out on her this week. muscle relaxants and painkillers have gotten her through the initial bit, but she's getting tired of being spaced out all the time.

    looks like we're spending the long weekend at home...please send some of your happy good long weekend vibes her way.

    thanks, folks :)

  2. animal.jpg

    A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.

    You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.

    But you sure can beat a good drum.

    "Kill! Kill!"

    i aspire to Animal, but most days i feel like Beaker.


    edit to add...the link says i tend toward fozzie bear, so go figure.

  3. margaret, you are awesome :)

    ever heard of Dignam's? they sell rural, out of the way property for dead cheap. they also do their own in-house financing. we get their catalogue, and it's full of properties that would work that carry for a few hundred $$ a month.

    maybe edger is on to something. meeting anyone?

  4. I read that as "you look a little weird to mate" (amazing the difference one little 'o' can make)

    Anyhow, that's a lot of transition at once SM, no doubt!! I think it would be weird if you weren't feeling weird. So in fact you're probabably feeling perfectly normal right now considering the circumstances.

    All the best as you plunge into these next stages. Sounds like you've got a pretty good grip on things!!

    what she said :P

    sounds like you are making all the life-changing moves that you possibly could all at the same time...you should be pleased that you are merely feeling weird. most people that attempt that much change at once would be happy just to feel weird...

    congratulations on your move, the west's loss is for sure the east's gain...

  5. - The Corporation. Can't believe I hadnt seen this.. its amazing and canadian. see it!

    agreed, and i'd add "the end of suburbia" to the list.

    there was a movie thread recently where "the ccorporation" was being panned as a sleep aid, so be warned. but watch it anyways. fill up on coffee, prop your eyes open with toothpicks and check it out :P

  6. corb lund-hair in my eyes like a highland steer

    steely dan-aja

    gd 1990-05-06 disc 2

    ani difranco-little plastic castle

    billy preston collection

    edit to add...niffermouse heard bp's version of "circles" last night and told me that she had always thought that was a diesel dog original :P

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