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Posts posted by timouse

  1. What this says to me is:

    We (MADD, the government, whoever) accept that marijuana is a part of our society and there's not much we can do about it so we ask that you at least don't drive.

    As opposed to:

    It's illegal, don't do it. Or the american campaign that if you buy weed, you are supporting terrorism.


  2. Agency officials said that tracking bin Laden and his deputies remained a high priority, and that the decision to disband the unit was not a sign that the effort had slackened.

    Instead, the officials said, it reflects a belief that the agency can better deal with high-level threats by focusing on regional trends rather than on specific organizations or individuals, the Times reported.

    we have always been at war with oceania.

  3. It struck me that most festivals must suck for artists — paltry set lengths to largely unfeeling crowds in sweltering heat, most of the multitude fuming over $10 brats and the $35 it cost to get drunk on flat Bud Light. The artists came to Bonnaroo expecting all that and worse — and by worse, I mean hippies — but all (except Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, who just came off as dicks, and Dungen, who sucked) ended up expressing some earnest change of heart. What could account for this? What was Bonnaroo doing differently? It came down to two words: good vibes.

    Believe me when I say that a little piece of me died in typing those two words, the most nebulous, heinous and overused in the hippie lexicon. Generally, hippies bemoan a lack of these vibes, calling in times of turmoil for more good ones and offering as the utmost insult that a person radiates bad ones. This always seemed, to me, the absurd height of the hippie’s pseudo-belief structure — not even as solidified in concept as karma (another abused notion, though), good vibes were like those “neutralizer†sprays that you buy and then spray in a room that smells bad, and what the spray does is not smell like anything, so then, in theory, your room smells like nothing, but actually it just smells like nothing and cat food. Vibes aren’t real, but my wallet is, and stealing it does not make those nonexistent vibes wiggle positively or negatively, because they can’t wiggle. Because they don’t exist.

    But at Bonnaroo, backed by the force of 80,000 unwashed believers, good vibes were real, if only because the hippies willed it to be so. The dude with the clipboard (if you were there, you know the one) always asked everyone to pick up trash and help keep the good vibes.

  4. be there in 4 hours :)

    yay scullies!

    as far as foot/hand independence goes, there are a wide variety of excercise books that will help. i would reccommend endless hours of the "snail" beat...

    boom boom da! boom ba dum ba! (repeat)

  5. hey low roller, very sad to hear about your loss.

    jennifer and i have had to put down a couple of 20+ year old cats, and it's a very sad thing to go through...pets are a huge part of our lives, and it hurts to see them go.

    george carlin talked about losing dogs, and his take was "life is a series of dogs." or in your case, cats :P

  6. Note that I come from a background in which both drinking and golf feature prominently...

    Aloha' date='


    you are descended from a noble line of corporate executives?

    No, but close: my family was in that early (first or second) wave of suburbanites in the mid-1960s. (If you've seen The Dick Van Dyke show, that was kind of what it was like: house in the 'burbs, Dad takes mass transit into the city to a white-collar job, Mom stays home with the kids, social activities include cocktail parties, card [bridge] games, and golf.)



    me too :P

    way to break out of the mold!

  7. Sooooo. I 'test-demolished' the stairs leading down to the basement, instantly adding crack-house cred with a blair witch appeal. Over a couple weeks I carted 22 boxes of plaster 'discretely' to work to dispose of after-hours like a friggin' tunnel-digging con emptying his pantleg in the yard.

    post of the week!

    you sir are the master of the mental image.

    i hope that it gets easier for you, at the very least you are now able to wire the place the way you like...

  8. Ditto MarcO

    For me, I think it has something to do with officially turning my brain off for a rest at the end of each day.

    Sometimes a little doobage with some good ol' mindless dribble on the tube can do wonders for decompressing


    the simpsons saved my brain.

  9. Good for Waters for going to places few go. But if really wanted to suggest to Israel and the Palestinian Territorities how peace is done' date=' he'd have been better off having Mrs. Gilmour, Mason and Wright on stage with him.[/quote']

    That's priceless! :)

    indeed. maybe they can get jimmy carter to broker a peace accord :P

  10. As if he wasn't amazing enough :). I just had Amused to Death on last night for the first time in a while, and recalled what a stellar - and relevant - piece of work it is.

    What a line -

    "It may be a lot harder to get this one down, but eventually it has to happen, otherwise there's no point being human beings."

    agreed, but it's sort of sad that the people in charge need to have this sort of thing pointed out to them by pop stars.

  11. Fisk interviewed Jonathan Kay of the National Post, seeking his opinion of describing people as "brown-skinned." To my infinite sorrow, Kay responded: "These things are heavily idiomatic in the sense that, you know, 40 years ago, we would have said 'coloured.' "

    At this point, I briefly considered driving a spoon into my heart, Kay not being available. People in Britain and worldwide are now reading that "brown-skinned" is part of the Canadian idiom.


    now robert fisk is gonna think that we're a bunch of redneck morons :P

    you can say the right thing and still mean the wrong thing...nice of these folks to be so candid about their biases.

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