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Posts posted by timouse

  1. there's more than enough GD music from 1965 to 1995 to sink my ears into for the rest of my days. Sometimes, there's something to be said for just saying "that's done" and walking away. I never heard anything from the post-GD "Dead" line-ups that challenged that perspective for me.

    Phil & Friends have laid down some monster stuff, though, although I never caught the enthusiasm for either Warren Haynes nor Jimmy Herring. I really dig the 1999 shows with Page and Trey, and then the more recent ones with Ryan Adams or John Scofield.

    For me, the Grateful Dead as a band died amid the squabbles over guitars, merchandising, downsizing, outsourcing and the occasional heartless sentiment from an agitated and (probably) inebriated band member or three. The dream is over.

    Deadheads, on the other hand, continue to inspire with or without the band's current vision and leadership. G-d bless 'em!


    thank you. you generally have a very level-headed perspective on things, and your quoted comments are evidence of that.

    for me, it all kind of came unwound when i heard bobby's comments about the archive debacle.

    "you know those information just wants to be free, maaan whiny tone> people? well...see ya!" (umm...bob...your songwriting partner is the leader of the "information wants to be free" people). :P

    i am happy to have 30 years of music to listen to, and would happily check out phil if he comes to canada, but otherwise this news leaves me unaffected.

  2. Not religious...getting hitched next summer....wondering if anyone around here had some ideas about options in this rather atheist direction.


    if you're still looking, deeps, niffer and i were married by a very cool officiant who is the brewmaster at steam whistle brewery by day.

    i will dig up his info, pm me if you need it.


  3. Definately try the hot pepper trick....

    or possible Dog Hair.

    Put some dog hair around where they like to enter and it might scare them off.

    It works for skunks.

    pm lazlo. he might sell you some ass-hair shavings.

  4. well you know where I say to go....beautifull, fantabulous Kootenays.


    if you can manage the time, take the northern route to prince rupert and take the ferry down the coast. well worth the expense.

    go see dinosaur provincial park. check out cypress hills interprovincial park. and absolutely stay in the kootenays for a while. check out wednesday jam night in slocan.

    hope you guys have ana amazing trip. go slowly, stop a lot.

  5. Not sure if Timouse was refering to the Douglas Adams use of 42' date=' but thats the first thing that # makes me think of (42 being the answer to Life the Universe and Everything)...regardless its def a good sign...good luck Basher![/quote']

    42 was also the number on my beer cup at the Canada Day keg party this year. I immediately connected it to the Adams reference.

    Go Basher!

    douglas adams was a genius...every time i see the number 42 i giggle.

  6. I actually don't agree that comments bashing Israel's government are anti-Semitic (even using the layperson's understanding of anti-Semitic as meaning Jew-hating).

    I do not believe that as a Jewish person I have to agree with everything the Israeli government does, and I think it is fair to question them without being deemed anti-Jewish.

    (I should say, I am at work, so I haven't read the article in question, and if there is language in there that is anti-Jewish, rather than anti-Israeli-government, then that is a different story.)

    well put, sm.

    the article is by robert fisk, an english journalist who has been a middle east correspondent since the iran-iraq war. fisk lives in beirut, and from what i can tell writes from the civilian point of view.

    he has been accused many times of being anti-semitic, and basically states that he is critical of the actions of the israeli military and/or government, and that this is not at all anti-semitic, but rather a straw man argument that detracts from the point. governments are behaving terribly and people (not jews or arabs, people) are dying.

  7. I am a firm believer that everybody can dance. Dancing is an art form, and a way of expressing and self-actualizing, and how well somebody dances is open to interpretation.

    My mom is in a wheelchair, and it always puts a huge smile on my face when she ends up on the dance floor, grooving in her chair. I still think that part of my love for dance comes from her inability to do so on her feet. Being able to move and groove is something that I so thankful to be able to do.

    Dancing feeds the soul.

    Peace, Mark

    marco is right. mark, you rock.

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