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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. Thanks Bitter Sens Fan :)

    We'll wear out the Avs for you tonight so they're a little softer for you tomorrow ... then we'll see you on Saturday :)



    Way to wear out those Avs last night!!!

    The game started out well for the Leafs, but they fizzled out.

    Here's hoping your birthday party was better than the Leafs performance last night.

  2. I was at the game last night. All I can say, as a Sens fan, is "Yikes". An awful performance by everyone on the team.

    The season is still young, but the Leafs look a lot better than last year - especially in the goaltending department.

    There was a couple sitting beside me - him in a Leafs jersey, her in a Sens jersey. I'd be surprised if they're still together this morning!

  3. I scored free tix and backstage passes at the last minute. Seats were awesome. Backstage was a letdown - no orgy of booze and groupies. As a matter of fact there was no nothing. No band members, no hangers-on, heck not even any surly security guards. My friend and I had a couple of complimentary pints, then they kicked us out after 10 minutes.

    The show was great though!

  4. My brother got free tix and backstage passes for the show - delivered personally by Derek Trucks!

    He said that backstage afterwards was a bit of a let down - both Eric and Derek were no-shows. Only the bass and keyboard players were there but there were plenty of free cold beverages for everyone.

  5. - Zaphod's

    Perhaps Ottawa's #2 music venue in terms of recognition (after barrymore's), yet they pull bands off the stage by 11pm so that people can dance to the same music mix I danced to in 1995.

    I don't know why people complain about that. I think it's a good thing. If you work the next day, you can be home at decent hour to get a good night's rest, if you so choose. Or, with the bands done at 11, there's plenty of time to go see more bands at a different bar.

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