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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. Yeah, I heard about the bike area in confed. park but have not seen it yet. My friends' bikes were stolen in that walkway near the City Hall entrance on Lisgar St.

    I parked my bike right on Elgin St. without a problem, but I'll check out the confed. park area next time.

  2. Be careful where and how you park your bicycles at the Bluesfest folks. My friends got their bikes ripped off last night. A huge let-down after Franti's feel-good performance.

    Securing two $700 mountain bikes with a $29.99 cable to a rack in a dimly-lit area was a bad idea, but that's beside the point.

  3. Yes the show is for sure on Saturday night.

    Silver 7 Brew pub: Walk into the Scotiabank Place (Gawd I hate that name) through the main doors (Gate 1). Go up the stairs immediately to your right. Veer slightly to your left and walk straight down that concourse until you see the big sign for the Silver 7 above your head. I believe it is just outside section 322. Take the stairs on your left up to the pub. Hope to see you there!


  4. I was at that show on Sunday night. I wanted to make a posting last night when I returned home but was too tired. I really enjoyed the show. First it was the Duo for about half an hour, then Trey and Mike joined them for just over an hour. Highlight of that set was "Who Are You", very well done. Overall I enjoyed their set very much, you folks going to see them in Toronto are in for a treat. However, for you "Shine" haters, they played 2 songs from that disc.


    Drifting, Plasma, Mud City, Play Pause Stop, Suskind Hotel > Dragonfly, Sweet Dreams Melinda, Get Back, Shine, Something For Rockets, Mr. Completely > Who Are You* E: Tuesday

    Phil & Friends - very good too. I like the line-up, and Phil was wise to turn most of the singing duties over to his bandmates. Don't get me wrong, I love Phil, but his "church dad vocals" (thanx for that phrase Hux) are a little hard to listen to sometimes. Highlights for me "Peggy-O",

    "Uncle John's Band", "Althea" and of course "The Wheel".


    Set 1: Let the Good Times Roll > Big River, Dire Wolf, Peaceful Song > Peggy-O, Althea

    Set 2: New Speedway Boogie > He's Gone > Uncle John's Band > Unbroken Chain, Morning Dew, The Wheel*, Not Fade Away*, E: Casey Jones*

  5. seriously, this dvd must be lined up along side your pornos.

    I bought the DVD too and filed it alongside "Sin-namon Girl" and "Hard of Gold".

    Seriously though, this movie is a must for all Neil fans. I've had his song "This Old Guitar" stuck in my head all week.

  6. Cool. Was anyone here responsible for the press? I'd like to get the same mention for the Barr Brothers show and would appreciate any leads I can get.

    There are mailing lists available for all entertainment media outlets in the country.

    I do believe Velvet has access to such a list if you wanna contact him.

  7. I finally had to weigh in on this topic.

    In my not so humble opinion, Arnason's a bum.

    Maybe another team will give him a chance, but if he doesn't pull up his socks next season, he's done.

    If the Blackhawks give Bochenski the right linemates, he will be a top scorer within three seasons. Mark my words.

    Muckler? yeah, he's still a smart hockey man, but that trade was a mistake.

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