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Posts posted by larry_llama

  1. I think you are missing the point of their model. You are thinking in terms of "Buying a CD" which is not what this is about.

    Your $10 is an "investment" in a new band. Same as your money at a show is, or buying an EP from a struggling band even though you can rip it from a friend.

    Getting a copy of the "limited edition CD" is a bonus, as is any revenue from future sales.

    It is a completely different model that is completely disconnectee from the old idea of make-a-cd-in-order-to-sell-CDs...

  2. h is definitely hoedown.

    track 6 here (though this is a way better versio than the classical one they used in the mix)


    it's also known as "the beef commercial song" haha

    s is weird because it's, i think, "Battle Without Honor Or Humaity - Tomoyasu Hotei" from the kill bill soundtrack. there is another track on that cd called super 16 which would fit but im pretty sure that clip is battle without....

    track 9 here:


  3. Why would they pay for something they can't download for a few months?

    from their "how it works" page:

    For the first time fans and Artists can be in business together. Therefore each Artist issues 5,000 so called Parts. Parts cost $10 (plus transaction costs) each. Together Believers have to raise $50,000 to get their Artist of choice in the studio. At any point before your Artist has reached the Goal of $50,000, you can withdraw your Parts and pick a different Artist. You can even get your money back. It's your music. It's your choice.
  4. this is a great idea

    c-towns, from their "how it works" page:

    At all times during the SellaBand program, you are free to leave. But why would you? If you want to you can sign with any label of your choice. You are free to go, also after you've recorded the CD. The big difference is that you now have a professional product and a whole army of fans behind you. We wish you good luck with your career and perhaps we'll meet again.

  5. i grew out of speeding when i was like 22 years old. hopefully the new law will force people to grow up a bit sooner. there is no need to be going 150.

    i love how this is some sort of story cause the guy is a doctor as if it makes a difference. once he's behind the wheel and going 155, he could be mother fucking theresa and he'd still be a hazard on the road. i'm glad they took away his car, and i hope it makes him think twice next time. if he wanted to arrive 15 minutes sooner he could have left 15 minutes earlier.

    people who rabidly defend speeding need to step back, chill out, slow down, and take a look at themselves. ask yourself why you're in such a big damned hurry?

  6. remove the device in device manager (rt click "my computer"->manage->device manager, rt click dvd drive and "remove")

    then rescan hardware (button at top of device manager) and it should force a reinstall of the drivers for the writer

    report back

  7. I don't consider "Family day" a deciding factor, but I'll take it. I firmly believe there should be one long weekend every month. Actually I think we should just have a 4 day workweek, but all the workaholics on this continent probably disagree... I can almost guarantee the same amount of work will get done in a 4 day week as a 5 day--- it will just have to be done 20% more efficiently :-)

  8. to be fair, i was in good standing, ratio over 1 for over a year, and my account disappeared recently. i think they have set their timeout to be kinda low, so if you don't log in for a month you are goners. either that or there was a glitch during the URL move...

  9. does anyone here read lefsetz letters? some good stuff on there lately... arguing with one of the industry lawyers. these people have gone beyond shooting themselves in the foot and are slowly moving up to the point where they'll be shooting themselves in the faces. it's going to be hard to pay for all these high priced lawyers a few years down the road once they've completely bankrupted themselves while at the same time becoming more and more despised to the point that people ACTIVELY start ripping them off. these labels are such a joke.

  10. I've been tempted to carry around a pile of bumper stickers to address similar idiots and their idiocy.

    In particular, I've considered having stickers printed up to stick to the backs of Porsche or Cadillac SUVs and H1 Hummers:

    "I hate the environment."



    I remember that site well... it appears to be down now. Possibly related to a whole slew of lawsuits from SUV owners....

  11. if he comes to hamilton, i'll go to the show and put money in his pocket, and if he's a real charming performer, will buy the cd on his second time through :-)


    these days you gotta prove yourself through your shows, and you have to be content to make a living off a smaller group of hardcore fans. the age of the rock star is coming to an end i think...

    and i agree... without free downloads it's very likely his sales would be even lower. After all, i'm gonna head to oink now and see what I can find, and if I like it I'll hit a show. If I didn't have that option, and his name came across hcal, how would I know it was worth seeing?

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