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Posts posted by larry_llama

  1. unfortunately the forestry industry operates around meeting a bottom line and has been known to bend the reality of many environmental situations for the sake of turning one type of green into another

    Which is why we need to be ultra careful about forcing the forestry industry away from a well-monitored situation and into a potentially completely unmonitored one. I will say it again: the trees are gonna go down SOMEWHERE. Better to have it happen in a highly controlled environment.

    If you want to do something right now instead of thinking about doing something later, start a new petition attacking toilet paper companies who use new pulp intead of 100% post consumer paper. Or plant some trees!

  2. Yes, but the forest outside of Algonquin will never be as closely monitored and protected, and forcing companies to log there could be asking for MUCH more trouble. What makes algonquin's forest better than the rest of the country's?

    I'm just saying it's a lot more complicated than that website makes it sound... cutting off the operations is not going to mean less logging, it's just going to displace it.

  3. The main problem here is that the logs need to come from somewhere, and these operations mostly feed southern ontario. So the real problem is the number of copies of shitty canadian tire flyers that get circulated, the number of shitty new houses being built, and the number of people being born who will need to wipe their shitty asses for the rest of their lives. My understanding is that the logging operations within government parks are highly regulated and closely monitored (especially in regards to selective logging and replanting rather than clear cutting). So by shutting these closely monitored operations down, the logging companies are going to be forced to move somewhere else... likely somewhere that has fewer (or zero) restrictions (possibly even overseas), and also likely somewhere that is much further away than the eventual destination of the logs, meaning a huge overuse of petroleum to ship the stuff.

    Anyway, don't get me wrong... I'm all for protecting the parks, and natural habitats in general, but the true fight needs to be against the massive overuse of paper and wood products -- and for increased regulation of logging operations everywhere -- because no matter which way you slice it, the materials are going to be harvested and going to be used unless we change our evil ways. (just don't harvest them in my back yard)

  4. The other day I saw a woman driving while talking on a cellphone with her left hand and eating noodles with a fork out of a container on the passenger seat with her right hand. Thank god there were no animals (or people) on the road cause there would be no way for her to avoid them.

  5. I do have a suggestion, was wondering if its possible to get an RSS feed of our personal calendar?

    Hey... I'm looking into this RSS business and it seems pretty straightforward. However I was looking for some advice from anyone who uses RSS.

    Generally, RSS feeds tend to have the newest-posted content listed first. However, for events listings it generally makes more sense to have the soonest-to-occur item listed first. In this case though, the top item is likely to be the one that was posted the longest time in the past which is counter to how most feeds work.

    Also, when 2am rolls around, the events of that day will drop off the top and everything will shift upwards.

    I'm wondering how all this will affect RSS readers etc. i.e. it doesn't make sense to "update" the RSS fed when items come off the top (it would be showing an "update" at 2am every day then, even if nothing new was posted).

    I guess I'm looking for anyone who uses RSS to give me an idea about how they'd like to see a feed laid out

    the number of places to list a venue's shows/events is growing every day

    Hey man... There is now a way to include hcal content into other webpages. i.e. with a line of code at casbah.ca, your site would display all upcoming casbah events without any extra work. Once RSS is done, you could include casbah listings in ANY site that can take an RSS feed. So I'm working towards a goal of there being only one place where a show has to be updated.

    Check out the code for casbah (code and instructions are down the page just under the listings):


  6. You have to have an active bell phone number at your house before primus can hook you up. This is because they lease the physical lines from bell. So make sure you are settled in with bell, then you can call to make the switch.

    The fact that they can lease lines from bell AND offer lower rates than bell really tells you something about bells gouging policies :P

  7. The only reason there are no taxes or age restrictions on this stuff is because it's new. Do these guys think that the gov't(s) will never realize that this stuff exists and is essentially the same as alcohol? They'll figure out a way to get their hands on a good percentage of the sale of this stuff pretty quickly if the market for it blows up.

    Anyway, aside form all that it breathes new life into the old game of sneaking booze into bars!

  8. I am all in support of your website. However, the number of places to list a venue's shows/events is growing every day.

    There just isn't enough time in the day to spend uploading new info to EVERY site out there.

    I totally understand... That's why I'm fully open to sharing the database with whomever is interested in incorporating the listings into their own page. As well, my next "task" is to create static pages that are simply an HTML table of shows for a particular venue. Then, for example, you could include that static page on your casbah website and by updating hcal, you'd be updating your own site as well.

    I know lots of people are using myspace to post shows, but it's just not centralized, and it's a tooth-grinding experience going anywhere NEAR most of the profiles on that site.

    Anyway, I will continue to do my best to post all the shows I can, but for now I'm focusing on development more than importing data. There's only so much one man can do!

    It would be cool if enough people caught on to make this worthwhile, but I'm not gonna take it personally if it goes nowhere. That being said, any and all input, even if you want to tell me I'm an idiot, is welcome (but I might argue if you actually tell me I'm an idiot...)

  9. Ask and ye shall receive! I updated the personal calendar page to display a link to your shared calendar (to make it easier to copy and paste to people), as well as adding an option to enable/disable sharing (in case you have a stalker)

    Next up will be editing venue and band information I think. Unless there are any other suggestions? I want to get the basics complete before getting too fancy.

    Also looking for volunteers to help post shows in order to help out until this becomes popular enough to be self-sustaining. It would be cool if anyone with an interest in helping to build this community resource cares to pick a specific venue and regularly post/update shows (until we can convince the venue operators that it's in their interest to do it themselves). I have been trying to do it on my own, and if it were only a few shows at a time, I could keep up but it's hard for me to keep on top of every venue and every community event on my own! Any takers? ;)

    Down the road: RSS, email reminders (including notifying you if a band which you've previously added to your calendar has a new show posted), creating static mini-calendars that can be embedded in other pages (such as a band's page, a blog, or a venue's page), uploading concert posters....and probably more. Note that I'm not committing to doing any of this at any reasonable speed :P

  10. This is a great site, man, big ups. I'd like to see a feature where I can edit an existing event, though, rather than just adding a new one.

    Hey Rev (and all)... The edit function is now up and running (via a link at the top of each event page):


    I'd also like to add contact info for bookers under each venue listing. So if there are any bookers out there who want to be listed, please contact me and let me know which venues you book for, and if you know any bookers for specific venues (or otherwise), please let me know.

    Thanks everyone!

  11. We moved in January and I signed on for bell phone/internet with full intentions to switch to primus as soon as the bell intro rate kicked out.

    How did it work? Was the transition smooth? Do they send you a new modem etc? Can bell affect your service somehow since they own the physical wires still?

    Any input is appreciated.. I'm excited to switch (planning to this week actually). Right now I have a bell router with built in wireless and it really sucks. I have to reboot it every other day, and the signal is pure crap. Not to mention bell is just pure shit to deal with.

  12. now we are quickly running out of bags, and need some suggestions...

    We often forget to bring a bag (or don't have one), and we usually just find one on the ground somewhere along the walk. It's a sad state of affairs when you can count on litter so regularly, but at least we are helping a bit by picking some up...

  13. just donbt pick it up. I always bring a bag just in case some one watched me or says somthing, but i never ever ever ic up atfer my dog, nev er have for any of my dogs

    Why don't you post your address so we can all come wipe our feet on your doorstep when we step in your dog's shit.

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