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Posts posted by larry_llama

  1. Does anyone know what the name is for the effect where you flick the touchscreen and the screen scrolls ahead and then slowly comes to a stop? iphone/ieverything seems to use it a lot now...

    I want to search for any hacks that enable a feature like that for synaptics touchpads - they have a "coast" feature which is useful but not as slick as the flick technique.

    It's hard to search without kowing the "official" name of that UI feature though.

  2. the attack ads have already started, and mark my words they will heat up on all sides because of a threat of election early next year

    they are making a mockery of the system.

    and for the last time, birdy THE COALITION IS NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND IT IS NOT UNDEMOCRATIC! it is exactly how the system is supposed to work.

  3. I think that what is more important than the point that canadians "voted harper in to a minority position" is that the majority of canadians actually voted to keep harper out of power - they voted representatives in who would keep him in check.

    I think this coalition might be the best way to actually get shit done during this clearly unstable political climate. We need some sort of government over the next couple of years, until the parties are actually ready for another election, which none of them are right now.

    A harper minority for the next few years seems totally dysfunctional. the conservatices seem to be completely unable to compromise and see past differences in order to get shit done. If they were able to do so, they'd be the ones in a position to secure power via coalition right now.

    SO who are the ones who can't play nice? the 3 parties willing to grind their teeth and get along in order to get us through this? or the one party who can't compromise enough to get ANY non partisan support?


  4. Hey fellas. what were the results in the last Australian election? When was the last Australian election? How many voters showed up to vote? Exactly. No one cares about Canadian elections except Canadians just like no one in Canada cares about the Australian election....least that's how i see it.

    Federal elections for the Parliament of Australia were held on Saturday 24 November 2007 after a 6-week campaign' date=' in which 13.6 million Australians were enrolled to vote. All 150 seats in the House of Representatives and 40 seats in the 76-member Senate were contested in the election.

    The opposition centre-left Australian Labor Party, led by Kevin Rudd and deputy leader Julia Gillard, defeated the incumbent centre-right coalition government, led by Liberal Party leader and Prime Minister John Howard and Nationals leader and Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile. The coalition had been in power since the 1996 election.[/quote']

    copy and pasting from here doesn't count:


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