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Posts posted by Hartamophone

  1. I've only been paying attention to Dylan setlists for a couple of years, but it looks to me like he's playing some bust-outs on this recent tour leg. I could be wrong, but there are at least a couple of tunes on Tuesday night's setlist that I can't remember seeing for quite a while (and no, I'm not talking about the same two songs that he encores pretty much every night).

    Bob Dylan

    Memorial Stadium , Fort Wayne , IN

    Set I: Cat's In The Well, You Ain't Goin' Nowhere, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, Girl of the North Country, Watching the River Flow, Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again, Masters of War, Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat, Tangled Up In Blue, Highway 61 Revisited, My Back Pages, Summer Days

    Enc: Like A Rolling Stone, All Along the Watchtower

  2. Ahhh yes, what would the days following moe.down be without Freeker's annual novel of a review? A little bit shorter this year, but got the point across none the less.

    Joking aside, I was looking forward to reading what you had to say, Freek. It looks as though it was quite a weekend, despite the thievery and bad weathery. Glad to see that almost all those who went had a great time.

  3. That's a huge bummer, indeed. That man was quite a presence.

    The crazy thing is that by the accounts I've read, his death was rather freakish. There have only been stingray deaths in Oz in the past century - it just so happened that he came accross this one suddenly, and it happened to get him right in the chest. Really, really sad.

  4. Personally, I find Colbert gets old in a hurry. The O'Reilly spoof was funny at first, but it's become tiresome. Also, I find his interviews derivative and dull: I can only watch his sophomoric attempts at making other people look stupid so many times before I become completely unentertained.

    To each his own, though.

  5. Greetings Skanks,

    It's been a while since I've spent much time around these parts, and I don't even know that there's anybody from Victoria on the board much, but I just thought I'd throw this out there.

    I'm moving to Victoria in a couple of weeks and have yet to locate housing. I've been going through the usual online channels and have seen a bunch of alright places, but I thought I'd post on here in case anyone knows of any great spots or is looking for a roomate themselves. If anyone can help, it'd be much appreciated.



  6. Hey all.

    Sorry if this has been posted already, but I'm not online much these days. The Olympic Regional Development Authority here in Lake Placid (the folks who run the Olympic Center) have circulated their calendar of "upcoming" events, and included on the list is snoe.down, set for March 23-25th 2007. Just wanted to give a (very early) heads up, as the 2006 edition was a fantastic three days.



  7. Just coming in the door and thought it was a great show. The "new" drummer has helped the band find a great balance between the spacey jams and the tight rock 'n roll, in my opinion. Their extended jams were tight and fresh (which one hasn't always been able to say about them) and their heavier tunes thumped hard and had the place bumpin'. You can tell that they've been working hard, and I personally haven't enjoyed a JSB show that much in quite a while. Anyone who can should check out the encore show this coming Monday at Maverick's, where they're playing with Mr. David Lauzon.



  8. Cully,

    My deepest childhood dream of seeing you ascend to the most heady of volunteer posts has at long last reached fruition. I am whole for the first time in my young life.

    Joking aside, congratulations man. Glad to hear that things are happening for you. Coming up Milhouse, indeed.



  9. I'm very close to being in. I'm actually just in Ottawa for a couple of days (for a wedding), but would really like to hear what these guys are up to, knowing how hard they worked while they were off the road. I'd also like to see how the "new" drummer is working out these days, as I wasn't fully sold the first time I saw him play.

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