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Posts posted by d_rawk

  1. haha, poor meggo falling outta the bar ... how're your hands? :: Glad you were able to get up this morning despite us keeping you away from a good sleep with the double temptations of late-night breakfast food and beer. We always manage to meet interesting new friends (I think "Hey you, I'm glad I was born a man!" is a brilliant - if somewhat offputting - way for someone to introduce themself)

    Really enjoyed Slowcoaster ... can't wait to hear the recording of Saturday's electric sets which I missed. Judging by last night, all the praise that was heaped on them after the Sat. show was well placed.

    I think they said they wouldn't be back through town until July? Someone should talk those guys into showing up for a CTMF (Mark, you out there?). They could do an acoustic mid-afternoon set and then get us boogiein' at night.

  2. The quick fix may be to soak them in olive oil. As far as avoiding doing the dishes goes, it certainly sounds like a good excuse ... 'course you could always wear rubber gloves ;) (actually, it's prob. a good idea in your case if you can't get out of doing the dishes entirely)

    But you say you've been playing without a pick for over a decade, so this seems like a fairly new development, and snapping up towards the cuticle sounds pretty damn brittle. There can be a lot of reasons for this, some nutritional, some not. If this is new, I wouldn't treat it as "just a pain in the ass" but as a sign that something needs to change or be investigated. If you have a doctor or equivalent, this wouldn't be a bad time to enlist their services. Make sure you stress that it is something new ... physicians can be a pain in the butt. Thyroid tests aren't worth a damn, but request one anyways.

    Are you getting enough protein? Calcium/Magnesium? EFAs (flax seed oil may be worth trying)?

    Glucosamine can sometimes help with this, as can a B-complex (for the Biotin) but you've got to do your research to determine if that is something you want to try.

    Anyways ... I am most definately not a doctor, this isn't medical advice, and I've never had to deal with brittle nails so I'm just spouting off. Just some thoughts.

  3. Absolutely. As stated above, I think that "No" is meaningful. I think that you're correct about it being more 'mild than spicy' (hehe) as far as your point B) because international opinion is already pretty solidly against the entire endeavour. But yeah, "No" is important and a "Yes" in this case would have been expensive, embarrassing, and - in my opinion - morally untenable.

    I somewhat disagree that dissent of its own accord is constitutive of a separate political agenda, but it does at least imply one .. so its a quibble, and I agree with the general point.

  4. the only reason the conservatives aren't all over that is because of the large military budget.

    ... and because they aren't in the mood to force an election at the moment. For good reason.

    Agreed about it being a non-issue. Canada's support for the program would have been primarily financial, and was sought mostly as a means of making the entire affair more palatable to the fence-sitters in the US. It is an expensive proposition, and much easier to justify when you can say that you are sharing the costs. It is also difficult to sell to the general American public when they are questioning why they should be footing the bill to defend another country (though whether any actual defense is provided is another thing entirely).

    That said, I'm still happy with the announcement. It does mean something to say "No", even if the machinery of militarization proliferates unabated by your opposition (eww.. could someone reword that for me? I think I'm sleepy..). Though given the present political climate, and the widespread opposition to BMD/Star Wars, it wouldn't have made much sense for the Liberals to go any other way on it.

  5. Postol worked on the early Patriot alti-missle missles and went public with their terrible track record.

    There was a pretty good CBC documentary produced about this and the alleged "100% success rate" of the patriot missiles awhile back. Worth tracking down if possible .. it's called "Best Defense".

    Dr. Theodore Postol is featured in it.

  6. The jury is still out on whether my life would have been better or worse without his influence. One thing's for sure ... it would have been less exciting.

    He didn't die all those many times that he should have -- and now he's gone and died when he shouldn't. For g'dam sure he's already stirring up a mess of trouble on the other side.

    "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." - HsT


  7. I just learnt what the purple font is all about. Note: all of my posts to date should have been in purple font. (also discovered italics, can you tell?)

    RE: learnt/learned ... favourite quote: 'They are all irregular verbs, and this is a part of their irregularity'

    [edited to remove grammar cop-ishness. This post is now entirely irrelevant. Welcome, DutchTreat]

  8. My CTMF wish:

    No stereos in the fire this year. (yuck)

    Agree about The Spades ... I'd love to see them on the bill, and it would be a great way to shake things up.

    And I might be the only one who feels this way (it could have been the tequila that night), but I really dug Drums and Tuba at Frontier Town.

  9. Some other ideas...

    Gun Control


    Pre-marital Sex


    Separation of Church and State


    National Healthcare System


    Women's Rights/Feminism


    Education Reform


    Violence in the Media

    *awesome* (yeah, so?)

    Environmental Preservation


    Regulation of Business





    awesome? wait ...





    Legal Drinking Age


    Legal Voting Age

    *awesome* (might disagree about what it should be ..)

    Casual Fridays and Workplace Morale



    *awesome* (pork's a vegetable ... right?)

    RE: cortez the killer ... we've got that tune all over the place. Just ask.

  10. Yeah, well look away, if you can.....


    I've been called a lot of things, but pervert isn't one of ... oh, wait ...


    [edit:] now that you've changed it, it looks like you're beating your udders with that drumstick ... and lovin' it.

  11. my perspective is one of past club manager. it's absolutely true...numbers follow women. it's hard to get women out to party and it's hard to get numbers at jamband shows. the press doesn't back us up, party people turn their noses up at the patchouli, and we're left to party with the same old crowd - I like going out not knowing the majority of people at a show, and having a group of friends to rock out with...it's nice to know the faces of everybody at a club but not at every show.

    G'damn, I keep trying to get away and I get pulled in by some crazy thread.

    1) Beats you're a posting machine! Holy crap man!

    2) Patchouli makes me grumpy

    3) It's hard to get women out to PARTY? You've gone mad.

    4) I don't know much about the scene you guys have got going here in Ottawa, but in a lot of cities there are a lot of girls (or used to be .. maybe not still). A lot of them are probably with their BFs though, I guess. Lots of women at festivals ... EVOLVE this year was a madhouse.

    5) Come hang out with us for a weekend in a non-jam environment, you'll have fun, you'll meet some cute women, you'll feel better, you'll forget all about this ...

    6) It's about the music, mon amis. You can't force an appreciation. I see what you mean about getting the numbers out in order to support the bands ... but it's all cycles, like everything else. The crowds will swell and then they will thin out. Again and again and again.

  12. I knew that Saturday was going to be a wreck pretty early on. I remember spontaneously sweating and asking Schnelly if he, too, found it unbearably hot in the cab on the way to 'that place'. This is pre-intoxicants.

    It was great to see some old familiar faces, some faces that are just now becoming familiar, and to meet some new people as well. Glad that, for once, I didn't show up too late to catch Tonin & the Harvard Mouse boys play (good stuff guys!), the KDub possee drumming was groovin', and Diesel Dog -- your music has healing properties. Forgot myself for awhile while you were playing. Good times to see a Lancaster-esque show in my new home town.

    Tenants of that place --

    Thanks for all the smiles, warm greets, and making me feel so welcome.

    Meggo --

    Talking to you in the kitchen kept me conscious until I could dump myself into a cab. Thanks for that.

    Max Webster --

    I wasn't as 'on' as usual ... but you sure were. Had me in stitches all night. Can't believe that I didn't get a chance to party with the kitty ears. Oh well, there is always next time.

    If nothing else, Schnell had a lot of extra beers to drink in my absence.

    As pumped as I was for this weekend, I would have sat this one out if you hadn't been here. It's rare for 3/4 of the relevant members of the old skool College St. Crew to get a chance to be in the same room together these days, and I wasn't about to pass it up on account of a bit of dizziness and queasiness. Hope I didn't give anyone at the bar SARS, avian chicken flu, or similar. Feel **way** better today.

    Spent the night shivering in bed while you were still living it up. I'm sure you'll be teasing me about that time you came to O'town and I went home early for years. I'm quite prepared for it.

    Keep yer nose clean.

  13. Hiya bok --

    I know what you mean, I think. I hang out with the jamband crowd often and love the music and just about everybody in it, but feel more comfortable with new york chic than tiedye -- resulting, at times, in that feeling of being the new kid at school.

    I don't think the writers of the beat generation all dressed the same (consciously, anyways. I'm not sure that they had the money or inclination to care what they were wearing) and I'm not sure it wasn't real (mythologized, certainly, but they largely lived it). I do see what you're saying about the stereotypical group of kids that developed a subculture around them ... but I still feel as stated in a post above ... it's pretty high praise, and people tend to form their identities around the things that influence them, and those identities shift in interesting ways as the influences do. *shrug*

    And sometimes you just need a place to dance and blow off steam with like minded people.

    Anyways, I'm gonna crawl back into lurk mode for awhile so I can get some stuff done.

    [For you bokonon:]


    Dean Cody Neal

    silver plate of every photgraphic memory

    of long Frisco nights

    swaggering home at dawn after hours of

    digging mad cats blow wail bop high

    on wine benny T

    glazed-eyed Bodhisattvas

    philosophizing about the moon

    having found IT

    of San Jose pulling Southern Pacific brakie jobs


    hopping freight trains in Nogales, Arizona

    blanket 'n bottle of whiskey for warmth

    wrapped shivering in miles of tracks gone by

    lulled by hopeful murmurs of hobos

    hitching rides in Shittown, Tennesse, Oklahoma, Utah

    New York to Frisco

    back an' forth

    of cloudy nights in Denver

    when you'd slacken your step

    flick the last of your cigarette

    high into the air watch it explode

    scatter burning tobacco 'cross avenue asphalt

    so you could see stars

    i had peyotl-laced visions of you me

    two northern California rancheros

    milking the dusty land

    wild crazy wives and beat visitors

    Allen Lucien Bill

    getting mad kicks digging jazz

    zigzagged on the floor

    i dreamt of growing old together

    small hut in Mexico

    composing Proustian masterpieces

    times change we both know

    no longer side by side you at the wheel

    i'm in the backseat of your car

    silent you read the road

    as i watch you glide over it

    and all that twisting road and rolling land

    looks like a rift now

    'tween two tempered seas

    [For the rest -- neo-neo-mod:]


    Nobody start a glam rock thread without me ::

  14. How's that?

    Excellent. You da man.

    `There are going to be times when we can't wait for somebody. Now you're either on the bus or off the bus. If you're on the bus, and you get left behind, then you'll find it again. If you're off the bus in the first place--then it won't make a damn.'


  15. Awesome, thanks for the clarification Canned Beats.

    I guess I was thinking of the music inspiring the core group in their early work, references to 'wild horns' and such in their manic pursuit of extreme experiences, etc..

    As far as the soundtrack to the subsequent scene or subculture - especially the public readings and performance aspect of it all (snap snap snap) - yeah, cool jazz makes a lot of sense.

    [Edited to add:]

    I can't believe this thread hasn't gone down the Beats/Cassady->Merry Pranksters/Cassady->Grateful Dead route yet ...

  16. Seems awefully cynical, bok.

    I'm with meggo -- they made some real significant contributions. Yeah, it seems cliche, but seriously, tell me 'Howl' isn't one powerhouse of a poem or that 'On The Road' didn't change a thousand peoples lives.

    I think you're probably right about the mod scene, though. But damn, those really were some killer suits ...

    I imagine that the real, deep 'scenes' always develop around the people who are doing authentic, meaningful work. The trappings that come with it might seem vain, superficial, trite, even elitist, whatever, but I thinks it's better than people toiling away pumping out good books/good movies/good music and never getting any acknowledgment or accolades at all ...

    But I haven't slept in a lot of days ...


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