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Posts posted by d_rawk

  1. Bokonon --

    I wonder who, specifically, you are referring to? I remember some relatively minor squirmishes or tensions between some of the men of the beat generation but I'm having trouble coming up with a situation of the caliber that you suggest.

    (Other than geography, the beats were primarily literary, while the mods were primarily musical. Bebop would be the soundtrack to the beats, while the mods made their own soundtrack, if that makes any sense . The mods also wore better suits and drove fabulous mopeds, but that's incidental ... unless you're really hot for a good suit. There is little significant crossover between the two groups. Of course, as in all scenes, there were always a bunch of beautiful cool kids hitching a ride in both groups ... but hey, where would we be without beautiful cool kids? Most of us would have never been born.)

    Hey, that's post #2, and I've been reading this board for ... what ... years?

  2. I'm coming out of a long hard lurk to say that you'd better be getting your butt up here for Diesel Dog/Harvard Mouse and maybe the good people of 40 Main will make it 3 for 3.

    (hey guys, thanks for letting an Ottawa newcomer dance, pass out, dance, pass out, and dance again in your living room. Hux -- sorry about smoking in your room dude)

    We miss you up here -- Nero's Eve was too long ago.

    Bring the kitty ears.

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