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Posts posted by d_rawk

  1. "BURNT SUGAR is a territory band, a neo-tribal thang, a community hang, a society music guild aspiring to the condition of all that is molten, glacial, racial, spacial, oceanic, mythic, antiphonal and telepathic."

    "we don't strive to be original, but aboriginal"

    That's some wild stuff.

    Is it too late to throw a vote in for LCD Soundsystem?

  2. Nothing at all. I just never had you pegged as someone who appreciated Reed or the Transformer album. What's rare (but not unheard of) is you not hating something that I don't hate too ;)

    If I could be anything in the world that flew

    I would be a bat and come swooping after you

    And if the last time you were here things were a bit askew ...

    Well you know what happens after dark

    When rattlesnakes lose their skins and their hearts

    And all the missionaries lose their bark

    Oh, all the trees are calling after you

    And all the venom snipers after you

    Are all the mountains bolder after you?

    If I could be anyone of the things in this world that bite

    Instead of an ocelot on a leash, I'd rather be a kite

    And be tied to the end of your string

    And flying in the air, babe, at night

    Cause you know what they say about honey bears

    When you shave off all their baby hair

    You have a hairy minded pink bare bear

    And all the balls are rolling out for you

    And stones are all erupting out for you

    And all the cheap bloodsuckers are flying after you

    Yesterday, Daisy Mae and Biff were grooving on the street

    And just like in a movie, her hands became her feet

    Her belly button was her mouth

    Which meant she tasted what she'd speak

    But the funny thing is what happened to her nose

    It grew until it reached all of her toes

    Now when people say her feet they mean her nose

    And curtains laced with diamonds dear for you

    And all the Roman Noblemen for you

    And kingdom's Christian Soldiers dear for you

    And melting ice cap mountain tops for you

    And knights in flamming silver robes for you

    And bats that with a kiss turn prince for you

    Swoop, Swoop

    oh baby,

    Rock Rock

    Swoop, Swoop, Rock, Rock

  3. I've always had a blast watching Spearhead. Audience participation stuff can irk me sometimes, too (feel like a chump if you do, a stick in the mud if you don't), but the energy is always so high and the vibe so on for Spearhead that it doesn't bother me at those shows.

    Fond memories. Go make some!

    (how you feeeeellllliiiiinnnnn') ;)

  4. That'd be fun, but of course you can't actually "run" for the office of PM. I s'pose you could try to convince him to join the Liberal party and challenge Martin for the leadership at the next convention, whenever that will be.

  5. Very sleepy (Caribou!) so this will be muddled, but ...

    Yeah, as it stands right now, everyone stands to benefit from a June election except the Liberals. The BQ & CPC in particular. It's funny, because I remember a thread on here not so long ago (Missle Defense?) where we were talking about how it wasn't in the Conservatives interest to force an election. Things change fast. The Conservatives are now outstripping the Liberals nationally, and are even edging them out in Ontario (first time since 1985) - this is a rare window of opportunity for them.

    Harper is doing what Harper is expected to do given the circumstances - capitalize on the fallout of the Gomery inquiry while it's hot. People seem to have it in their heads that not only have the revelations been damning to the Liberal party in general, but that they've been damning to Martin in particular. Martin himself will most likely be exhonerated of any personal guilt or wrongdoing in the inquiry's final report, so it would serve the Conservatives well to have the public go to the polls before that happens, while the public is still (mistakenly) under the impression that Martin is himself directly and knowingly tied into the scandal.

    *shudder* at the thought of Stockwell as foreign affairs minister. I'm still bewildered that he was made foreign affairs critic for that party.

    Although these folks are salivating at the prospect:

    Stockwell Day Award

    (unfortunately not a joke)

  6. I throw my support behind SlowCoaster and the new Spoon album as well. (and if you like Bright Eyes, Spoon's Brit Daniel and Bright Eyes released a neat little mutual EP last year called "Home, Vol. 4" that's worth listening to) Can't wait to hear the Sharon Jones disc.

    Both Okkervil River and Magnolia Electric Co. have been doing it for me lately. I'm not totally sold on MEC's studio release, but the live "Trials & Errors" is bursting with all sorts of Neil Young-like flavours! :) Emotionally powerful stuff without being the least bit hokey or sentimental.

  7. Russian Futurists - cute and fun. They've been coming up in all types of discussions over the last few months, and I finally got the opportunity to hear them. Best part is that they really look like they're having a good time, and that's contagious. Nice way to start off the show, though I sorta wish they would've had second billing instead of the opening spot, for reasons below ...

    Junior Boys - erm, maybe the irony just runs so deep these days that it doesn't need to be acknowledged. But I kept hoping for at least a smirk or wink from the boys on stage ... I mean, they don't really /mean/ it, do they? Or ... do ... they? ... Those beats, with those sounds, with those synth lines ... and yet, they look so serious about it all. Did he really just ask me to hold him like a baby? It would make for a great 'in' joke, if I suspected it was a joke at all. (and I like Talk Talk, FWIW). I'm either not jaded enough these days, or I'm too jaded in all the wrong ways. Either way, big *shrug*.

    Caribou - agreed with Palms that "Up In Flames" had a lot of shoegazery - as well as a Spiritualized kinda vibe - going on. I was hoping for a bit of the groove of "Start Breaking My Heart" on the new record, which I didn't really find, but I found something else to get into. The show was ... well ... fantastic. They hit pieces of all three, and it flowed *well*. Felt short, though, but I imagine if I was drumming like that, I wouldn't be able to keep it up all night either. I really like that they choose to keep things like the vocals pre-recorded and do the rhythms live. The safe and obvious choice, if you've only got three people up there playing, is to do it the other way around, but it really works this way. It was most definately worth checking out!

    (cheers to the Silver Apples reference, Palms)

  8. Yeah, I wouldn't be chomping at the bit to see him live. The mood he serves is more like drizzly foggy morning in cottage country than ready-to-rock on TO island, for sure. Glad Bjork saved the day.

    I am kind of liking Superwolf (the Bonnie "Prince" Billy & Matt Sweeney collaboration) after a few listens. It's a partnership that seems to work pretty well, though I was definately impatient with it on the first spin and left it sitting for a long time before giving it another chance. Might have something to do with the rain.

  9. Heh, funny stuff guigsy. More details about the B"P"B show?

    There is so much interesting music being released so quickly it really is getting difficult to keep up. We may have to do a "roundup of albums in 2005 so far" thread ... and it's only April!

    (my most recent 3 thumbs ups:

    Caribou - The Milk of Human Kindness

    The National - Alligator

    Magnolia Electric Co - Trials & Errors)

  10. Yeah, every band on that list is worth checking out, for sure. The Go! Team are a blast, make me wanna dance ...

    Bonnie Prince Billy (Will Oldham) is great, but can be kind of a downer. A lot of the Palace music stuff he released is stellar.

    Arcade Fire - phenomenal. If I hear "Funeral" one more time, I might kill myself, but it is a great fugging album. The S/T release before it is good too (as are the CBC sessions, if you can dig 'em up)

    The Decemberists break my heart (in a good way) repeatedly, and Colin Meloy is on the right road to genius. I prefer "Castaways & Cutouts", but others will differ.

    Secret Machines - yeah! The track "Nowhere Again" is a good place to start.

    M. Ward is a talented muthafawker. The shins are ... well ... the shins! Take "oh, inverted world!" over "chutes too narrow", but they're both gold.

    I have no love for the Fiery Furnaces though. I just don't get it, I guess. :(

    Thumbs up to all the albums you listed (minus "Blueberry Boat", and I think there are better starting points for Oldham than "There is a Darkness") The Soft Bulletin kicks Yoshimi's ass.

    [edit:] rubberdinghy, you gotta check out "Midnight Vultures"! It's prince-y. (in my world, that's a goooooood thing)

  11. If Vin Diesel was a D&D character his statistics would be so high that they would be partially fused with infinity.

    In the American Revolution Vin Diesel swam over the Atlantic ocean to speak before Parliament. They refused to hear the gentle giant, so he fought the lot of them, then made off with the Queen. Their child was Winston Churchill.

    Vin Diesel is the father of David Bowie, whom he sired in an attempt to have sex with the planet mars.

  12. They've done that peculiar thing where they slyly turn a "popular favourites of the moment" poll into a "greatest albums of all time" list. Definately a lot of great ones on there though.

    Being a British poll, I'm surprised that there's no love for T REX - Electric Warrior.

  13. Dont smoke dont smoke dont smoke

    Dont smoke

    It's a nine billion dollar

    Capitalist Communist joke

    Dont smoke dont smoke dont smoke dont smoke

    Dont smoke

    Smoking makes you cough,

    You cant sing straight

    You gargle on saliva

    & vomit on your plate

    Dont smoke dont smoke dont smoke dont smoke,

    Dont smoke smoke smoke smoke

    You smoke in bed

    You smoke on the hill

    Smoke till yr dead

    You smoke in Hell

    Dont smoke dont smoke in living Hell Dope Dope

    Dont smoke dont smoke dont smoke

    You puff your fag

    You suck your butt

    You choke & gag

    Teeth full of crud

    Smoke smoke smoke smoke Dont dont dont

    Dont Dont Dope Dope Dope Dont Smoke Dont Dope

    Pay your two bucks

    for a deathly pack

    Trust your bad luck

    & smoke in the sack

    Dont Smoke Dont Smoke Nicotine Nicotine No

    No dont smoke the official Dope Smoke Dope Dope

    Four Billion dollars in Green

    'swat Madison Avenue gets

    t' advertise nicotine

    & hook you radical brats

    Dont Smoke Dont Smoke Dont Smoke

    Nope Nope Dope Dope Hoax Hax Hoax Hoax

    Dopey Dope Dopey Dope Dope Dope dope dope

    Black magic pushes dope

    Sexy chicks in cars

    America loses hope

    & smokes and drinks in bars

    Don't smoke dont smoke dont smoke,

    dont smoke dont dont dont dont dont

    choke choke choke choke kaf kaf

    Kaf Kaf Choke Choke

    Choke Choke Dope Dope

    Communism's flopped

    Let's help the Soviet millions

    Sell 'em our Coffin-Nails

    & make a couple billions

    Big Bucks Big Bucks bucks bucks

    bucks bucks smoke smoke smoke smoke

    smoke Bucks smoke bucks Dope bucks big

    Dope Bucks Dig Big Dope Bucks Big Dope

    Bucks dont smoke big dope bucks

    Dig big Pig dope bucks

    Nine billion bucks a year

    a Southern Industry

    Buys Senator Jesse Fear who pushes Tobacco subsidy

    In the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

    Dope smokes dope smokes dont smoke dont smoke

    Cloak cloak cloak room cloak & dagger

    smoke room cloak room dope cloak

    cloak room dope cloak room dope dont smoke

    Nine billion bucks for dope

    approved by Time & Life

    America loses hope

    The President smokes Tobacco votes

    Dont Smoke dont smoke dont smoke dont smoke

    Dont smoke nope nope nope nope

    30 thousand die of coke or

    Illegal speed each year

    430 thousand cigarette deaths

    That's the drug to fear

    In USA Dont smoke Dont smoke Dont smoke

    Get Hooked on Cigarettes

    Go Fight the War on Drugs

    Smoke any other Weed

    Get bust by Government Thugs

    Dont smoke dont smoke the official dope

    If you will get in bed

    & give your girlfriend head

    then you wont want a fag

    Nor evermore a drag

    Dont Smoke dont smoke Hope Hope Hope Hope

    O Please Dont Smoke Dont Smoke

    O Please O Please O Please

    I'm calling on my knees

    Twenty-four hours in bed

    & give your boyfriend head

    Put something in your mouth

    Like skin not cigarette filth

    Suck tit suck tit suck cock suck cock

    suck clit suck prick suck it

    but dont smoke nicotine dont smoke

    dont smoke nicotine nicotine it's

    too obscene dont smoke dont smoke

    nicotine suck cock suck prick suck tit

    suck clit suck it But dont smoke sh!t nope

    nope nope nope Dope Dope Dope Dope

    the official dope Dont Smoke

    Make believe yer sick

    Stay in bed and lick

    yr cigarette habit greed

    One day's all you need

    In deed in deed in deed in deed smoke weed

    smoke weed Put something green

    in between but don't smoke smoke dont smoke

    hope hope hope hope Nicotine dont

    smoke the official dope

    Dope Dope Dope Dope Dont Smoke

    Smoke weed indeed smoke grass yass yass

    smoke pot but not nicotine no no

    indeed it's too obscene

    put something green

    in between your lips get hip not square

    listen to my wail don't dare smoke coffin nails

    ugh ugh ugh ugh the government Drug

    official habit for Mr. Babbitt

    Dont smoke the official dope

    dope dope dope dope don't smoke

    Dont Smoke Dont Smoke.

  14. First with your hands, then with your mouth

    A downpour of sweat, damp cotton clouds

    I was a fool, you were my friend

    We made it happen

    You took off your clothes, left on the light

    You stood there so brave, you used to be shy

    Each feature improved, each movement refined

    And eyes like a showroom

    Now they are spreading out the blankets on the beach

    That weatherman is a liar, he said it would be raining

    But it is clear and blue as far as I can see

    Left by the lamp, right next to the bed

    On a cartoon cat pad you scratched with a pen

    "Everything is as it has always been

    This never happened"

    "Don't take it so bad, it is nothing you did

    It is just once something dies, you can't make it live

    You're a beautiful boy, you're a sweet little kid

    But I am a woman"

    So I laid back down and wrapped myself up in the sheet

    And I must have looked like a ghost, because something frightened me

    And since then I've been so good at vanishing

    Now I do as I please, and I lie through my teeth

    Someone might get hurt, but it won't be me

    I should probably feel cheap, but I just feel free

    And a little bit empty

    No it isn't so hard to get close to me

    There will be no arguments, we will always agree

    And I will try to be kind when I ask you to leave

    We will both take it easy

    But if you stay too long inside my memory

    I will trap you in a song tied to a melody

    And I will keep you there so you can't bother me

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