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Posts posted by d_rawk

  1. Ok, today I understand Freeker's post (a "Hux, come over and check the basement for a drill, there may be one down there" type thing).


    Hux, did you find one in the basement of that place? Borrow Bouche's? Still need one? I'm downtown, but the boys are coming out this way for Bluesfest and could prob. grab mine before they head out.

  2. Wanted to see the New York Dolls (!) and Calexico, and Frisell (heard good things), and though it may be unpopular on this forum, really want to see Alexisonfire. But ....

    Snelly & Cox should be there though dude. Do it up!

    (might see you there yet)

  3. he also asked the guy if all 4 of us could go into a booth together. he was like "yeah as long as you're not noisy"

    When I worked that job (the "adult" industry sustained me, in various ways, from runaway teen to present day upstanding adult), I had a strict one-person-per-booth policy. nobody wants to clean that shit.

    There goes my political career. I should sleep.

  4. My occupation field in my profile keeps getting truncated. It's embarassing.

    It leads people to believe that I am employed as the "dark solitary eye-nerve watcher of the world". period. full stop. WTF would that mean?? It sounds ridiculous.

  5. Researchers recruited 101 young adult men

    [color:purple]Wow ... 101? Sounds pretty thorough and exhaustive!


    [edit:] My mistake. 33, not 101. Given that even the proposed 1 in 10 ratio for homosexuals to heterosexuals is in perpetual dispute, fishing for evidence of bisexuality based on a best-case 1 in 30 for (plugging my nose while I say the next word) "properly" bisexual males seems overly optimistic at best.

    (to say nothing of the methods themselves which, beyond the numbers employed in their service, indicate a potential [i won't be so arrogant here as to suggest a certain] misunderstanding of the nature of sexuality itself - ie. fixed, rather than fluid. stable, rather than volatile. measurable, rather than evasive. Is it possible they are hunting something without even knowing what it looks like?)

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