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Posts posted by d_rawk

  1. Soundscapes is hosting shows?? I thought I must've been confused, and that this couldn't possibly be the little record store on College, but then found some pics from when Badly Drawn Boy played there ...


    Crazy. How long has this been going on?

    (looks like it'd be hot in there)

  2. Ack. There is a song about high five intimidation/apprehension that bradm's post made me think about, but I can't bring the tune, lyrics or band to mind. All I can find is "High Five Anxiety" by Nerf Herder - but I don't think that's what I'm thinking about.

    Thanks a lot for burdening me with that "word on the tip of the tongue" feeling, brad :P

    Maybe I've imagined the whole thing. (Maybe none of us really exist at all).

    I should go to bed now.

  3. Rob, nice to have met ya this year (and to have discovered that some of the same strange characters weave their way through both of our pasts ... funny, that).

    Make sure to get into some trouble out there, and stay in touch with those of us not fortunate enough to have a coast to play on.


  4. Haha. Button mystery solved? Perhaps!

    BTW - Snelly tells me that since I've been gone for the last couple of days, when he grabs a beer little Cleo hears the bottles rattling and comes running thinking that d_rawk must finally be home. Maybe not smart per se, but definately not stupid. (And possibly an unfortunate signifier of the lifestyle choices I've made ... but that's another story ... :))


    (Del - FWIW - I've also co-habitated with a bird. I think it takes either an utter disdain for sleep or a special kind of patience that, clearly, neither of us possess. But then, forcing something to live under a particular set of circumstances and then killing it for being .. erm .. annoying .. under that same set of circumstances seems a little shortsighted. At best.)

  5. That means no

    Where I come from

    I am cold

    Out waiting for the day to come

    I chew my lips

    And I scratch my nose

    Feels so good to be a rose

    Oh don't, don't you lift me up

    Like I'm so shy

    No no no no no

    Just give it up

    See there are bats all dissolving in a row

    Into the wishy-washy dark that can't let go

    I cannot let go

    So I thank the Lord

    And I thank his sword

    'Tho it be mincing up the morning, slightly bored

    Oh, oh morning without warning like a hole

    And I watch you go

    There are some mornings when the sky looks like a road

    There are some dragons who were built to have and hold

    And some machines are dropped from great heights lovingly

    And some great bellies ache with many bumblebees

    (And they sting so terribly)

    I do as I please

    Now I'm on my knees

    Your skin is something that I stir into my tea

    And I am watching you

    And you are starry, starry, starry

    Oh, and you you will never ever

    Know how very sorry

    You will be

    (I am)

    Now I'm tumbling down

    And I check a frown

    It's why I love this town

    Well, just look around

    To see me serenaded hourly !

    And celebrated sourly

    Dedicated dourly

    Waltzing with the open sea

    Clam, crab, cockle, cowrie

    Will you just look at me?

  6. Mark Leyner ("Et Tu, Babe?", "My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist") makes me laugh, but if you're talking about who I think you're talking about, those might not be the best choices.

    How about the Ladinsky translations of Hafiz ("The Gift", "I Heard God Laughing")? They are like a reset button for the soul. Because after all ...

    'A poet is someone

    Who can pour Light into a cup

    and raise it to nourish your

    beautiful parched holy mouth'

  7. Ah, damn Snelly, why'd it have to be that picture??? :)

    Thanks everyone. Man, was Kevin Breit and crew incredible or what? They'd better come back -- I'm sold! Those guys took the sting out of not being in Tennessee on my b-day. I keep thinking that if I still had my old apartment across the street from the Orbit room, my week could start and end with them. It'd be like church. But rawkin'.

    And against all odds -- my panties stayed dry! ;)

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