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Posts posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. Since Canadians are a bunch of Scientists (big Up K-os), perhaps we are a little over critical of our artists. That's why they are so good. They have to persevre an army of bitter synical fans who have been spoiled by too much mass media. I'd be really hesitant to put down an act. I know I've hosted enough indie rock nights which were on the verge. It takes more courage to get up on the stage and do what they do than it is to sit on the sidelines and bicker. Even though you may try to knock Gord down, he'll just smile, ponder the inevitability of death, and do it all with grace too.

    And yeah, his rants are lyrical noodling... who ever said music was void of voice. And this guys not going to stop, your going to need a truck to move all of his written work once he is dead and gone. MMMMMMmmmm the future!

    And yes, nothing but good tidings can come from the songwriting relation between Gord and Samson. Case in point: New Years 2004-2005...

    BTW any see the passionate eye last night? Bidini was cuising through Russia on a Hockey Pilgrimage... and even though all those Dirty, wussy North Americans are over there, the home team still won. I could care less about the NHL... you want to keep hitting the gas on a bus that's gone over the cliff. Watch pro-north-american sports. You want to help the world, walk to your community rink, and watch (or even better), play there. Hockey players should not be multi-millionaires. Especially when I know too many people in the Health care industry who shop for food at the food bank.

    Hmm, and what's up in the Soudan... why isn't this slathered over the front page of my Newspaper everyday... ::

    Mmmm feel much better now that I got that all out. ehehe


    edit: I changed one to won. Whoops.

  2. Right on... thanks for all the leads... anyone know of and new New Deals? Not that I wouldn't like to deal with the real deal, but its a small and special place we are talking about and I don't want my patrons to be packed liked sardines. Hehe. But a new New Deal just might work. I just love the New Deal. okay... I gotta stop this. :P


  3. Hey Everyone,

    Just looking for some education into who's a solid Acid Jazz artist that works in and around Toronto. I'm really getting turned on to the scene, and see how it's mashing into the Jam world, and would like to get more aquainted with the who's who of the live acid jazz scene, and I also really wanted to write a really long, rambiling sentance, so that when you read it, you'll forget what it was when I started: Acid Jazz!!! Thanks for your reply.


  4. It's amazing how primevil fear is... but it's an illusion... If you don't fear death, and don't fear god, then none of the current American rehtoric makes much sense. Too bad all I see at 4:00 in the morning when I get home is advertisments for Christianity, and baby making factories, or some other vain pursuit. I'd rather come home and see NBC showing Dead Shows from Radio City or some sh!t like that... I mean all this potential... and they just tap into our fears... fu@k... bunch of cowards.

    There's my two cents anywho... yar.


  5. Computers... and 700 desperate animators making scale. The key is the writing... those space cadets make some great points.

    It'll be cool when Conan takes over the tonite show, and Trey and Matt can do live animations for interviews... mmmmm 2012... what a glorious time to be alive. Sorry... I digress...



  6. Yes, super cool. Totally digging the new tables... but Marge, you didn't stick around to see me rock the MircoKorg... it's amazing how something with 2/3 size keys can move the musicians attack so (couldn't see the audience cause I was behind the PA).... give em eight notes with some sub base arpeggio, and they rage... ez up with some sweet bubbly funk organ, and voila... space jam. I was only playing the one, five, and octave all night. BTW... I'll get better at the lights... those pedal boards are retarded.

    Peace... hey Marge... if you'd like to swing a picture of that handsome bearded devil you saw at Troops out now... also, if you have any hot mama shots... those would do too, though I imagine you were behind the camera most of the time ;).



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