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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. There's been a lot of talk about Hilary as VP.

    This seems dangerous to me. Is it a good idea to invite a possible power struggle right at the top?

    It'd be nice if there wouldn't be a power struggle, but I just don't see how there can't be.

  2. The concert industry is thriving while the "record" industry goes down in flames, and it's exactly the mid-level attendances that are doing well (say 1000 - 10000).

    Sure, the days of the Stadium Rock Act may be over, as are the days of the Mutli-Platinum Album Seller. But with the advent of DIY marketing through sites like myspace and independent music blogs and sites (not unlike this one), it's quite possible to do what Ani DiFranco figured out years ago. You can market yourself, manage yourself and maybe gather a modest audience all while cutting out the middle-men.

    These are the days where the slate has been wiped clean and new models and paradigms are being created. Interesting times.

    Single tear.

  3. Don't most musicians *like* to play live, and hence, tour?

    Yes they do, but is it the path to success on a large scale? Is it efficient?

    Also note: The Beatles did not extensively tour...their early popularity was largely due to the marketing that went along with them. You could get Beatles lunch boxes, pencils, and other schwag in North America before anybody had even heard a note played by them.

  4. Hmmm.

    I've thought from time to time that an upstart band might spend their time better bolstering their web presence or getting local malls to play their music over the PA system's rather than driving 6 hours to play on a Wednesday night.

    The paying of dues (playing clubs on off night) vs. working smarter and picking your spots.

  5. I just read this on Douglas Coupland's blog.

    "The economics and necessity of touring are rapidly shifting. I have a hunch that soon enough touring will be an anachronism along the lines of crossing the Atlantic on the Queen Mary — People used to do that?"

    He was obviously referring to book touring, but I was wondering ...

    What relevance does the above comment have with regard to music touring?

    [color:purple]And also ... does God need to tour or is He just there ?

  6. Further defining ominipotence is likely unnecessary...do you want that removed?

    I'm not at all sure what you are asking here (sincerely, I'm not being sarcastic, though I anticipate that it is going to look like sarcasm)

    The part of the questions that follows the word Omnipotent --> the "can see when you've been bad or good" portion.

    Wondering if that is unnecessary and the problematic portion of which you were referring.

  7. The way God is defined in that poll is pretty stacked in favour of the final result you wish to see.

    What is this, sunday school?

    I am in fact interested in seeing if people believe in the traditional Christian definition.

    I truly am not trying to sway anything here....so please quote the stuff that you find leading as per my attempt to phrase the question to represent the traditional Christian version of God and it shall be removed.

    [color:purple]Maybe there will be another poll where one is asked in a different way if they believe....maybe even you could make that happen....wowzers...this is getting craaaaazzyyyyy.

    What's the colour for smarmy?

  8. It would be nice if this was just a yes no maybe thread.

    I presume this thread started as a result of recent statistics being released in the media petaining to Canadians belief in God.

    Quarter of Canadians don't believe in any God.

    Like Ollie said this can and is going on forever in Jamband land....so here's a poll The Jamband God Poll!

    Read how God is defined in the poll and weigh in. Good luck I hope you ?win?

    Results will be available in a week.


  9. I'll give a thumbs for life right now.

    It's been tough (winter/post band break up) go, but I am feeling like I've been making some good decisions and have stopped editing the shit out of everything I've been trying to create.

    That's a nice place to be back to.....believing in yourself is a lot less taxing than constantly focussing on areas in need of improvement; both modes are necessary I suppose, but I'm glad to have turned a corner.


  10. Bumpin it up because this is less than two weeks away!

    Also Dan's record Stars & Satellites has been digitally re-released at MyMerchTable.com - Here's the link. It's selling at an incredibly inexpensive $6.


    1. Summertime

    2. She’s A Drug

    3. Stars And Satellites

    4. Whiskey And Wine

    5. East Coast

    6. Dear Serena

    7. You’ll Be Alright

    8. The Kings

    Hope to see you all at the Sock Hop or somewhere down the road!

    Awesome album. Really can't say enough about it.


    Come on folks support this great artist.

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