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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. sharon jones is more fun! but I hate that when 2 things U want to go to are on the same night.. whhhhy
  2. GARG I honestly forgot about this until I was lying in bed about to go to sleep.. BOOO
  3. would have been nice to know about this like... a month ago....
  4. yeeaaah Mickey..hope U had a GREAT one!
  5. I feel great!! (knew someone was gunna say it...)
  6. Hey Everyone... Another show I will be attending... Anyone else hitting up the Franti?
  7. Happy B day Kev! hope U had a great one
  8. yeah... I don't really like the koolhaus that much.. the sight lines suck.. hoping that I can get to the front to boogie down.. Hippie babies.. not sure the world is ready for them yet.. lol
  9. Anyone else going besides me??? I missed her last time, can't wait to get down to her sweet sounds again!!! ps it's at Guvernment...
  10. awesome!! I just got a cat so I know how exciting it is to get a pet!! I love that you guys chose an older dog and gave her a better life YAY!
  11. Happy yummy food day everyone!!! Why is it only once a yr that we are thankful... I'm thank-full every day for what I have.. woohooo!
  12. wohooo I'm so there Edger!! hope U come too
  13. wohooo!! cannot wait for the chaos!!!
  14. Soooo Me and a couple girlfriends are headed there this weekend. I went last year and wished I had seen more... Anyone else going?? What are some good things to check out??? WOOT!
  15. can't wait to see them again.. I miss the sweet sounds of wassabi in these parts..
  16. Yay Will!! We will miss U this Nuit Blanche forsure!!! hehe GOOD GAME!! I'm so glad everything's comin up milhouse for ya!!!
  17. How much does a pirate pay to get their ears pierced... A Buckeneer!! heheheheh
  18. PJ.. check out Chameleon project on Sept. 27th... I think it's at Revival.. YAR.
  19. Pirates be hating this Harperrr... garg.
  20. yarrr this be a scurrry band... with a bunch of land lubbers as memberrrs...
  21. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Dont' forget, ye all be pirates this scurrrrrvy day... YARRRRRRRRRRR!!!
  22. I had vietnamese food for lunch.. YUMMMy... Beef Souf (not the rare one cause that's yucky..) Springrolls and honeydew bubble tea
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