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Posts posted by phishtaper

  1. im reserving opinion on the dispute because I dont know any of the details, but 3 + 3 + 3 + 3.5 isnt at all "petty", in my mind.

    my most recent contract only gave 3 + 3 + 2.5 + 1 ATBs. long gone are the days of double digit hikes.

    edit to add: regardless of the specifics, I wish everyone a speedy and fair settlement. i hope you are back to work soon, traveler. strikes are not fun.

  2. I have to say I don't see why that is a "good " article..atleast if your sympathies lie with the strikers.

    so, a "good" article has to take a side? it was one of the more informative articles Ive read so far, and answered a few questions I have. in my mind, that does indeed make it "good".

  3. interesing video. i had no idea rumsfeld was involved. i'd be interested in knowing when the video was made, because studies on the effect of aspartame on brain neurotransmitters were actually published as early as 1986, and although most found no problems, at least one indicates increased levels of serotonin in mice, and flagged greater potential problems with developing brains (ie., baby mice). the human corollary, i guess - don't feed your kids artifical sweeteners or you may turn them into e-heads.

    the recent systematic review I noted looked at the relationship between aspartame and incidence of cancers, and did not explore effects on the brain in any great detail.

    who knows, maybe rumsfeld is involved more than we think and aspartame is indeed part of an evil plot that is turning people into conservatives. ;)

    thanks for the vid, starhead.

  4. #296 Songs with names that are also corporate-slogans (and the corporation who uses it)

    1. Aquarium - Zoom Zoom Zoom (Mazda)

    2. Bob Seger - Like A Rock

    3. Alice In Chains - Real Thing (Coca Cola)

    4. Th Rolling Stones - Start Me Up (Micro$oft)

    5. Led Zeppelin - Rock And Roll (GM Motors - Cadillac line)

    6. Justin Timberlake - I'm Lovin' It (McD's)

    7. Aretha Franklin - Think (IBM)






  5. #294: A Questionable Theme (Song titles that are questions)

    1. Snailhouse - What Are Your Coordinates?

    2. Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced?

    3. Bob Dylan - What Can I do For You?

    4. Marvin Gaye - What's Going On?

    5. nero - is it morning yet?

    6. Bruce Springsteen - Does this Bus Stop at 82nd Street?

    7. Rod Stewart - Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?

    8. Beatles - Why Don't We Do It In The Road?





  6. personally, I dont care if McCain thinks a christian president would be better than a non-christian president or that people vote based on a candidate's religion.

    what strikes me as problematic is that he is running as a candidate for president himself and essentially saying they because HE is christian he is superior to anyone who is not. ie., dont vote for that guy because he's a jew, or a muslim and worships a god incompatible with the founding principles of our nation.

  7. #292. Songs by bands on your upcoming show calendar

    1. Grace Potter & The Nocturnals - Nothing but the Water

    2. Fat Cats - Soldier's Home

    3. C'mon - Come Taste The Rock

    4. Ween - Homo Rainbow

    5. Gov't Mule - Thorazine Shuffle

    6. The Disco Biscuits - Jigsaw Earth

    7. Corb Lund - Expectation and The Blues

    8. Ween - Hippy Smell

    9. Wassabi Collective - One Love One Light

    10. Diesel Dog - In the River

    11. Stars - The Night Starts Here


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