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Posts posted by phishtaper

  1. so, if a candidate loses in a very close race, they are ineligble to go in via the topping list? sucks to be them?

    so, the party is essentially running two completely separate slates? one as per normal via individual ridings? and the other via the list? and 'ner the twain shall meet?

    that seems to kinda defeat part of the purpose in my mind, and would suggest that perhaps the Green Party should not run any of their good candidates in any riding, but just put them on the list.

  2. well, is that even clear yet? is each party required a priori to post a list of those who would be chosen within their topping list? i wasnt under the impression that they would have to. but even if they did, they would just post the winnable names (to attract the general 'party' vote), but those same names would probably win their own ridings, so the party would then have to choose among those who didn't win their own ridings - including toxic defeated cabinet ministers.

    sorry, did that make sense?

  3. That was my *first* big concert! I think I was 14 or 15, and I went to the CNE with a few friends to see the show.

    I was at the Billy Bragg show at the old Forum at Ontario Place that night. Bragg was making jokes about the Corporate Mr. Smith and his big rock show.

  4. i agree that accountability becomes a big issue. it leaves open the possibility of an MPP royally screwing over their riding, and never having a hope in hell of being re-elected, and yet still making it back into the legislature as one of the gang of 39. sh!tty cabinet ministers could almost become invincible if the party is re-elected.

  5. and as it happens, this week we actually have the power to directly affect the industry ...

    50 Cent and Kanye Ouest in the battle of their lives. Whoever sell the most CDs during this release week for their new CDs gets to kill the other guy ... or, something like that. So, go out and support your choice!!

  6. hmmmmmmmm, now that I look at the pic, the ScroDome ... I mean, the SkyDome, no, hmmmm, the Rogers Centre, looks like a giant bag beside that huge dick ... hehe.

    jeese, ya think, genius?

    i like to think of them as Toronto's big F U to the rest of the country.

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