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Posts posted by phishtaper

  1. so, the diesels that I see everyday that visibly emit smoke are just badly maintained? (diesels shouldnt emit any smoke at all?) ... because I see dozens of spewy diesel vehicles everyday, including almost all older vw's, benz's, as well as school busses, transpo vans, etc.

    school busses that idle at the side of the road for 30 minutes to 'warm up' are one of my pet peeves.

  2. Saw him at Molson Amphitheatre sometime after Odealy and before Mutations - maybe summer '98? - with Ben Folds Five :thumbup: and Sean Lennon :thumbdown: opening. Good show.

    saw that one too. he's quite entertaining in a geeky kinda way. he also opened for the Stones a couple of years ago at the skydome, but we only "saw" him from backstage on the monitors. he sounded good, though. :)

    i'd recommend him. the music is great. his dancing? well ...

  3. A systematic review (the gold standard of medical research) about aspartame was published last week in Critical Reviews in Toxicology. The authors reviewed hundreds of studies published since 1980 and found no scientifically credible support for the charge that the artificial sweetener is related to human cancers, despite widespread common misconception that it is. While aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal) has been linked to bladder problems in lab rats, there is no credible evidence that it causes cancer in humans (completely different bio-mechanism). [The study only examined aspartame, not sucralose (Splenda), so there is no comment on it.] I can email the pdf of the article to anyone who is interested, although it is massive (100 pages). It is one of the most comprehensive studies of its type ever produced.

    Also, it's not in this paper, but I looked into this a few years ago when a friend asked and the supposed worst culprit in artificial sweeteners - saccharin - was once again made available for human consumption in 2000 when the FDA delisted it as a carcinogen as it was found to unrelated to human cancers.

    The problem with this sort of situation is that once the idea is out there that something is harmful, its virtually impossible to change public (mis)understanding.

    So, according to the most up to date medical opinion, aspartame is not carcinogenic.

  4. Going diesel may be the best option.

    i have a naive question. what exactly is better about diesel? it certainly can't be the emissions because they are horrendous (honestly, I dont know how any diesel car would pass a regular emissions test). so, is it just that you generally get better mileage, and therefore use less gas? or, is it something in the way it is refined? inquiring minds want to know ... :)

  5. #281. Songs With Serial Killers or Mass-Murderers In the Song-Title (Either Their Real Name, or the Nick-Name They Go By In Their "Trade")

    1. Dan Bern - Krautmeyer

    2. Judas Priest - The Ripper

    3. Kinky Friedman - The Ballad of Charles Whitman

    4. Sufjan Stevens - John Wayne Gacy, Jr.









  6. #279 - the 12 song albums game's 12 greatest hits (cant pick your own submission)

    1. George Michael - Careless Whisper (seems to be popular around these parts)

    2. Frank Zappa - Billy the Mountain

    3. Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up

    4. David Sylvian - Orpheus

    5. Red Peters - Ballad of a dog named Stains (Come Stains)

    6. The Band - The Weight

    7. nero - Breakline (with a horn section)

    8. Radiohead - Paranoid Android

    9. Rheostatics - Record Body Count




  7. ok, I now get that candidates either run locally in individual ridings and are elected as Local Members, or provincially by being on the party list and are elected as List Members.

    my point - and perhaps its more strategy than logistics - was that for the Green Party, for example, they would have a better chance of electing a List Member than a Local Member and should therefore field superstar candidates on the List (to attract provincial support via the Party/List vote), rather than fielding those superstars locally where they might not stand a great chance of winning. (In 2003, Green candidates only garnered 3rd place in 2 ridings ... although, presumably they would do better today as evidenced by the recent federal election).

    my hypothesis is based on the assumption that voters would split their two votes, ie., vote Liberal for their local candidate (in order to prevent the Tory from winning, old story) but also vote Green for their Party vote. so, regardless of how any party does locally, they could still pick up List Member seats.

    and of course, this will wreak havoc on pollsters' predictions. especially in close elections, where the List Member numbers could dictate who forms the government.

    i'd love to see this pass the referendum, it would be fascinating to see an electiin run using these rules. im not hopeful in it passing though, because people generally dont like change. although, a lot of people dont like the status quo now either.

    ps, thnx for the link, Kev. now we can use the correct terms.

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