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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. Bingo Problem is, they seem to forget the Republicans are pretty good at avoiding it.
  2. please, those are the best nights. you can throw up on people with absolutely no consequence.
  3. yes, it might help to contact a club manager or maybe the promoter and ask (not demand). i actually did that in the past for another band (The Heads) in another part of the club complex there (there are actually 3 clubs there). the band was cool with taping, but it wasnt well known, and the club had no idea. the club manager told me he just wasnt sure about it so he could not give me permission to bring in full gear, but "what he didnt see, he wouldnt care about. and noone would be searching at the door for recording equipment" ... ie., go stealth, young man. so we did. and after the show, we started chatting with Tina Weymouth and she was so pleased we stealthed it she invited us backstage to hang. was very cool. sorry, i stray. yes, my guess is that since it is very well known that Mule is very pro-taping, the key will be to just have management tell security beforehand that its ok for us to bring stuff in. Mule's Official Taping Policy says they will have tapers tix (but I dont see any for TO) and tapers section. Sounds like they are on top of it.
  4. Dont assume anything about that venue. Yes, we have taped openly there many times and the Mule is cool with it, so theoretically it should not be a problem. That said, weve gone there and been told that the gear is fine, but the stand cannot come in (for another show). And there's no point in taping without a stand there - too much chatter, bottle clinking, etc. It's one of those messed up security scenes with big beefy guys with more braun than brains and the need to compensate for tiny weewee's. Given the band's history though, Im confident that it will be fine, but fair warning.
  5. I'm with you. Mule is bad ass South. Who else can make ya wanna swig JD during 'she saaaaaaaaid, i know what its like to be dead'?
  6. personally, I am offended and disgusted. although, if pressed, I would have to admit that I have not actually seen the performance.
  7. I'd like to know what he did with that woman who was on the back of the dude's bicycle in the commercial where he suddenly appears behind the dude when they emerge from the tunnel, or whatever. (You can tell I took notes, eh) That's a creepy commercial.
  8. ive been spending the past few days reading articles about how inaccurate most health GIS is in calculating distances between points (for the purpose of proximity to care). ugh.
  9. now, why'd they have to go and stop it? i had five bucks on the kid in red yeah yeah, im appalled too, but not all that surprised. cock fight anyone?
  10. it's when the eggnog finally goes bad, after nobody drank it for four months
  11. wow, quite the impressive and varied list of jobs people have here. this is very cool! and who thot we all just hung out in our parents' basements, eating bon-bons and watching oprah all day? cheers all you hard working people!
  12. mmmm, jesus juice. but no children, that would be wrong :blush:
  13. ... some things will never change
  14. moral of the story: never admit to anyone that you are good at anything
  15. yes, and ironically, Ghandi started out as a lawyer.
  16. i don't doubt that some may be rescued. but when you've been told you are going to burn in hell way too many times over the years, you tend to lose your ability to empathize with most of these individuals. it's useless engaging them in debate because you simply cannot argue intelligently with people who selectively (mis)interpret various passages in an historically mis-translated book that they hold up as THE way for YOU to live YOUR life, yet they themselves violate most of it everyday - but gawd forbid you point that out to them. (and yes, i am grossly overgeneralizing here with "they", etc.). if you want to venture into the pit of vipers to try to save the one with the least amount of venom, then you are a better man than me. I'm just sick of trying.
  17. im into knowledge translation
  18. unfortunately, intentions generally do not equal behaviours here. until hybrids or alternative fuel cars are more affordable, i wont buy one, as much as I'd like to. a couple of years ago, we looked at the toyota and honda alt-cars and they were about 30% more than the comparable regular engine models. so, as much as I'd like reduce my environmental footprint here, it's just not fiscally realistic yet, and I simply dont have an extra $8k to spend. :crazy: that said, we did make a point of getting a fuel efficient 4-cyl civic (which has turned out to be a bit of a lemon, and is why we will never buy another honda).
  19. 86.1 too. but now Im craving some MMW and Pet Shop Boys. btw, this is really cool. thanks.
  20. why would one even bother is my question. its impossible. its just as productive as pissing into the wind, or talking to a rock, or extinguising a campfire with farts. they just ain't interested in even attempting to listen to what you have to say, so in no way can it ever be a real dialogue. its just an invitation for them to try to convert you to their distorted way of thinking.
  21. brilliant. i love when he asks "are there any nickelback fans in the house?" and he is met with silence and booing. it reminds me of when Joan Jett was put on the bill at the second Police Picnic at the CNE in the early 80's and she was pelted with fruit. i can still picture the grapefruits smashing in the lighting rigs. but in that case, i felt sorry for her.
  22. the courts found him not guilty. let it go people. hasnt he suffered enough?
  23. cool. thanks. this is great! nice gear too. gotta love that little m-audio.
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