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Posts posted by phishtaper

  1. We have a question on the ballot in the Guelph municipal election this year that asks if we want to do away with the Ward system when electing city councillors. Its a screwed up and ambiguous question since it does not actually specify the "give up for what" alternative (at-large being the presumed, but not explicitly stated, alternative), but that aside ... what do people generally think about electing city councillors At-large vs. geographic Wards? Im curious. Cheers.

  2. i once walked past a student in a tutorial at mcmaster and was bowled over by the strong pungent smell coming from the very large backpack she was so intensely protecting, tucked between her feet under her seat. hmmmmm.

    perhaps this single case was skewing the average here, and she alone was statistically factored in as representing 200 or 300 students in calculating the 60% mean. LOL. easily, she could have supplied that many ;) so, maybe the mayor is just not so good at math. :P:o

  3. ALL amps, lights, gear, drums, instruments, etc., ensuring that no amps have recently been pissed on by the Insane Clown Pussy; a dressing room designed by a homosexual; a Bob Hope impersonator backstage; two industrial fans so Iggy can "do the scarf thing they used to do in Bon Jovi and Heart videos"; a BMW motorcycle, and; a house soundman with a deathwish. this is the best rider ever written!!

  4. But then there's the schmaltz factor, and that's just really, really hard to get past - the appeal to the Lowest Common (Cultural) Denominator, that I find a bit unforgiveable - too calculated, and, correspondingly, too manipulative.

    No doubt, Elton is one of those few artists that has literally produced some of the very best and some of the very worst music in modern times. His early stuff like GYBR, Madman and Captain Fantastic is nothing short of brilliant, and even his 90's Disney work is incredibly well crafted music for the suburban masses. But some of his 80's works like Leather Jackets and Victim of Love are horrible. Its been said that as goes his life, so goes his music. And the man has quite the adventerous ride, from being the very first superstar to officially come out of the closet (as bisexual) after a miserable pretend marriage, to stints in rehab, to countless #1 hits, Acadamy Awards and Grammy's, to human right activist. Personally, I have a lot of respect for the man.

  5. I love Tumbleweed Connection.

    Yes! That album gets regular rotation for me, as does Dont Shoot Me Im Only the Piano Player. Two of my favourites.

    Goodbye Yellow Brick Road was the first album I ever owned - and it resulted in me getting my own record player, because "children dont use the stereo". Was a Double Gatefold. They sure dont make stuff like that nowadays ... what with all these new fangled gizmo's and jammy jamm woohahs.

    Say what ya want about Elton and his various moments of drug-induced mediocrity, but one cannot deny that the man is a musical genius.

  6. hey all, I have a pair of Trey Anastasio tickets for tonight in Ann Arbor, MI, that I cannot use. Im not looking for any money, but dont want them to go to waste. if anyone can pick them up from me in guelph and get to the show, they are yours. im in guelph. the show begins at 7:30. you'd pretty well have to get them from me in Guelph by 2:00 this afternoon, and high tail it straight thru Detroit to the show in Ann Arbor. you must pick them up from me, sorry, i cant drive to meet you anywhere. short notice, I know, but someone may feel the need for a road trip. email me at phishtaper-at-gmail-dot-com. first come, first served. i will try to reply to all, but if you dont hear back right away, they are probably gone. thanks.

  7. I saw him in Buffalo last year. Im glad I went, but I dont think I would go out of my way to see him again. The most interesting thing was that the crowd was unlike any crowd I had ever seen - a mix of urban rappers, jamheads, conservative synagogue folk, and well dressed 30/40-something women who really didnt seem to want to be there. Wasnt a long show either, from what I remember.

  8. I admire his ambition here, but it does seem a bit odd that he's in an industry that relies on, and demands, energy consumption to use his product (manufacturing, shippping and playing CDs, touring, radio, etc.) and yet he wants to cut down on that very same consumption. That said, great things often come from seemingly strange positions, and I welcome his.

    The Hillside Festival has a small, tertiary, 100% solar powered stage. It's a small step, granted, but one in the right direction.

    And Thom York is a fancy little dancer too - maybe they could harness his energy to power the lights. :)

  9. hey afro poppa, thanks for your on the scene reports yesterday. i have a feeling your post ended up dissuading a few people from making the insane, and by all accounts dangerous, trip down. sorry that you got stuck there in all of that.

    and as for it being Friday the 13th ... our cat got sprayed by a skunk just after we got home. yesterday was a long strange day.

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