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Posts posted by phishtaper

  1. Thanks for this. :)

    Cameron paved the way for many Maritime performers and was said to be the godfather of celtic music in Canada. He inspired the likes of Natalie MacMaster, the Rankins and Ashley MacIsaac. I used to watch him with my mom on the CBC with Anne Murray. He will surely be missed.

  2. I'll be at Sam The Record Man (for their 20% off everything in the store sale).

    oh gawd, saving 20% is not worth the hassle of fighting with fellow shoppers, traffic, parking, debt, sales staff, etc. have fun, I'll be staying home, safely tucked away.

  3. Forgiveness is overrated and I blame Oprah for this phenomenon.

    HEY!!! That's unforgivable!!

    ok, loco, if you wish to troll for things for your book, i think it's only fair that you identify yourself and tell us more about this book. what other electronic communities are you researching?

  4. Dear Susie,

    My boyfriend wants to move in with me but he hates my 2 dogs. He'll walk the Rotweiler but never the poodle as he says he is too embarrassed to be seen with her. Should I kick him out? I don't want him to traumatize my poodle. What should I do?


    Dogger - London, EN


    Get rid of the guy. I have a theory that you can tell what a man is like in bed by what kind of dog he likes. For example, if he likes terriers then chances are he's a premature ejaculator. If he likes Labs, then he's good for a make out but has follow through problems. These are facts. I've done the research. Most men with Rotweiler's are closet cases and overcompensating. The fact that he doesn't like your Poodle is a very bad sign indeed. If you can find a hetero guy with a Yorkie or a Shih Tzu or a Pomeranian then that guy is a keeper. If he's secure enough in his sexuality to be seen with a froo froo little dog like that, then there's a man who is good in the sack!


    Ask Susie ... some priceless Q & A.

  5. Does anyone know of a large scale wind turbine farm being constructed somewhere in south western ontario?


    I drive Hwy 6 everyday, and see three sets of trucks transporting gigantic turbine blades each morning along #6 from Hamilton towards Guelph. Each blade is an impressive sight, probably close to 30m long. So far, I have seen at least 20 sets of three. My guess is that they are heading up to somewhere north of Guelph, maybe near Georgian Bay or Lake Huron, but I have no idea.

    Ive googled to no avail. Anyone know anything about this?

  6. Zamboni crew put on ice for fast-food run

    Nov. 23, 2006. 11:07 AM

    BOISE, Idaho - Two employees of a city ice rink have been fired for making a midnight fast-food run in a pair of Zambonis.

    A tipster reported seeing the big ice-resurfacing machines chug through a Burger King drive-through and return to the rink at 12:30 a.m. Nov. 10. The squat, rubber-tired vehicles, which have a top speed of 8 km/h, drove 2 1/2 kilometres in all.

    The Zamboni operators, both temporary city employees whose names were not released by the parks and recreation department, had to negotiate at least one intersection with a traffic light on their late-night creep from Idaho Ice World.

    "They were fired immediately," said parks department director Jim Hall.

    Hall said neither the $75,000 (U.S.) Zambonis nor their $10,000 blades appeared damaged, but the city could charge the pair with operating an unlicensed vehicle on a public street.


  7. My cat died with what he was born with.

    didn't have him de-balled? bob barker wouldn't be too happy about that ;)

    we all do what we think is right for our animals. personally, we dont get a city tag for ours because of a silly political issue with the way the city has managed dog bylaws in guelph. but yeah, this thread has underscored the real benefit of a tag. even if only for a caring neighbour to call.

    continued cheers to deeps for taking action, edinburgh is one of the busiest streets in guelph and not a place for a dog. most people would have just driven by. we've taken a lost dog over to the GHS too, and its nice to know they do all they can to reunite lost pets, and their no-kill policy is very comforting.

  8. i think it resurfaces again and again because it is a fundamental problem in this country that has never been fully addressed, let alone solved. yes, people are sick of it. yes, people would rather it go away. but, until we explictly recognize and work towards bridging the inherent cleavages in this country based largely on geographic region, language and culture, it will continue to resurface.

    Quebec has legitimate concerns here, so do the Maritimes, the West, etc. to brush them off as a recurring nuisance is not only ineffective, its insulting. an elected and representative Senate would be the first step towards constitutional recognition of these identities within Canada. regardless of why the PM made these statements, or what he hopes to gain from doing so, the bottom line is that Quebec is a nation within Canada, and these tensions are unhealthy for the country as a whole.

  9. uh oh' date=' you seem to have lost faith in the Dem's natural ability to screw up a good thing. its like they permanently have a cocked pistol strapped to their belt pointed right at their woohoo's, finger taped to the trigger, and they suddenly think ... "hey, let's go for a drive on a bumpy county road". :crazy: [/quote']

    You are sadly, so right.

    hmmm, usually when Im right, people rejoice ;)

  10. what's the problem with saying that Quebec is a nation? i think it is. ever been there? :) is Quebec the only nation in Canada? nah. so too are the Maritimes, Ontario, the West, and arguably, the Prairies. slice and dice them as you will (probably on geography, language and/or culture) or call them regions if that's more pallitable. but one cannot deny that there are very strong and distinct identities across this great land. i really don't think that's a bad thing.

  11. i dont own the CD, so can't comment on it. but, i did go to see him at Copps in Hamilton back in the spring. it was one of those "he's a legend and we should make a point of seeing him before ... " things. was a really fun show. he sure has written a lot of huge songs. I did get the other album poster, though. :)


    sorry to hear you aren't all that big on his new CD, MarcO. i guess they cant all be like Dylan, whose recent stuff is up there with some of his best.

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