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Posts posted by moe.ron

  1. apparently it starts at 8:00. They have the new deal listed and then one ton - but I'm assuming that the new deal is headlining?! Ah well, the earliest I can be there is 9:00 if I'm lucky so hopefully I won't miss the show. Can't wait to see you all there! grin.gif" border="0

  2. GRADUATE!!! Wow, I thought this day would never come. Actually it was technically 2 days ago. So I am very happppppy!!! And wanted to share it with all of you.

    The most important part of this message though is that my actual ceremony is on June 13th, which just happens to be nero's first show back in Ottawa after their travels! Hope to see you all there (those of you who will be in Ottawa)!! grin.gif" border="0

  3. thanks everyone and sorry velvet, I wasn't informed that it was a secret or else I definitely wouldn't have said anything...sooo soooooorry! in that case. Everyone is invited back to my house after my ceremony... I don't think there is anything going on that night. confused.gif" border="0frown.gif" border="0

  4. sweeeeeeet! how on earth did that come about?? do tell! My experiences there have been less than pleasurable - i.e. slave labour camp. My wages are laughable. Did you teach there or were you a student?

  5. I've got a totally random question for you...

    Have you ever been affiliated with the Nepean school of music in Barhaven - perhaps in a band photo on display in the stairwell??? If not, I have found your twin. I was going to ask them if they knew you but I realized I don't know your last name. Ah well. Just wondering, if you can, lemme know what the deal is. tongue.gif" border="0

  6. just to totally change the subject for a minute, I must tell you that I still don't get the avatar for Pablo. I was watching GM check the sanctuary and saw the brainy guy and said "oh great, he actually has an avatar now", but it turns out he always had and I just never see it...does anyone know why? Not that it is really important, it just sort of puzzles me.

  7. mmmmmm gaaaarrrlic! Thanks to harpua for giving the king himslef the potato request or we woulda been out of luck! That punk kid was not getting the message that we NEEDED POTATOES!!!

    p.s. I have fully recovered from the brain sucking incident. Howler is still just learning the technique and didn't quite get it right, the effects were minimal.

  8. I agree, she is incredible. I went to school with her for a few years. I gotta ton of work to do or else I would be there. Hope everyone had fun last night. I still have bubble 'cack' in my hair and all over my dress. It was all worth it though, thanks for the bubbles ms. hux!

  9. Hey AD, funny little fact, I actually sat next to Julie from Eric's Trip on a bus for 13 hours once. We were talking most of the time and it was only near the end that I found out who she was. She's super cool.

  10. I know what you mean ms. Huxie! Sheesh - grade 9 is totally young to lose virginity (I think) - maybe I'm old fashioned. Maybe those americans felt the pressure to be a man and all that after school special stuff, because everone knows you're not really a man until you've had sex. (I'm being sarcastic - just to clarify)

    But seriously, I can't stay silent about this not'putting out'until gr.9 business. Do you only see girls as sexual objects? If so you need to get into the 21st century and realize that if somone chooses not to have sex that is their decision. So what if someone is 25 and chooses not to have sex yet - does that make them 'square', are they not 'cool'. Let alone teenage girls - they have enough to go through without thinking that they are doing something wrong by not 'putting out' before gr.9. Please if you have daughters someday don't pressure them to have sex to please the boys, they will decide when its right for them.

  11. coolest birthday present ever - a friend of mine wrote a song for me. And not some cheesey little "its your birthday la-la-la", it was an actual beautiful song. I was utterly flattered and it has remained the best gift ever.

    As for birthday show, I've got the shaft on that one (AUG 31st) until last year at moe.down. It rained and rained and rained and rained, and was W-I-N-D-Y and I went to bed early. So not the best birthday show, but the only.

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